Thanks,@MirayThis was a very specific and extremely helpful approach! As you mentioned, the best approach depends on the requirements, so I’ll take some time to consider the most s...
Thanks,@Michael_FlorinI completely understand!I’d like to learn more about Traffic Cop. If possible, could you recommend any helpful documents or seminar archives?
Hi,I'd like to ask about scenario design for engagement programs.Question 1: Ideally, I would like to transition leads from Cold → Warm → Hot, but if there is not enough content fo...
Hi@uditmathurThank you for always supporting me!I have a few additional questions for clarification:Question:If the same lead is part of multiple engagement programs, the delivery ...
Hi,I have questions about setting up Engagement program. I apologize for the number of questions, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer them.1. Overlapping Deliveri...
Hi@uditmathur,Thank you for your help!>Question2:If the number of available content pieces is limited and leads consume all of them, are they simply left unattended until the next ...
Hi,I have a few questions about setting up streams and cadences for the Engagement program as a beginner. I’d appreciate it if you could provide some answers.Question1: What happen...