Although@Michael_Florinis correct in his answer on both questions, I would suggest to start a new thread with this new question. As the original post is quite old, this can become ...
The best practice we use is to set up a specific Marketo program for acquisition program CRM purposes and all people coming in from your CRM as program member to that program as so...
I received feedback from Product Management. As I expected, there will be no real impact. As the Results tab on a smart campaign is only a specific view on the activity log and the...
It is very important to understand the functionality of a custom sync filter. It indicates whether a record should be "kept in sync". If the sync filter is set to true, any changes...
A common bug bear without a real solution at the moment I'm afraid. There is a really old idea in the ideas section that could do with some more support to have it prioritized:http...
Unfortunately not uncommon and a frustration indeed. Just raised this with the product team to see if the bug can be fixed. In the mean time, any of the solutions the guys suggeste...