Hey Vidhi,Sanford's referring to this constraint:It allows you to specify which page the form had to have been filled out on, like so:e.g. form is unsubscribe form, web page is uns...
Hey Bryan Epstein! Web personalisation can be a bit finnicky sometimes, especially with rules. There's two ways to achieve this which might work for you - the best may depend on t...
Hey Melissa,Can you clarify what you're looking for when you say "more details"? If you're just looking for the records who meet your criteria, not to commit any action on those pe...
Hey Community Wondering if anyone has a solution to this puzzle. I'm looking to exclude certain traffic sources from a Web Personalisation campaign segment - specific use case bein...
Hi Julie,What do you mean by "field 6"? If the campaign has successfully run and you can identify that the email has been sent to some people, but not everyone you expected, the fi...
Late to the party, but FYI JD Nelson, I've just tested this both ways and for me it only worked if I had the asterisks included at both ends (I was using partial UTMs).I'm inverti...
Hey Jessie,This is likely due to variables within modules being set to Global rather than Local.See here for more detail: Email Template Syntax - Marketo Docs - Product Documentati...
Hey Jared,I'm literally at this moment doing a bunch of research for latest examples and best practice for this with an upcoming project, and was thinking about posting a similar q...
Hey Ele,The definition of this is inevitably going to vary from business to business, primarily in terms of what we define around the actual "opted in" meaning. System speaking, "m...