I have used a separate program in a traffic cop style approach to manage entry into multiple nurture streams and move people from one nurture to another. It's very unique and custo...
If you are looking at a specific record and looking to see if a data value change was due to a list import, you can look in the activity log history and do some detective work. You...
I have used firmographic score, engagement score and lead score, three separate fields. I also, only allow the firmographic score to be no higher than 30 % of the total lead score....
It would be helpful if you could provide an example about what you are looking to track and the reporting that you want to see that would be helpful. I'm not sure what you mean by ...
Marketo bases whether a person received an email in the engagement stream based on the email ID, as long as that hasn't changed, they will not receive that email again. If you clon...
Hi Brenda,Here are some things that I would double check:If you register 2-3 test leads with case 2 are the tokens different, they should be uniqueHave you checked that the token i...
I thought it was 4 hours but maybe I am remember incorrectly. Also, if the invitation has expired, I could never figure out how to resend the invite. I deleted and then reinvited t...
Hmm That's interesting. The exame must have changed from when I took it at Summit from now because the exam at Summit was almost identical to the ones in the practice exam. It's ta...
I'm curious to hear how others have handled making sure that people aren't bombarded by too many emails. How do you control both from a process perspective and tools to control who...
I've used clear slide in the past. There wasn't very much to integrate but that was about 2 years ago so not sure if anything else has come about. What are you looking to integrate...