New Features of Dynamic Chat [launched in August 2022]

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee



We are excited to announce some important updates that were released to Dynamic Chat this month that we think you’ll find useful.


Chatbot - Disable poke for small screens:

Chatbot poke message on mobile screens is blocking a lot of screen area. This is feedback we heard from you and now we have made it a default experience for all customers i.e poke message will be shown only on desktop screens.



Configurations - Upload custom Avatar

This is one of the most asked features, now you can upload custom avatars to your chatbot. These avatars can be .jpg, .png. gif, .webp, and .svg. 

bot icon s.png


Enable/Disable Chatbot 

Option to enable or disable chatbot across all pages irrespective of Dialogues being published or not, is now just a click away. We have introduced a toggle switch in the configurations page using which you can disable or enable the chatbot


disabel bot.png

Option to include Google Meet link in the invite

Now in your meeting booking email, automatically send a Google Meet link when a visitor books a meeting. While this feature works only for Google calendars, we are working on enabling the same for Outlook calendars too.


Preview toggle now part of stream designer

Preview dialogue action is now part of the stream designer with a new logo!

Adobe-Dynamic-Chat (1).png


Let us know how you liked these features and what other features you would like to see in the product


Level 2

Thanks Sreekanth. Nice update!


Any word on designated routing versus the round robin routing? I don't see anything about that in this update. That would be very helpful for me and my company's sales development team. 
Marketo Employee

@greggturek Currently in development 🙂

Level 2

Thanks Sreekanth for the response. 


I saw that chat transcripts were part of the update. How can we look at chat transcripts in Dynamic Chat? I can't find it in there. 



Marketo Employee

@greggturek Will be part of Sept release! I will share update for that in community as always 🙂

Level 2

@Sreekanth_Reddy  I was happy to see Custom Routing Rules added to Dynamic Chat recently. Nice! Thanks! 


1. Is there an instructional blog or article coming soon? Can you point me to it?


2. I started to examine and tried to configure the custom routing. It looks like we have the ability to use attrributes to designate who a dialogue should go to. I'm actually looking for something even simpler. Can I simply designate that everyone from Dialogue 1 to Agent SDR 1 and everyone from Dialogue 2 go to Agent SDR 2. Or is using the attributes the only way to custom route the dialogue to an Agent. 



Marketo Employee

@greggturek Please find a blog below:


Regarding 2nd point, right now you have to replicate the criteria but soon will incorporate this feedback