I understand Engagement programs in theory, but in practice they're really complicated. I can't conceptualize how this would be done with a custom object. I would love to see scree...
We use Extended Validation so we had to provide our own certificate. We still had to purchase Secured Domains for Landing Pages (this was in July or August).
If they roll Marketo Summit into Adobe Summit, I hope they continue the depth and breadth of the Marketo breakout sessions! I think they keynotes and more thought leadership-type s...
Technically, Marketo's ABM platform does this...but what they don't tell you is that you have to manually review each account's "Potential People" and add/reject them. This becomes...
One thing to do is sort out why they hard bounced. When you run a smart list, you can add the constraint "Category". Category 1 means you were rejected by the server as spam. Categ...
I found the virtual training class to be helpful ... it was nice to be able to ask very specific questions, and she gave us some hints on things to make sure to study. Oddly enough...
SFDC is the most widely-used with Marketo. It's got the most documentation, and most Marketo experts have experience with SFDC. And there are a lot more SFDC Admins than any other ...