Its not advisable to remove leads from engagement program as this will effect your reporting matrix for that EP.
I would rather suggest you to create an Empty stream...
Although i have not fully grasped your requirement, but from what i have understood you add lead to a SC based on certain action performed which send an email to them...
In conjunction withChristiane reply, do keep a record as the higher the time between activities there will be more chances of you also eliminating genuine Human actio...
As Sanford mentioned, Marketo triggers are designed to listen to activities which will happen after the trigger is set. That's why the trigger says "Email Bounces" & ...
This is the specific reason I suggested to check all your shortlisted tools, as you are the best judge for your specific requirement & technology keeps upgrading fast so revie...
Haven't heard of any instance of content getting deactivated automatically.
Are you sure email are not sent because of being deactivated & the admin Asset Audit trail d...
Here is a previous thread on same topic which could be of assistance to you.
The basic difference between the two is that BP Professional is a full certification exam & by clearing the exam you receive a certificate of BP professional & ...
I second@Darshil_Shah point.
Also for more info, Transition rules in stream are designed to PULL leads in to streams, so if your EP is designed where leads can move...