I have a landing page with a Marketo image on it. For some reason Marketo seems to be removing the css class "card-img-top" and replacing it with "lpimg" which is breaking the styl...
Hi, I'm not sure I understand your question correctly. Are you using hidden fields on your form?You should have a hidden field for each parameter like Source and Medium. The fields...
weird. This style targets the padding of the dropdown but the box stays the same size after the padding reduces. I'll keep trying to figure it out. Hopefully someone else has bette...
Days and hours are exact. Wait 2 days means (48 hours from the minute they triggered the wait step). "Must end on" = is the time the wait step will finish and move to the next step...
Just of the bat you have 655 bounces between Hard and Soft. Look into this and how it can effect your sending. Hard and Soft Bounces in Email - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation...
what browser are you using? Does your company role out browser updates internally? See my screenshot from Chrome on a Mac, it looks perfect. Do you have a Litmus account? If not si...
Can you post the exact code for the email and we can debug it. Without the exact example you are working on, it will be hard to debug. I have not seen this issue. It seems to be on...