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Issue There are a few Smart List configurations that could lead to a campaign failure if you are on Campaign V2. With the change to our new Smart Campaign processing system, some flow step configurations that would run in the old system can lead to campaign failures in the new system. Below are a few examples of configurations that can lead to Smart Campaign failures: Solution Examples: Date field is today Scenario: You have a flow step choice that filters against a Date field. The flow step choice is "<datefield> is TODAY" Solution: Instead of using the condition "IS" use the condition "in timeframe" instead.   Score change to decimal Scenario: The smart campaign has a flow step that changes a score to a number with a decimal eg. 100.12 Solution: Scores are integers, so this value needs to be changed to an integer eg. 100   Empty Choice Scenario: A flow step has multiple choices, one of the choices (not the default choice) is empty, partially filled out, or has no value listed. Solution: Empty or incomplete choices in flow steps are no longer supported, these choices need to either be removed or filled out completely  
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If you have registered for Marketo Foundation Virtual or Classroom or other live training or workshop sessions, and have not yet received a confirmation or are having difficulty accessing a session, here are some things to check: Q: When did you register? A: Registration closes the Friday before the Monday class start, or when the class is full, whichever comes first. You will NOT be able to register the morning of a class; we recommend registering at least a week ahead of time. Q: Does Marketo send a “you cannot Register” note? A: The course catalog indicates that the course is full once all registrants are approved and all seats taken. You will not be Registered if the course is full. However, we often receive more registrations than available seats before we've approved all registrations. In that case, you will receive a message from us indicating that the course is full and a link to the next available class. Q: I've registered. How do I know my Registration is confirmed? A: You are only fully registered for a course once you have received your confirmation email. If you have not received your confirmation email within two business days of your registration, it is possible that you did not complete your registration (all required fields must be filled out, and the form fully submitted). If that is the case, please attempt to re-register. If your registration is accepted, you will receive your confirmation email within two business days. Q: Where is my confirmation email? A: If you have not received confirmation or reminder messages from GoToTraining within one business day of the start of your session, please check your email's spam and/or quarantine folders. The message will come from us, but the sender email is certain that this email address is on your approved senders list. Q: Do I get a different meeting link for each day of class? A: You'll use the same meeting link for all the sessions in that week. Q: Can I share the training meeting URL link with others in my organization? A: The link is unique to you. Please do not forward or share it. If someone else uses your session link before you do, you will be locked out and will be unable to attend that day's session. However, you can use a single access in a conference room setting if you wish to use the session as a group learning within your company. Note that if you choose this method, only the registrant will show in our records as having attended the course. Q: I have followed the link for my session, but it won't start. A: On occasion, the GoToTraining utility will freeze when it's loading. Make sure that you have java enabled on your browser. We find that Firefox is the most stable browser to use with GoToTraining. If your session does not fully load after a few minutes, you may need to restart it. If it still does not load completely, please contact GoToTraining support through their support site: Q: I need to attend my sessions over different weeks. How do I register? A: Currently, you'll need to register for each week you're interested in attending, even if only attending a portion of the course. Q: When is the next course? A: See for all upcoming dates for Marketo Foundation Build Workshop live online sessions. Q: I want to take the 5th module (on demand). Where is it? A: Module 5 is covered in two parts: Reporting: Modeler:
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Issue Does applying a permission set to the Marketo Sync User in Salesforce suffice for limiting the number of fields to sync from Salesforce to Marketo? or will the profile need to be updated directly? Solution In order to limit the visibility of fields for the Marketo Sync User in Salesforce, the profile will need to be directly edited (example: Add an Existing Salesforce Field to the Marketo Sync - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation) Root Cause Since the profile has access to a field, the Marketo Sync User will still have access to the field even though a permission set applied to the profile does not have access to the same field. Environment Salesforce Sync Marketo Sync User Permission Set SFDC
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Issue Authorized support contact unable to access the Support Portal Authorized support admin unable to view and manage list of authorized support contacts Authorized support contact unable to create a support case Authorized support contact unable to view list of cases     Solution Issue Resolution Contact - they are our dedicated team that handles issues with the Support Portal
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If your lead page layout is incorrectly formatted because the Original Referrer field is too wide or long, follow these steps to correct it. You'll need administrator rights in your Salesforce account.   The following solution will not work in SFDC Professional Edition because it involves removing a Marketo field from the SFDC page layout. In short, you'll create a new custom field in SFDC, then use a formula field to shorten the Original Referrer field instead of the original standard Marketo field. Click on Setup Under App Setup, click on Leads, click on Fields Click on New to create a new custom field Under Data Type: select Formula and click on Next Enter Field label and name (perhaps call it "Original_Referrer_c") Under Formula Return Type, select Text and click on Next Click on Advance Formula Tab Enter the following bold text into the large text box: HYPERLINK(mkto71__Original_Referrer__c,LEFT( mkto71__Original_Referrer__c , 140))   Note: The above formula takes the first 140 characters of the original field (mkto2__Original_Referrer__c) and display it to the 'new" field you're creating. Then, it takes the COMPLETE value from the original field and turns it into a hyper link.
