I agree with everyone that this is confusing, because if you upload a list to a program, you're forced to choose an Acquisition Program for new people. However, if you add to the l...
I don't understand how this would work. If you're pulling people into a stream, how could you have transition rules on the first stream? Aren't you supposed to use a smart campaign...
We use website forms and push them to Marketo via API by adding to static lists. One warning I will give you is that you don't get acquisition program set automatically (adding som...
That one comes from the Definitive Guide to Lead Scoring. Marketing and Sales should both be involved in developing scoring, and Sales makes the final call.
This was soooo helpful, thanks! It definitely helps me focus my areas of study. I apparently need to learn a lot more about reports!You might want to consider numbering the questio...
I know how hard it is to get people to change their ways!Even if it's going to only be sending to customers, those people are definitely going to forward to other customers who are...