Hi Guys, Just looking to get your opinion on fake fwd emails. I have seen a couple done and the open rate was over 50% for all of them. What do you guys think about this practice? ...
So the email templates that I have been sending have the forward to a friend at the top of the footer section and the amount of times its used is almost non-existent. I guess its d...
Hi Danielle Chan, This will only show the people who clicked the forward to a friend link in the email. If they are using a desktop client like Outlook they are probably more like...
Hi,In HTML view do you not see this? <img src="http://data.zaloni.com/rs/626-TFJ-400/images/CTA-Contact_Us-728x90.png" alt="Your Alt text" />If not try pasting that in.
ahh, so you can't find it in the image popup in the email editor?Have you uploaded the image into the same workspace as the email that you are creating?Can you view the section in ...
Hi Brett Carpenter, Is there any spaces in your image names? If you have spaces in the name the image will not load. use - between the words if you want to have a seperation for b...
Hi Pauline Hubert,There could be a number of reasons for this. Have you tried sending it to a different email address (gmail or hotmail). The spam filter on your companies email s...