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op Foundation Build Workshop Email Deliverability Landing Page with a Simple Form Email Editor Forms 2.0 Engagement Program Programs Channels and Tags Multi Stream Engagement and Champion Challenger Tokens System Lead and Program IBM Email Deliverability Tool Scoring and Score Tokens Lifecycle Basic Reports Acquisition and Attribution Foundation Build Workshop   Back to top   Prerequisites: •    New to Marketo on demand •    Quick Wins in Community Learning Goals 1: Manage Customer Data Learn how to get people into the database and manage information associated with each record. Then target your audience by creating Smart Lists •    Field Mgmt and Custom Fields •    System Smart Lists •    Creating My (Static) Lists •    Cleaning Data, Single Flow Actions •    Targeting Your Audience •    My Smart Lists 2: Marketing Programs: Content Teaches all you need to start building out your first Marketo Email Program, including managing images, designing emails and landing pages, creating a form and A/B testing. •    Images and Files •    Forms—progressive profiling, hidden fields •    Landing Pages •    Emails •    Testing Digital Assets 3: Email Program Learn how to choose which program you should use, create automated campaigns, score people for a maximum win rate. •    Channels, Tags, and Costs for Reporting •    Email Program with a/b testing •    Test the Program •    Foldering and Cloning •    Tokens Time Available in CLASSROOM ONLY: Social Buttons •    Create •    App Settings & Share Flow •    Add to Page Facebook Publishing •    Import Template •    Publish Page •    Change Tab Image Social Form Fill •    Available Fields •    Add Social Form Fill to a form •    Testing with different Social Networks 4:  Engagement Program and Basic Scoring  Nurture your customers with the Engagement Program, and learn how to use standard reports in Marketo. •    Content •    Streams •    Lead Scoring •    Behavior and Demographic Lead Scoring •    Build Lead processing campaigns that work with Lead Scoring protocol •    Data Management : Create Data Management program, e.g. Blacklist, Marketing Suppression   Email Deliverability   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) Prerequisites: •    None Learning Goals •    Evaluate the use of email deliverability •    Identify ways to improve email deliverability •    Explain email and privacy laws •    Identify best practices for adhering to privacy laws and standards   Landing Page with a Simple Form   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    None Learning Goals •    Create a very simple Form •    Create a Landing Page – pick a template and use the properties sheet •    Add Assets to the Page – add images, apply a form, position assets, change colors •    Publish Your Page   Email Editor    Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    None Learning Goals •    Basic Set Up •    Modifying text •    Placing, modifying and linking images •    How and when to use tables •    Add the Forward To a Friend Link •    Proofing tools.   Forms 2.0   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: None Learning Goals •    Creating a Form •    Form Settings •    Choosing a Form Theme •    Adding custom CSS to a form •    Understanding General Settings of a Form •    Progressive Profiling •    Custom HTML •    Advanced Than You pages •    Using Social Form Fill Thank You page •    Field Details •    Understanding Field Details display area •    Field Properties •    Field Behavior •    Approve and Close a Form Email Program   Back to top Delivery Types: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: None Learning Goals •    Audience- list import and smart lists •    Basic Email creation •    Schedule the email send •    Approving the program •    Resend Campaign •    Reporting Dashboard   Engagement Program   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: None Learning Goals •    Create a Program •    Add Content •    Manage Content •    Add People to the Program •    Use the Reporting Dashboard   Programs Channels and Tags   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    Level: Advanced Learning Goals •    Why Programs? •    Program Types •    Tags & Channels •    Reporting Multi Stream Engagement and Champion Challenger   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    Level:  Advanced Learning Goals •    Create a Multi-stream Engagement •    Exercise on Building an Engagement Program with campaigns •    Other Options and Solutions for Engagement that may fit your company: Drip Nurtures, Additional Campaigns •    Basic Nurture