The guys are of course 100% right. When you look at your email performance report, you will see a column "Pending". The number of people shown there are the ones where retries are ...
Whenever troubleshooting web service errors in Marketo, this is my go-to page, as it is Marketo-specific:
However, for the first...
Always happy to chat, but based on your Calendly slots I think we are on opposite sides of the globe. Hopefully will see you at summit.
Filled out the survey.
Typically, more details on the error will be provided in the response that is sent to the platform making the API request. If you want to know more details about the error and the ...
There's already a good conversation going on several practical aspects of Marketo's capabilities, but I would like to zoom out a little bit here and challenge the usefulness of wha...
Great considerations across the platforms and for the UX@Darshil_Shah1!
For the actual Marketo changes, I would actually create your cancelation email and set up a smart campaign f...
I would say that the thread you refer to is only the technical definition of usable records in the database. Depending on your local regulations that can be enough, but often isn't...
As a simple first check to add to the guys' very valid questions: Is your own email address actually in the database? If not, an email will never send.
Also note that the email will have links in there with personalized tracking for the "to" recipient, so a BCC recipient clicking on a link will surely mess up your email performanc...
Indeed. A few checks you can do to pinpoint where it is going wrong:
Assuming your registration page is a Marketo LP, run a LP performance report to see whether that shows convers...