Good data governance is keeping your Marketo database up-to-date, accurate and useful. Here is how to create a smart list to identify fields with abnormal values.In this example, I...
The Unicode replacement character � (often a black diamond with a question mark in it) will often appear when imported data is invalid.Here is a smart list you can setup and subscr...
Hi Elizabeth, if you are referring to the Marketing Suspended Reason field make sure it is a new custom field. If you ever have trouble adding a new value using the 'Change Data Va...
Hi Dwight, yes the program membership data is related to period cost month in reporting. If you have entered period costs but forget to enter the most recent month, when you look a...
Instructions for setting the Marketing Suspended to FALSE if the email address field is updated or the record does an activity.Smart CampaignSet Marketing Suspended to False - New ...
Automatically identifying email addresses which bounce repeatedly and setting these records as Marketing Suspended is TRUE in your database will help protect your sender reputation...
Hi, one option is add more program statuses. Each time a record downloads the content the record will need to flow through a smart campaign to change the status to the next one. An...
Hi Derrick, I like to use the lead/person performance report with custom columns (smart lists) to track the number of times a record does something. Thanks.