Hi Sanford,I hoped you'd jump on this. Questions for you;Why does ${{ break the token code?In the WYSIWYG do I simply type ${esc.d}{{lead.Gift Amount}} ? What command is {esc.d}?ho...
hi all,We are sending a summary email of donation amounts for the FY. We have custom currency field Total Amount of Gifts, and, because it is a currency field, it only takes number...
Hi Gregoire,I have had some issues with our unsubscribe page recently, when we changed from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. For a little while, people were visiting the unsub page, clicking ...
Hi All,This is the clsoest thread to what we are experiencing with our unsubscribe form. We have an API between our Drupal site and MKTO, and this works fine for the campaign form ...
Thank you, it does help. Because we are nonprofit not sales, the scoring system is not in use in our org. I also guess that if we want to know the stream a person is in we can just...
Hi all,is there a way to tokenise the engagement stream a person is in? Our situation: we have a custom field called current journey, but nothing has been programmed to change the ...
Hi Harish,Apologies for needing a little more guidance, but what token would I use to identify the lead who filled the form, and the email used to fill the form?Are you talkign abo...
Thanks Sanford, I'm testing it now.Will I be able to edit the header info per lead, i.e. everytime this alert is sent, the from name and from sender fields are populated with the p...
Hi,we use Drupal forms to integrate with MKTO, to use as people signing petitions and pledges. One setting in Drupal that we used was that it automatically sent a pre-written email...