How many different people are there who's image you want to insert? I'd guess you would want to create a number of tokens at the program level that house all the images individuall...
Cheers Josh Hill, One of my colleagues is following up that side at the minute but I needed to try and get an answer today so was hoping someone here might have already spoke to s...
The China Cybersecurity Law requires entities that collect personal information from persons in China to obtain consents and to store that data on servers physically located in Chi...
There could be a number of reasons, one of which might be that the company has blacklisted you. Do any of your sales team already have a relationship with anyone there? If so, I wo...
Hi Simone Du Toit, This could be done in Revenue Cycle Analytics very easily. See screenshot below, you would just have to make your field for number of guest visible to it as wel...
Hi Courtney Grimes, Is the company your talking about B2B or B2C? I'm guessing B2B. Also did you notice a difference in the open rate based on personal v company based email addre...
Like Veronica said above, RCA would allow you to pull those reports but if you're running it on a huge data set you might have trouble as it is very temperamental.
In the cases above they were event invites that were sent and then resent as a forward the next week to anyone that hadn't registered. I agree that a first time send is just hatefu...