Does anyone know if this is possible? I know that RCE can't see these fields. I've thought about writing the data value onto another field at the Person level but then I end up run...
I would recommend using the engagement nurture program. Set the cadence to weekly on whatever day (i.e. Wednesdays at 9am) The nurture program will allow the best flexibility to ad...
You can create this report with Lead Performance. Go to set up and choose the time frame and group leads by lead source. Drag over custom columns and that is where you select the s...
If you want to track anon, anon folks can be members of list. So you can as part of your flow step, add to list. They won't show up as members but they will show up as a line on th...
I ran into this exact same issue and I didn't want my metrics to be skewed so, Another way is to put the last interesting moment description in the alert so they know what form or ...
There is kinda of a work around, but it does involve creating smart lists for each factor that you want to see. In the out of the box analytics, create a report Lead by Source. In ...
If the names are vastly different, you could look up a few members in that SFDC campaign and look at the activity log for those members in marketo and identify the common thread. A...