To our surprise, we found this option in Marketo Field Management. It seems to only appear if your instance was moved to the Adobe Admin Console.Does anybody know what this functio...
Your assumption is correct. When any Marketo field is updated, "Updated At" should be set to that timestamp. And I assume "Consent Date" is a Marketo custom field, right?I'd file a...
I know for a simple flow, I would use the "visits web page" trigger-If contacts visit X page(s) within 1 hour, they will receive email 1I doubt that you can actually do that. How e...
You're right,@SSallee- I stand corrected.I thought you could just make any event program an Interactive Webinar, but in fact you can't. What you could do though, is import a webina...
@Juhui_ChoThat would be External Company ID.Here's an example:Create a company with some company data first{{base_url}}/rest/v1/companies.json{
I don't see any structural difference between Interactive Webinars (Adobe Connect) and any other Webinar program that is connected to a different platform regarding the Marketo pro...
If I'm not mistaken, any company in Marketo has two IDs. One is available through the token {{company.Id}} while the second is the so-called "External Company ID". External Company...
Yes, you can absolutely use "Block Listed = true" for this purpose. It might even be the perfect candidate for your use case, as it even suppresses people from receiving emails whe...
Alright, we have an answer:Our engineering team conducted further investigation and discovered that with PMCF fields, the situation is complicated by the Program Status. It’s not s...