Ah apologies, let me re-phrase that:Essentially this would assign the score of 1-3 with a Data Change and then all recipients would receive the email just with the different person...
Hello!We're working on a campaign that would assign email personalization (From Address, Body Copy, etc) to one of three representatives.In theory how it would work is:Lead qualifi...
Hello!Here with another probably basic question, but I am stuck on this.We have an email that basically looks for data points within one custom object to "qualify" them for content...
Fair point - that is true.I think it's more that from my Program setup I can see that there's say 300 people that are "active" in the program flow, but can't on a glance see what p...
Apologies upon apologies if this has been answered before - but I can't seem to find the correct query to give me the answer I need.We have a large number of always-on Smart Campai...
Looking to remove some fields from a Custom Object that we use primarily for demographic data. The issue is that any attempt to delete throws an error message that reads "Not able ...
Hello!I'm building out a template of programs tied to event invites and registration from our website. Currently there is two programs that would utilize either Tokens or Velocity ...
Apologies for being slow on the reply. Good to know I was in the right thought process. Ended up going with the vendor's notification process instead of building out an middle-grou...