Reports: Successes, Channel, Opps •    Key Takeaways and Tips   Personalizing with Dynamic Content   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    Level: Advanced Learning Goals •    Dynamic Content Overview: what is dynamic content, what can you do with and some ways to help you think about how you might use it. •    Segmentations:  learn how to use the new leads segmentation feature to create dynamic content targets. •    Snippets: creating little bits of content, either images file or text, to use across all Marketo programs •    Dynamic Emails and Landing Pages: how to build your emails and landing pages, adding in Dynamic Content Elements based •    Lastly, you will learn how to Modify an Email Template for Dynamic Content.   Tokens System Lead and Program   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online (Premium – Subscription only) Prerequisites: •    Level: Advanced Learning Goals •    What are Tokens? •    Personalization Tokens •    System Tokens •    My Tokens and a good My Token Strategy •    Token Overall Strategy IBM Email Deliverability Tool   Back to top Delivery Method: •    On-Demand only Prerequisites: •    Must have IBM Email Deliverability package •    Level: easy-ish Learning Goals •    Learn the email preview function •    What is an Email Score? •    How to interpret deliverability stats •    Controlling test sends to remain in-budget   Scoring and Score Tokens   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    None Learning Goals •    Two Basic Types of Scores •    Common Campaigns •    Program Import Library •    Scoring Tokens   Lifecycle   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    None Learning Goals •    What is the Funnel? •    Pushing Qualified Leads to Sales •    Lifecycle Campaign vs Marketing Campaigns •    Setting Up Sales Alerts   Basic Reports   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    Have run several programs to have data to analyze Learning Goals •    Program Dashboards •    Reports in Programs •    Reports in Analytics •    Customizing Reports •    Report Subscription Acquisition and Attribution   Back to top Delivery Method: •    Instructor Led Online •    On-Demand Prerequisites: •    Have run several programs to have data to analyze •    Experience in Basic Reports Learning Goals •    Uncover which nurturing/acquisition programs to continue to invest and which to discontinue/make changes •    Learn why is this important & how to make it happen •    Determine what is effective in generating and closing opptys Is this article helpful ? 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Issue An email link performance report is configured to find people who have clicked in a link in these emails that does not contain 'unsubscribe', however, it still shows links within the email that contains 'unsubscribe'. Solution To exclude certain links from reporting, export the results and remove the links in excel. Root Cause This would be expected as the smart list does not exclude unsubscribe links or specific links from displaying in the report, the unsubscribe links will still appear if any of the people clicked on other links in the emails. Example 1 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on the unsubscribe link and another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show all the links that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. The links that will be displayed include the unsubscribe link as well as the other link. Example 2 An email is sent to two leads named Bob and Mary Bob clicks on the unsubscribe link Mary clicks on another link The email link performance report is configured to report on the email and filter people who have clicked on a link in the email that does not contain 'unsubscribe' The email link performance report will show the link that Mary clicked on as Mary qualified for the smart list. There will be no unsubscribe link displayed in the report as Mary did not click on the unsubscribe link. Environment Email Link Performance Report Analytics Smart List
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Issue When trying to select Marketing Suspended Cause as an attribute for a change data value flow step, the field is not available within the pick-list. Solution The Marketing Suspended Cause field is a system managed field. It will update based on the program of the individual action that updates the Marketing Suspended Cause field. It is not possible to update this field manually or via a Smart Campaign. It is possible to create a custom field that you could populate with the value of the Marketing Suspended Cause.  
