Denise Greenberg - Do consider that a lead can not be a part of multiple segments at a time. Though, we have experienced that the processing is faster for a segment v/s a smart li...
Durable Unsubscribe - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation mentions that - When a new person is created, Marketo checks it against the master email status table. If the person was...
Sandra Wachter's post - "Towards accountable AI in Europe" mentions the following - AI based systems are often opaque ‘black boxes’ and are difficult to scrutinize. As increasingly...
This really summarizes this up very well. We're working in a pretty unstructured environment, and there could be lot of ways to get into errors. While the intention is never to mak...
Looking for more material suggestions, however the contact did take an affirmative action to accept invitation, or request connection, and reaching them out (for marketing) should ...
Michael Mason - I second that. We use Lucid Chart for same and the flow charts help Non Marketo people as well to understand what's happening. To further utilize and collaborate, ...