So... use forms api to add utms as hidden fields, you'll nee to get the values from a cookie or url parameter with some additional javascript.automatically submit the form on known...
So you want, for example, a cookied lead who clicks a link that should go to a landing page... to skip the landing page and go straight to the thank you page?In your form settings,...
As per Sanfords post below, API calls on anonymous leads return no information.If you want anonymous leads to appear in your database like old marketo days (be aware of the consequ...
As Sanford says, replace your css http:// links with https:// or you can just use //<link type="text/css" href="
You can use REST to get leadid by cookie/rest/v1/leads.json?access_token=xxx&filterType=cookies&
You can still view anonymous leads, when you double click into a record in lead database, just change the query string to a number that doesn't appear in your database view i.e. /l...
Using constraints is definitely the way to go here. If you have thousands of files, you'll need some javascript in the footer of your pages to automatically append the path as a qu...