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Issue Field labels on a form have been updated, however, they are not displaying on the Marketo Landing Page, even though the Marketo Form and Marketo Landing Page has been approved since the update. Solution The reason why it appears the updated field labels are not displaying on the Marketo Landing Page is that the field labels that are being displayed are not the field labels that were edited. The field labels that are being displayed is what is defined in the Visibility Rules of the fields. To ensure that the updated field label is displayed on the Marketo Landing Page, the field label in the Visibility Rules must also be updated  
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This document only applies to a subset of Marketo customers that were contacted on August 26, 2019. If you are unsure if this applies to your Marketo subscription, please Contact Marketo Support at Overview GoToWebinar is changing its authentication protocol used for API access. Their legacy protocol, OAuth v1.0, will no longer be used after October 1, 2019, and all services accessing GoToWebinar (Marketo) will be required to use the new authentication protocol, OAuth v2.0.   Marketo is updating our system for a subset of Marketo customers to utilize the OAuth v2.0 authentication protocol for new login authentication. All newly initiated service authentications between Marketo and GoToWebinar will use OAuth v2.0. However, all existing GoToWebinar services currently logged in and in use now must be reauthenticated manually.   All customers who use GoToWebinar must reauthenticate each of the logins for these services in your Marketo instance by navigating to Admin > LaunchPoint. Any API calls still using OAuth v1.0 after October 1 will fail. This will result in statuses not being shared between Marketo and GoToWebinar and will prevent users from syncing Event programs with a GoToWebinar event.       FAQ   Why is this change happening? GoToWebinar is strengthening its security protocols for API login access to their services. This requires using an upgraded version of the login protocols, known as OAuth v2.0.   Is this a Marketo change or a GoToWebinar change? This change is being implemented by GoToWebinar to strengthen its security protocols. Marketo has upgraded our system to allow a seamless transition, but the protocol change is being made by GoToWebinar.   When does this take effect? The new protocol version OAuth v2.0 is active and in place now. GoToWebinar has placed an announcement on their status page stating that the deprecation of the legacy OAuth v1.0 is scheduled for October 1, 2019. All connections between Marketo and GoToWebinar that are still using the legacy OAuth v1.0 protocol will be refused by GoToWebinar after that date. This includes new access requests as well as those currently active and in use.   What do I need to do? Reauthenticate your GoToWebinar services with a fresh login from within your Marketo instance before October 1, 2019.   Why do I have to do it myself? Marketo has made the changes necessary to utilize OAuth v2.0 for new authentication logins being made moving forward. However, all logins already in use were initiated on the older protocol, OAuth v1.0. Marketo doesn’t know your personal login credentials, so you need to do the reauthentication directly.   Is there a different procedure for how to enter the credentials inside the Marketo UI? No. The update Marketo made was on the back end, so there is nothing different to how you enter the info. The UI is the exact same as it was.   What happens if I don’t reauthenticate the login before October 1, 2019? All connections between Marketo and your GoToWebinar services will be refused by GoToWebinar on their end.   If I miss the deadline and the connection is shut off, how will I know? You’ll find error messages in your Marketo instance where the services are used. See the section below for “Symptoms of a disconnected service” to know what to look for.   If I miss the deadline and the connection is shut off, how do I get it working again? Reauthenticate your login credentials in Admin > LaunchPoint. See the “Customer Action Needed” section below for step by step directions. Customer Action Needed A subset of Marketo customers who were notified through email must reauthenticate GoToWebinar login credentials for each user. This must be done before October 1, 2019, to avoid experiencing disruption of your services.   1. Navigate to Admin 2. Click LaunchPoint to open the list of Installed Services 3. Click and open the GoToWebinar service to edit it           4. Click the Log into GoToWebinar button.           5. In the GoToWebinar Sign In pop-up window, enter your GoToWebinar email and password and click Sign In.         6. After the window closes, click Save     DONE!   By reauthenticating the login, you’ve ensured that the service is using the new OAuth v2.0 protocols.       Symptoms of Disconnected Service Here is a list of what to expect if the integration with GoToWebinar is disconnected due to the deprecation of OAuth v1.0 on October 1, 2019.   1. The service listing in Admin > LaunchPoint will have a status of Failed along with a few details. A. Reauthenticating your login credentials will resolve these errors.         2. Event programs that have not yet synced with GoToWebinar will be unable to sync and will return errors. A. Reauthenticating your login credentials will resolve these errors. B. For reference, here is the documentation on how to sync an Event Program to GoToWebinar.         