We are excited to announce some important updatesreleasedtoDynamic Chatthis month that we think you’ll find useful.
Chat Transcript
As you may already know, all lead engagement ...
We are excited to announce some important updatesreleasedtoDynamic Chatthis month that we think you’ll find useful.
Support boolean field types
Now you can sync and capture bool...
Hello Nation!
As most of you know, we have launched "Proximity Pattern" a new identification method for email bot activities. Last month, we launched an option to choose either fi...
@greggturekPlease find a blog below:
Regarding 2nd point, rig...
We are excited to announce some important updatesreleasedtoDynamic Chatthis month that we think you’ll find useful.
Custom Routing Rules
For meeting booking functionality, we ha...
Absolutely! You are spot on with our next line thought. Do you think we should provide option to the customers:
a) Have the option to select the seconds differenceorb) Have the op...
@aisling-keoghThere shouldn't be a dependency of allowing popups for Chatbot to appear. If you are still seeing this issue please reach out to us at dynamicchat@ adobe .com
Hello Nation!
As most of you know we have launched "Proximity Pattern" a new identification method for email bot activities. After 2 months of observation and analysis we have see...