Are you saying your sales people are creating Account records and Lead/Contact records separately?In that case a lead needs to be converted and added as a contact under the account...
If you don't have an in-house resource with coding skills, you will be limited in the kind of business problems you will be able solve. or just be able to solve at a slower pace if...
In general, there are people who are policy/process driven and are great at coming up with frameworks, best practices. Then there are people who are technically driven and are grea...
I've personally written one for Australian phone numbers but not sure if that's any use to you. Global numbers are too hard to manage so paying for service might the way to go if y...
An alternative is to code a html form that submits a hidden Marketo form instead. You can employ all the plugins and custom validation to your heart's content.
Can't help you specifically with your use case.However, Zapier works by "plugging in" both your platforms to Zapier by providing your API credentials. There are certain triggers an...
Marketo has a in-built webservice for GTM/GTW Add GoToWebinar as a LaunchPoint Service - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation Which would mean you don't need Zapier
Marketo landing pages are HTML pages, there's no way you will be able to read the POST body from the front end. As you have concluded, you'll need an endpoint in, e.g. php, a langu...