3. Existing programs that were synced with GoToWebinar prior to the deprecation will show no difference. However, if anyone is added to the program with a ‘Registered’ status, Marketo will attempt to push this record to GoToWebinar and will fail due to the deprecation of the OAuth v1.0 protocol. This will give the record a status of ‘Registration Error’. If this occurs, this data is not lost. A. Reauthenticate the GoToWebinar service B. Manually refresh the webinar attendance. Navigate to the Event Actions menu of your Event Program and select Refresh from Webinar Provider       4. Records that were already registered with GoToWebinar before the service stopped will still be able to receive the correct {{member.webinar url}} token. That data for the token will already be in Marketo, so reminder emails will still have the right links to the actual webinar even if the service was stopped after they were registered. The attendee report won’t be able to come down from GoToWebinar with the connection cut off, but at least your leads will still have the link to get to the webinar.       5. If the service is no longer active and an existing webinar completes, normally this would record attendance information and sync this back to Marketo and change the status of program members. However, if the service is inactive, this will fail silently, and no status change will occur. Manually refreshing from webinar provider will also silently fail if done while the service is still inactive. The notification will show that there are no updates. A. Reauthenticate the GoToWebinar service B. Manually refresh the webinar attendance. Navigate to the Event Actions menu of your Event Program and select Refresh from Webinar Provider C. Now that the credentials were reauthenticated and the service is back online, the manual refresh will work properly.       How to Get Additional Help Feel free to ask questions in the comments section of this documentation. Our Support team will be monitoring the comments to help answer your questions. You can alsoContact Marketo Support at any time.
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Issue Issue Description A Support Engineer asked you to record a .har file, but you are unsure of how to do this. Har files can include sensitive data, such as any information entered into forms (passwords, etc.), so please exercise caution when recording a .har file. Solution Issue Resolution Please find the instructions on how to save a .har file using the different browsers below: Google Chrome: Open Google Chrome, and visit the page where you noticed the issue. Right click on the page and choose 'Inspect'. This will open the Developer Tools panel. From the options at the top of this panel, choose 'Network'. Look for a round record button in the upper left corner, this should appear as a red button. If the button is grey, click it once and recording will begin. There will be a checkbox next to text that reads as 'Preserve Log', please check this box. There is a button that appears as a circle with a slash through it next to the record button, click this button to clear any existing logs. While recording is taking place, please reproduce the issue that you were experiencing. Right click within the network panel under the 'Name' column, and choose 'Save all as HAR with Content'. Save this file to your computer, and upload it to a case so that your Support Engineer may download it. Microsoft Edge: Open Microsoft Edge, and visit the page where you noticed the issue. Right click on the page and choose 'Inspect Element'. This will open the Developer Tools panel. From the options at the top of this panel, choose 'Network'. Look for a square record button in the upper left corner, this should appear as a red button. If the button is grey, click the green triangle once and recording will begin. While recording is taking place, please reproduce the issue that you were experiencing. Click the save button (this will appear as a gray floppy disk next to the red square button). Save this file to your computer, and upload it to a case so that your Support Engineer may download it. Firefox: Open Firefox, and visit the page where you noticed the issue. Click on the three stacked bars in the upper right corner.  This will open a dropdown, please choose 'Web Developer, and then 'Network'. While recording is taking place, please reproduce the issue that you were experiencing. Right click within the network panel under the 'File' column, and choose 'Save All As HAR'. Save this file to your computer, and upload it to a case so that your Support Engineer may download it.
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Issue Description The activity log is not recording the number of opens for an email send.   Issue Resolution Email opens are linked to an individual asset. If a record is sent the same email more than once, only the first open activity will be recorded. If you are not seeing opens record for a record, search the activity history to confirm whether or not the asset has been opened previously.   Who This Solution Applies To All customers Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Using the option to create a new Salesforce Campaign within the program sync feature, the Salesforce Campaign does not have the same status selection that the Marketo Program has. Issue Resolution Only after adding members to the Marketo Program will Marketo then sync the membership over and update the status selections will be updated to match.
