Hello!We're doing a small one-off email that will use scripting to populate records. Since it is so small we're just using a CSV list import to populate the custom object data.I'm ...
Got it, yes I am confirming that.Was just curious if the NULL value being sent for a Date field that has no value would be causing anything that would have the "Is Empty" filter "s...
Hello!Wondering if I could get some advice on a problem: We're using a date field within a Custom Object and pulling a Smart List with the field condition of "Is Empty".When our Da...
Hello!Had a question regarding Communication Limit settings and sending "the next day": Is there any sort of global "Hold Email Send to Next Day" or such option if a Lead hits the ...
Yeah, pre object would make the most sense to me. I'm all for clearing records but working for a financial institution we have a lot of account and other data that needs to live.Gr...
Hello!Looking for a little clarification on how Custom Object records work. My assumption is that a "record" is basically a row of data tied to a Lead.So in this image example:That...