Can you explain this in more detail by chance: "Handlebar replacing velocity script"?1) Does this imply that anything using Velocity will no longer function properly and is there g...
Ah apologies, let me re-phrase that:Essentially this would assign the score of 1-3 with a Data Change and then all recipients would receive the email just with the different person...
Hello!We're working on a campaign that would assign email personalization (From Address, Body Copy, etc) to one of three representatives.In theory how it would work is:Lead qualifi...
Hello!Here with another probably basic question, but I am stuck on this.We have an email that basically looks for data points within one custom object to "qualify" them for content...
Fair point - that is true.I think it's more that from my Program setup I can see that there's say 300 people that are "active" in the program flow, but can't on a glance see what p...
Apologies upon apologies if this has been answered before - but I can't seem to find the correct query to give me the answer I need.We have a large number of always-on Smart Campai...
Looking to remove some fields from a Custom Object that we use primarily for demographic data. The issue is that any attempt to delete throws an error message that reads "Not able ...
Hello!I'm building out a template of programs tied to event invites and registration from our website. Currently there is two programs that would utilize either Tokens or Velocity ...