Since you haven't specified a timeframe, my guess is the difference in data retention policy for the two activities is causing the high disparity.Clicks link in email is retained f...
You can't equate Clicked Link = Visit Webpage as link scanners will come into the picture.Your high disparity might be caused by how you're setting the filter logic. Can you take a...
Sorry I didn't read your post carefully the first time.If you want to prevent data going from Salesforce to Marketo, change the visibility of the record to be hidden from the Marke...
If you have a salesforce developer, ask them to try create an Apex class and trigger to "migrate" the task from the contact record to the parent account record
Unfortunately there isn't as in-depth of a guide for Velocity as there is for AMP. Check here for starters though:
You can probably piece together an accurate picture with your own knowledge from using Marketo and docs from the developers site
I would say create a unique email field in SFDC which does a before insert validation, but you actually have a 2nd issue. If you prevent the sync of the duplicate, you disconnect t...
Since you're using wordpress, if you have php developers in house and should you wish to DIY, you can achieve the simplest form of automation by triggering an API call to schedule ...