Here are some Salesforce-related system fields/tokens that will be available in Marketo automatically when you setup the sync.
Available in Marketo as a...
Hi Jeff, Answer to B) Assuming no costs are added but behavior for a channel is set to inclusive, what happens to Program members by cost timeframe report? I assume that data would...
Attribution is how Marketo gives credit to the programs that help influence sales and opportunities. Test your knowledge with the following exercises:Acquisition AttributionHow man...
Attribution is how Marketo gives credit to the programs that help influence sales and opportunities. Test your knowledge with the following exercises:Acquisition Attribution (FT) f...
The first example is using the Explicit Setting (Credit is given to a program if the contact reaches success and has an opportunity role/primary):Seminar in AnaheimOne of the two n...
An overview of the native Forward to Friend functionality in Marketo. Using the Forward to Friend token in your emails allows you to track leads who have received a forwarded email...
Here are some tips to troubleshoot RCE Program Opportunity Analysis issues:IssueSuggested RemedyIt is difficult to sort by program in RCECreate a program naming convention which is...
Since understanding the results of the different RCE attribution settings can be challenging I have done my best to outline an example so you can see the differences.This first exa...
You can change the way Marketo ties contacts to opportunities for acquisition and success attribution, FT and MT.These settings will impact RCE reports under the Program Opportunit...