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  There are thousands of blocklists out there and all of them operate a little differently and all have varying levels of reputation.  There are only a dozen blocklists that really can impact delivery.   The blocklist that requires the most work from you when you request delisting is Spamhaus. Spamhaus is a trustworthy blocklist and if you are listed at Spamhaus you have made a mistake that will need to be directly addressed before the listing can be removed.   SpamCop is considered a tier one blocklist for B2B marketers but a tier 2 for B2B marketers.  Marketo responds to all SpamCop listings; researching to identify the source so we can work with the customer to educate on best practices and prevent future listings.    Some blocklists require that you pay a fee to be delisted. These blocklists are not favored in the email community because they use this tactic. For the most part, Marketo advises our customers not to mind alerts of being listed on a pay-to-delist blocklist.  These blocklists tend to have minimal impact to your deliverability.   For the most part blocklists are dynamic and resolve themselves in around 24 hours if the issue resolves. If the problematic sending continues, of course, the blocklist will continue to keep you listed until the problematic sending ends.   If you are blocklisted, your main concern at that point should be making sure it doesn't happen again. For steps on how to identify the problematic data source and improve your list hygiene in an effort to avoid blacklist issues, see our blocklist remediation article.  
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Issue Issue in delivering Marketo Email (especially for mimecast users). Email get bounced with Error: 550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policy Solution This error can happen if: You have not properly white listed the Marketo IPs You have an issue with DKIM/SPF set up and configuration Please whitelist the set of Marketo IPs found in the doc below and make sure SPF and DKIM are set up correctly for your email domain
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When a customer triggers a blacklisting on Marketo's shared IP range that customer is moved to a set of IPs we call the quarantined IP range.  We do this to protect the health of our shared network and ensure the best deliverability possible for all of our customers on that network.   If you have received a Blacklist Notification from Marketo reporting that you have triggered a blacklisting your Marketo account is now in the quarantined IP range.   While you are in the quarantined range it is possible that you may experience a slight decrease in your deliverability rates. The reason for this is that you are now sending from a range made up of senders that have also caused other blacklist issues. All customers have received a notice of the listing and are in the process of repairing their database.   There are two ways to be removed from the quarantined IP range: Follow the steps outlined in our Blacklist Remediation article.  Be sure to fill out the form referenced in the email alert to indicate that you have taken steps to mitigate the issue. Demonstrate clean sending behavior for 3 months. We remove senders from the quarantined IP range if they have not triggered any new listings in 3 months.   To ensure your best deliverability rates blacklist issues should be addressed right away to prevent further damage to your sending reputation.   Furthermore, if no action is taken to improve list hygiene the issue will likely recur. Marketo's Privacy Team strongly recommend following the Blacklist Remediation steps.   Additional Resources: Blacklist Deep Dive  
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Issue Emails with valid email address get soft bounced with this error:  Local address contains control or whitespace. Solution This error means that the email has a space somewhere in the the From email address or there was a comma or extra character in the From line.  If you do not see a space inside the email address, check the end of the address to see if a space somehow got added at the end. The email send did not occur due to the error with the address. The emails will need to be resent once after the associated address is corrected with white spaces or extra characters. Also, there is the possibility that email address "text" contains Paragraph marks or hidden formatting symbols ( and instance users will required to have it reviewed and changed.        
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An email being filtered to a quarantine or bulk mail folder happens after the recipient mail server has accepted message.  Once an email has been accepted by a mail server, it is impossible to tell where it went or what happened to it.  Note that this is true of any mail sent by any system on the Internet.   Every mail server has configurable filters that determine how received mail will be handled.  The mail server administrator should be able to adjust those filters to ensure delivery of emails based on their business standards, or there may even be end-user-configurable controls that can accomplish the same thing.   If test mailings you are sending to yourself or your colleagues are being filtered to a quarantine or bulk mail folder, you should consider asking your email administrator to whitelist Marketo’s IP ranges.  They can be found here.   You can also improve your deliverability in general by setting up SPF and DKIM records, and branding your tracking links.
