Hello!I can't seem to access these meta data anymore. This section is always greyed out after an email was once approved. Both in Design Studio and in an Email Program. I tried to ...
I rebuilt your setup internally, and for me it works exactly as expected. I was wondering if this was due to having the Random Sample flow step combined with something else - which...
We just stumbled upon this recently. It's in Treasure Chest:Can't add much more insight though. We turned it on, and we expect it to do what it says, but haven't gotten proof of it...
There are a couple of ideas out there for a better representation of this view in Smart Campaign Schedule:But I wanted to express again how confusing this line can be.1. Email is o...
What Dave said:Your contributions here in the community and on your blog have been a tremendous boost to Marketo users the world over.You're a legend in Germany too! Congratulation...
Just wanted to add that we used this feature a couple of times recently, and we're happy with the results.We merged Marketo-only fields with Dynamics synced fields and even two Dyn...