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Marketo initiates a sync with Microsoft Dynamics CRM approximately 5 -10 minutes after the previous sync cycle finishes. The time needed to complete a sync cycle depends on the number updates on the two sides.
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Issue Issue Description You receive notification that Campaign Failed in trying to update Segmentation for leads.     Solution To troubleshoot this issue review the Segmentations for the following:  Click on the Segmentation to pop up in a dialog box with the failed Segment(s) If a Segment failed to approve, review the Smart List filters for missing values or errors in the smart list logic of the Segment. When errors have been fixed, approve the Segment, review again if the notification occurs again.
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Included in this article   Overview: Root Causes and Solutions: The image is too large and it takes a long time for it to load The image dimensions are not defined in the campaign editor   Overview: In some cases when creating a dialog box campaign that includes only an image, the dialog box won't render properly on the page. This might look like below:     Root Causes and Solutions: The image is too large and it takes a long time for it to load      Solutions: Wait to see if eventually the image loads properly. In this case, you will want to use an image that is a smaller file size.   The image dimensions are not defined in the campaign editor      The dialog box doesn't have any indication for what its height should be (auto-height is enabled by default).      Solutions: Select the image in the editor and click 'Edit Image' button Go to the Appearance tab and verify that the dimensions are defined If the dimensions are not set, manually set them or re-insert the image (this will automatically configure the image's original dimensions)
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This comes from Alex Pelletier.  Thank you, Alex! Here is a typical scenario: Marketing is sending email campaigns and some emails are bouncing back. Marketing would like to give visibility to sales on which of their leads bounced. Why should sales care about invalid email addresses? Most of the time, email addresses are bouncing because the person left the company. So knowing that suddenly one of your lead has left the company is a good opportunity to reengage with this account. Sales could call to find out who replace the person that left and and create a new lead. On the other hand, for your clients, if suddenly your internal champion leaves the company, you want to make sure you reach out to the account to help them continue to use your product. The last thing you want is to lose an account because someone left the company and you were not aware. Now you can do it easily using Marketo and! Watch this 4 minutes tutorial video to learn how to setup properly both Marketo and
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Issue A particular Smart List does not appear in drop-down of report custom column options when the Smart List is in Marketing Activities.   Solution Custom columns can only be pulled from Smart Lists in the Lead Database. Clone your Smart List from Marketing Activities to Lead Database in order to use it in a report.   
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When a net new record is created in Marketo through a form fill out, list upload or though our API it can be pushed to Microsoft Dynamics CRM using the “Sync Lead to Microsoft” flow action.
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Issue Executing a GET API call to retrieve a list of available activity types in the target instance using the '/rest/v1/activities/types.json' endpoint, resolves with an unexpected attribute name for a field with the display name ID in the context of Marketo Custom Objects. An example of that may be a Marketo Custom Object with the following name: '3 to be', as can be shown in the image below: One of the '3 to be' Marketo custom object fields name is 'ID'. (highlighted in red). When performing a GET API call using the '/rest/v1/activities/types.json' endpoint, you will be getting a list of available activity types in the target instance, along with associated metadata of each type, however for a Marketo custom object with an ID field name, you may see it returns back with a slightly different name, in this case, it would be returning the following output for my test Marketo Custom Object activity: { "id": 100019, "name": "Add to 3 to be", "primaryAttribute": { "name": "3 to be ObjRef", "dataType": "integer" }, "attributes": [ { "name": "3 To Be Person Id", "dataType": "integer" }, { "name": "ID (3)", "dataType": "string" }, { "name": "Linkfield4", "dataType": "string" } ] } ], Here's an image of what it may look like when making the call using POSTMAN: In fact, the character in the brackets next to the ID field represents the very first character of your Marketo Custom Object name.    Environment Customers who have Marketo Custom Objects where one of the custom object fields is named 'ID'. Solution If this is interrupting your business, you may want to select a different name for the ID field under your Marketo Custom Object. (ie. ID number, Transaction ID etc.) Root Cause This behavior is expected and is a result of the 'ID' field being a unique field in the context of Marketo custom objects world and while it may be possible to create a Marketo Custom Object field with the name 'ID', it may be better to give it a distinct name that will be better describing what kind of ID field it is.   
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Question: How do I add a link to my lead/contact's Salesforce detail page when sending an alert from Marketo?   Answer: If the lead or contact is in both Marketo and Salesforce at the time when the alert email is sent, then the link to the Salesforce detail page will be automatically appended to the alert email sent by Marketo.   Note You will need to use the "Send Alert Info" token within your Alert email while designing your email in the Design Studio of Marketo. This is a article attached image Below is what the generated alert looks like once it is sent from Marketo (note the link to the Salesforce detail page is automatically inserted):   This is a article attached image   Note if the lead or contact is not in Salesforce then there is no link to the Salesforce detail page:   This is a article attached image
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Issue Description Sometimes there can be a circumstance where a text token should hold null value. Since the token must contain a value, you need to insert a value that will display as empty when the token is rendered. Issue Resolution Adding a HTML comment to the on the Text {{my.token}} side would work. <!-- -->  If you're just plopping the token into your HTML, this will be fine. If you're embedding in JS then you can still check for that specific value, it just won't be "magic": if ( "{{my.token}}" != "<!-- -->" ) {    // it's not empty  } 
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Issue Issue Description Email Insights Sends page has a column in the list of assets for the Type of asset, but does not define the icon used.    Solution Issue Resolution The Type column in the Sends page in Email Insight is for Batch sends and Triggered sends. Batch email sends are represented by stacks of rectangles, and a Triggered email send is a lightning bolt. 
