If you are limited to 10 Contacts when using Push to Tout, that is likely due to your ToutApp subscription being on a trial period. During the trial period, users are limited to:20...
If you have already paid for your account you may have signed in with a different email address. Make sure you are signing in with the email address associated with your Billing (m...
To change your password, you will need to first log out of your Tout account, and then click on this link: http://toutapp.com/password_reset/newOn this page, enter the email addres...
If you are experiencing trouble logging into Outlook, be sure to log out and then reset your password. If you are entering your correct credentials and it won't log you in, please ...
You may have signed in with the wrong email address and created a new account. Make sure you are signing in with the email address you configured your account with originally (make...
If you have exceeded the number of attempts to log in you will be locked out of your account for 15 minutes. Please make sure to wait a full 15 minutes before attempting to log int...
Are you logging in using Gmail? If so, could you try re-authenticating your account and if that doesn't do the trick please contact Support and provide the error message.
You can find tasks in your Command Center in toutapp.com. If you don't see the tasks you are looking for, click the Calendar buttons in the open/overdue sections to change the date...
In order for Tasks to Sync we have to have a Salesforce ID for that contact saved in toutapp.com. Salesforce IDs are added to toutapp.com through Push to Tout. Make sure you have T...
When you are sending a Campaign - you have two options on how your emails get created in Tout:AutomaticallyManuallyThe first option is an "Automatic" email. These emails go out at ...