What Sanford means to say is that there's a big block of jquery code in your landing page that's modifying the natural behaviour of your Marketo form. Your opening post makes it so...
You're endpoint doesn't look correct. It's missing /field/. Also the update parameter and value looks like it's entered under params and not body.Check the documentation again. The...
Using some jQuery$(".mktoForm .mktoLabel").css('visibility','hidden');$(".mktoForm :input").keyup(function(){if($(this).val()!=""){ $("label[for="+$(this).prop('name')+"]").css('vi...
1. Most likely your Person Score is the same field as Lead Score. There's been UI updates to try get terminology the same, but as you've found out, it hasn't been done very well.2....
Doesn't look like type is available in Marketo constraints.A workaround would be to ask Salespeople to prefix the task with the type when they fill out the subject. e.g. CALL- , EM...