@Joshua_PatnodAwesome! Thank you for the detailed feedback. We are as of now focusing on improving our bot activity detection and post this I will have your reporting feedback as c...
Hey@hpavlac, we haven't made any changes to any reporting yet. So, yes all activities will continue to be part of the report but you can consider using new constraints we added at ...
Hey@Katja_Keesom,Interesting! I am curious to know that since bot activities are junk data why do we want to analyze them rather exclude them outcompletely?
Hello@Aslihan_Ayan_Ha, instead of focusing on updating all reporting interfaces we are working towards making the filtering algorithm sophisticated enough so that all customers can...
Hello Nation!
As most of you already know our focus is on identifying the email activities triggered by bots. Here are a few links in case you need to know more about the feature:...
Hello Marketo Nation!
We are excited to announce some important updates that werereleasedtoDynamic Chatthis month that we think you’ll find useful.
Deselect Synced Attributes
Hello@Vineela_Maram! thank you for sharing that. Can you please share your account munchkins with us at dynamicchat@adobe.com. We can prioritize this for you 🙂