Hi Darrel - Tried the smart list, but it's People/Leads tab mention "Error Loading Report" - checked the smart list filters - and the filters within nested smart lists a couple of ...
Hi,I'm under an impression that even if the count of batch campaign impact is timing out due to complex criteria and nested smart lists - the batch campaign would still process the...
HI Josh,The field type "score" is the only field type in Marketo which supports calculation. If you want to add +1 to a score - you can either use an existing scoring field for the...
Hi Andrew,One way could be to use segmentation and define the same as per different recent activities. (By capturing the activity in a field, and using those field values for defin...
Hi,We're trying to create a smart list saying Email was Delivered - Email B, which was part of the A/B test (Email Program). However, the pick-list won't show Email BIs this becaus...
Hi Jennifer,If you have the Appointment date, you could use advanced wait steps and have a Date Token, specifying the Wait to End 2 days before the Date Token for the Appointment.H...
Hi Kevin,If the "Has Encounter" field denotes the transaction, and you need to send an email 10 months/305 days after that transaction, you could build a triggered campaign saying ...
Hi Caroline,I would suggest to set communication limits for all emails, not just nurture. It's a good practice to limit a maximum of 2 emails per week, else you would have more uns...