We've been experimenting with tracking product/application interest. So it's a bit more long term than a campaign but based on your example of product line, we are using product/ap...
Hi NateIt depends on a lot of things whether you want to have a 1:1 relationship. For the most part it is almost a 1:1 relationship. I'm actually giving a talk on addressing this q...
Also,Company Name is a field on the lead/contact object. This does not affect the account name which is tied to the opportunity object. Before you go and create a bunch of parallel...
Agree with Dan. The whole point of having unique program statuses for each channel is because in most cases they are different. For some channels like Paid Social, SEM, PPC, Online...
I have had a few instances where contacts were used exclusively. If you do that, you have to place a stronger emphasis on the use of contact status. In many cases leads are only cr...
We also ensure that all the emails that the sales folks are sending to are filtered out for unsubscribes and email invalid before they hit up their send list.
Hi Thomas,If I understand your question correctly, I think there are two distinct parts. 1) How do I accurately capture web based traffic correctly and assign lead source as the ex...
Hi Briana,In addition to using the A/B testing module in Marketo you also want to take into consideration how you set up the test. Here's an article to help you out. https://nation...