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Issue Description Importing a program from one subscription to another is failing and is returning the following error sent via email: Marketo encountered an error while importing [Program Name] The token "lead.First Name" is not available in the destination subscription. It is either a custom field that you have to create or need to be synced from your CRM system, if you use one. Issue Resolution Check if there is any malformed lead.First Name token in email Check if there is any malformed lead.First Name token in email template used by the email(s) in the program Check if there is any malformed lead.First Name token within a program token Check if there is any malformed lead.First Name token within smart campaign flow step(s) This error has been known to occur when the email template had a lead token coded as follows, with a line break between 'First' and 'Name': {{lead. First Name}} Note: In this scenario, the error message received via email is actually referring to the token in the email template that contains a line break between 'First' and 'Name' but is stripped out on the message when HTML is rendered. Who This Solution Applies To Customers importing programs between two instances
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Issue Issue Description Google is changing production of their robots.txt parser to an open source format and removing support for some widely used but unsupported  code:   In the interest of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and preparing for potential future open source releases, we're retiring all code that handles unsupported and unpublished rules (such as noindex) on September 1, 2019. For those of you who relied on the noindex indexing directive in the robots.txt file, which controls crawling, there are a number of alternative options:   -Link to Blog Post from Google:     Solution Issue Resolution This should not affect any Marketo Landing pages if the Noindex, NoFollow code has been put in the Robots meta tags as per the documentation: This will only affect your landing pages if NoIndex, NoFollow are in the robots.txt file and not in the header meta tags.
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Issue You would like to customize Forward to a Friend emails to add personalized content. Solution You can in fact customize the look and feel of the Forward to Friend form using a combo of Velocity and JavaScript. This article describes how:  
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Issue When using Interactive Webinars, if a host changes the layout, previously on-camera speakers must switch on their cameras again. Is there a way to keep the camera always on when you move from one layout to another? Solution This is not supported due to privacy concerns. If a video pod is not present in a layout, the camera is turned off. If a video pod is present in the next layout again, the presenters need to switch on the camera again to consent to their video being shown again to everyone. There however is a workaround to this. A video pod can be placed on the poll pod layout but it can be positioned so that it is behind the poll pod. The size of video pod does not matters on this layout so it can be reduced so that it is completely hidden behind the poll pod. This way the video pod will be hidden and not visible to participants but since the video pod is present, the camera will not be turned off on this layout. On switching to the next layout (Intro), presenters will not need to turn their cameras on. However, they need to be cautious as their video will go live as soon as the intro layout goes live. Additional information on Interactive Webinars can be found here: Best Practices for Interactive Webinars Designing Interactive Webinars  
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Issue When attempting to import a program into another instance, an error occurs, displaying the message of "Unable to import due to field missing".     Solution In order to address this issue, you should review the program that you are attempting to import, to ensure that you have not only created all fields that are referenced, but also any filter types that are used. If a Smart List filter is used in the program that identifies members of segment, then the segment will also need to be created in the other instance in order for the program to be imported.  
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Issue Description Why is the number of records shown in the Opportunity Analysis report in Revenue Explorer different from the number of records shown in a smart list with the same filters? (e.g. 100 records in Opportunity Analysis vs. 200 records in smart list) Why are some records in the smart list do not appear in the Opportunity Analysis report? Issue Resolution The attribution settings is set up to report on "Explicit: Only contacts with roles (default)" This means, the records in a smart list that do not appear in the Opportunity Analysis Report in RCA, are contacts without roles. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Revenue Cycle Analytics
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Issue When searching or grouping a list of leads based on email address filter ‘Contains’ @ sign, you may encountered the different numbers in the ‘People’ tab (result). Environment This behaviour is specific to the email filter as it uses two main indexes; we’ll call them Index 1 and Index 2 when using the contains/not contains operator. Index 1 searches for the entire email address value from beginning to end. This Index is used when the @ character is not included in the list of values. Index 2 searches only for the domain half of the address, which comes after the @ symbol. This Index is used when the @ character is included in the list of values. Solution A suggestion is to create a smart list with two Email Address filters wherein you will have all the ones that do not have the '@' symbol, and for the other, you will include the '@' symbol for the email address and use the logic as 'Any'. That would give you the preferred number of leads in your smart list. Root Cause Marketo database searches for email domains in a way that when using the 'contains' keyword in the 'Email Address' filter, you must make sure that if you are using the '@' symbol in your list of domains that all email domains contain this. If you want to filter for email domains that do not include the '@' symbol, you must make sure that no email domains in your list use the '@' symbol. This behaviour happens when the indexing of the database and the rules that apply to the contains operator.
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