Pia Simeoni - Would suggest to label the collateral/content/assets as Resource Center - and then attribute the source/channel/medium into different fields. Digital would be one ch...
For non Mkto pages which are being tacked via Munchkin, you would want to use "contains" and URL string - google.comMarketo LPs will appear just as they are named in Marketo.
Doing this will potentially create duplicates. Instead - add the email addresses which you have in the SFDC report to Marketo smart list in the filter Email Address is, to see how ...
Operational emails ignore Unsubscribed and Marketing Suspended statuss. They send no matter what - Make an Email Operational - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation Besides, setting...
I think we need to set it up for all form fills, as they're different content. A triggered campaign for each different content/form fill, looking at Data Value Changes of Marketing...
If you want to exclude the members of the program from the smart campaign, you can say Not a Member of Program in the smart campaign - though, the leads can only be added once to a...
Functionally, you could use a Data Value Changes trigger (which applies on the field which you're using to hold emails) - e.g. Marketing Suspended. When the same turns to FALSE via...
Triggers are activities - one way to grasp is one of the activities qualifies at a given instant - fills out form (activity) - as opposed to filters, which is kind of a property/cr...
Shelly Wilson - Yes - the campaigns which add leads to engagement program will still add the members to engagement program. However, it won't react until you switch on the engagem...