You could just go down the route of custom fields or create additional form fields i.e. Register More People and then it opens up the same basic form with the required fields. Howe...
The new Email Insights feature in the latest release might be useful to you. Apparently the notes will be on the Product Documents on Friday of this week - see Email Insights - Mar...
The comments by Geoff Krajeski on the workflow above offer good thinking. Also, if you are sending emails to people who didn't open the first email, then you should consider making...
Thanks Sanford, I've used the pURL feature before to personalise URLs for direct mail print runs so I will be sure to read up on that again. Thank you.
I suspect this has already been answered somewhere by someone but how do people treat direct mail lists in Marketo when there are no email addresses. In my case I have a direct mai...
Yes that's a good approach. We used a similar model for a while scoring A1 through to D3 based on demographic and behavioural criteria and then handling the data appropriately i.e....
We tend to add them to email nurture tracks using an engagement program but to pass them over to our telemarketing agents in SFDC relatively quickly e.g. after just one email touch...
Edward has it right. We used to sync at the program level i.e. automatically but we no longer use that and instead use flow steps in a smart campaign to 'Add to SFDC campaign'. The...