Hey Ele,The definition of this is inevitably going to vary from business to business, primarily in terms of what we define around the actual "opted in" meaning. System speaking, "m...
I agree also.I'm not a lawyer (thankfully), but based on what I do know:One key component of consent under GDPR is that it must be clearly informed, clearly recorded and easily rev...
Hey Mariah,Removing people from a smart campaign flow that they have already been through will not undo the steps that the original smart campaign took.To prevent a person receivin...
Glad to hear it!If you feel like your question has been answered, please mark one of the responses as correct so that this thread shows as answered within the community .
Hey Nick,Just to confirm - when you say subscribers received the email at these times, do you mean that you checked the activity history in the lead records/sending smart campaign ...
Hey James,New names = the number of people newly acquired by that program (basically acquisition program field value = that program), and cost per new name = # of new people divide...
Sure Yes. An engagement stream performance report will show basically the same data as an email performance report, but broken down by stream and then email as opposed to just emai...
Hey Nicolas,Unfortunately you can't make local variables dynamic You can input tokens into them, though - so there's likely an option to make them "dynamic" using velocity script i...
Hey Noah - for clarity, the qualification rules do not live within, and have no explicit, automatic relationship with your subscription preferences program, which should be where t...