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Issue Issue Description When pulling an Email Performance Report, the click total doesn't match a smart list looking for all clicks of any link in the email. Solution Issue Resolution One possible reason for this is that in an Email Performance Report, the Unsubscribe link does not count as a click, only as an unsubscribe and will only show in that column. This is because people can unsubscribe via other methods, so they are all included together to give an overall view of your engagement (or disengagement in the case of unsubscribe).
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Issue Description API Only user is not appearing when creating a service in [Admin > LaunchPoint] Issue Resolution It is highly likely that the reason why the API user was not appearing because it did not have "API Only" ticked. This can be checked in [Admin > Users & Roles > User > Edit User]. However, this cannot be modified once the API user is created, so in order for the API user to appear in LaunchPoint, "API Only" must be ticked when the API user is created.  Reference:  Who This Solution Applies To Admin users
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Issue When trying to edit an email you are receiving the error "Cannot Load Email" with out any other details. This is only when trying to edit the email, other functionalities like cloning still work.   Solution The reason you are receiving this error message is because the HTML of the email has been corrupted. Extract the HTML of the email by following the instructions here:'s+HTML Find the email and select it In the Email Actions Drop down click Download HTML Once the emails HTML is extracted you can check on the errors by pushing the HTML through a validator ( **If no Errors are evident please create a support ticket. If there are errors but you would still like to use the HTML in an email.   Create a new email, replace the HTML with the extracted content from the old email Append the HTML to resolve any errors that would corrupt the content Save and Approve Email for use in campaigns and programs   Root Cause Sometimes emails can become corrupted in Marketo. When this occurs unexpected behavior may occur. Typically emails become corrupted when a copy of a copy of a copy (etc.) occurs. With each clone of an asset there is a small chance that the asset could become corrupted, this becomes more and more likely as clones of clones are made. A solution to help prevent corruption would be to create a 'master' email that you can clone from each time instead of cloning from something else that was cloned. This same solution can be applied to other assets such as landing pages. 
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This is working as expected. The Parent Company Name field gets its value set from a different process and not via the SFDC Synch. SFDC and Marketo Engage both have a Parent Account ID field in the Account Object (Company Object in Marketo). If there is a parent account ID in that field, then the value of that field is automatically populated via a reference to the other Account Record. Since Company in Marketo is mapped to Name (SFDC Account) whenever that value is updated it will be reflected in Marketo. Example: Account ID 1 has a Parent Account ID of 2. They both have records in the same Account table. If the Name is changed of the Parent Account it is automatically reflected in any child accounts as the Parent Account Name is just a reference.
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Issue You are using the Add to Program or Add to SFDC Campaign flow step and want to know if it's possible to assign a specific status when that flow step is used. Solution When you use the Add to Program or Add to SFDC Campaign flow step, Marketo will assign the first status listed in the Channel associated to that program. If you want to choose a different status, you can use the flow step of Change Program Status or Change SFDC Status. If the lead is not a member of the program or campaign, using the flow step of Change Program status will add them.  
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The most common reason this happens is because your "From" email address is incorrect. The easiest way to check this is to go into the results of your campaign, and do a search at the bottom for ‘email bounced’. When results come up, double click on a random one. It will show you the reason for the bounce.   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Issue Description The picklist options are updated in Salefsorce for a field that is syncing with Marketo and is used within a Marketo Form, but the form does not automatically reflect these updates.   Solution Issue Resolution When field picklist options are updated in Salesforce, the Marketo forms using this field are put in a Draft. This will allow the form draft to be reviewed to ensure the picklist values on the form match what's in Salesforce before being reapproved.   Who This Solution Applies To Clients syncing with Salesforce
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Our sync employs a field level conflict resolution mechanism. For a particular record, if field X is updated in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and field Y is updated in Marketo, then we will update Marketo with the new value for field X and Microsoft Dynamics CRM with the new value for field Y.  In the case where the same field is updated on both systems for a particular record with a short period of time, we will choose the Marketo value as the winner for Leads and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM value as the winner for Contacts.
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Are you looking for a quick template to use in Marketo?  We have certainly got you covered with quite a number of options. 1.   Visit our Template Marketplace at 2.   Select a template that you want and click the Import Template button. 3.   On the tab or window that opens, login to your instance of Marketo. 4.   Your Program Import will automatically begin. That's all there is to it.  Your template is ready for you to use.
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Issue You have the Munchkin tracking code on your non-Marketo web page but visits to the page are not being tracked.     Solution If you have customized the Munchkin tracking code, it may not work.  Marketo only supports the Munchkin code as it is provided in your instance.  If you need to alter the code, you would need to work with your web developer to determine why the customized code is not working. To find the supported Munchkin tracking code: Go to Admin > Munchkin. Select the version of Munchkin you intend to use. Place the Munchkin code on your page as outlined in our document on adding Munchkin tracking to your site.  
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