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  Syntax Recommendations Common Look Up mechanisms Common Modifiers Too Many Mechanisms Character String Too Long Null Records in the SPF Record Repetitive Records in the SPF Record - Void Lookups Validation Tools Syntax Recommendations Common Look Up mechanisms a: mx: include: ip4: ip6: exists: ptr: all Common Modifiers redirect= exp=   An A Record must ALWAYS contain IP address (map host to IP) CNAME (Alias) must contain hostnames. No IPs here NS an MX records must contain host names. No IPs allowed. MX records (for mail servers)  should contain hostnames NOT IPs. Too Many Mechanisms Section 10.1, "Processing Limits" of the SPF RFC 4408 specifies the following in regards to DNS lookups: SPF implementations MUST limit the number of mechanisms and modifiers that do DNS lookups to at most 10 per SPF check, including any lookups caused by the use of the "include" mechanism or the "redirect" modifier.  If this number is exceeded during a check, a PermError MUST be returned.  The "include", "a", "mx", "ptr", and "exists" mechanisms as well as the "redirect" modifier do count against this limit.  The "all", "ip4", and "ip6" mechanisms do not require DNS lookups and therefore do not count against this limit. The "exp" modifier does not count against this limit because the DNS lookup to fetch the explanation string occurs after the SPF record has been evaluated. This limit is in place to prevent SPF lookups from being a useful avenue for Denial of Service attacks. Using an example SPF record as an example to illustrate, this record was breaking with 12 look-ups: text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [ 5 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all"  [ +1 = 6 mechanisms] a = text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+1 = 7 mechanisms] text = "v=spf1 -all"  [+3 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip6:2a01:111:f400:7c00::/54 ip6:2a01:111:f400:fc00::/54 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: -all" [ +0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 10 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ~all"  [+2 = 12 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all"  [+0 = 12 mechanisms] text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 12 mechanisms]  text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ~all" [+0 = 12 mechanisms] Character String Too Long 255 character limitation in a single string You may have more than 255 characters of data in a TXT or SPF record, but not more than 255 characters in a single string. If you attempt to create an SPF or TXT record with a long string (>255 characters) in it, BIND will give an error (e.g. "invalid rdata format: ran out of space".)  Strings in SPF and TXT records should be no longer than 255 characters.  However to get around this limitation, per RFC 4408 a TXT or SPF record is allowed to contain multiple strings, which should be concatenated together by the reading application.  In the case of use for SPF (using either TXT or SPF RRs) the strings are concatenated together without spaces as described below.  Reassembly by other applications of multiple strings stored in TXT records might work differently. 3.1.3. Multiple Strings in a Single DNS record As defined in [RFC1035] sections 3.3.14 and 3.3, a single text DNS record (either TXT or SPF RR types) can be composed of more than one string. If a published record contains multiple strings, then the record MUST be treated as if those strings are concatenated together without adding spaces. For example: IN TXT "v=spf1 .... first" "second string..." MUST be treated as equivalent to IN TXT "v=spf1 .... firstsecond string..." SPF or TXT records containing multiple strings are useful in constructing records that would exceed the 255-byte maximum length of a string within a single TXT or SPF RR record. EXAMPLE text = "v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4:  ip4: ip4: ~all“ text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ " ip4: ip4: ip4:" " ip4: ip4:" " ip4: ip4: ~all" Null Records in the SPF Record A record that is NULL or that does not exist will break an SPF record.  Syntax within the record is very important, if there are extra spaces between mechanisms it will count as NULL. EXAMPLE text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ <- accurate text = "v=spf1 ip4:“ <- NULL (NOTE the space between IP4: and the IP) Repetitive Records in the SPF Record - Void Lookups If there are too many repetitive mechanisms in the SPF record, including records that cascade (for example when using "include:") the record will break. There is a MAX of 2 void look ups in an SPF record.  More than that and the record will break.  This prevents SPF records from being used in Denial of Service style attacks. Validation Tools SPF checker, syntax validator and SPF tester SPF checker SPF validator CIDR Calculator Nslookup SPF creation wizard Common SPF errors SPF syntax definitions
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Abuse Report An abuse report is when an email recipient forwards a complaint directly to  Marketo’s Privacy and Compliance Team processes all complaints to these addresses and will unsubscribe the complainer when possible.   Feedback Loop Complaint A feedback loop complaint is when an ISP forwards the complaints that originate from their users.  For example, when someone clicks the SPAM or JUNK button in their email client. ISPs that offer FBLs expect that subscribers like Marketo will mark the complainer as unsubscribed in the original database.  Marketo does process FBL complaints and marks the email address as unsubscribed.   Additional Information: Feedback Loops (FBL) Abuse Report Deep Dive Finding Leads that are Auto Unsubscribed for Email Spam Complaints / Feedback Loop (FBL)    
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From the Marketo Email Use Policy: "...You may not send any Unsolicited Email by use or means of the Marketo Service. "Unsolicited Email" is defined as email sent to persons other than: persons with whom you have an existing business relationship, OR (ii) persons who have consented to the receipt of such email, including publishing or providing their email address in a manner from which consent to receive email of the type transmitted may be reasonably implied." The full text of the policy is here: An abuse report is a report that an individual sends to alleging that a Marketo customer sent unsolicited email. There are a number of reasons why someone might report abuse. Here are a few common reasons people report abuse to us: The person forgot they opted-in to the mailing The person received genuinely unsolicited email The person opted in, but the branding in the email was different than the branding on the opt in form so it was not clear the email they received was connected to their opt-in experience Someone signed up for your list with the wrong address, and the person who actually received your email felt it was abusive   For additional reference - Abuse Report Deep Dive  
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No, if you have received the blacklist notification, you are not blocked from sending mail.  You can continue to mail while you work through the remediation steps. The only time we will ever block you from sending mail is if you trigger a listing at Spamhaus, the world’s most respected and widely used blacklist. If this happens, you will receive a call or email to let you know what’s going on and we will work with you to resolve the issue. This is a rare occurrence. Additional Resources: Can you give me the spam trap address that triggered the listing? What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? What is a blacklist? How does Marketo respond to blacklisting and spam notifications? Top blacklists - What you need to know Blacklist Remediation Successful Reconfirmation
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If you sent an email from the Lead Database (as a Single Flow Action), as part of a campaign, or as a test email but didn't receive it, here are some tips.   Check the "From:" address   When sending a test message, make sure to check the "From:" address setting on your message. To do this, go to the Email Settings tab of the email editor. In the "From:" field, make sure that you either have a single valid email address, or a valid email address as the default, if you are using a token.   Many people want to send their messages from the lead owner. When you use the send test feature, the email address you are sending to doesn't have a full lead record, and so it doesn't have a lead owner. Since Marketo cannot send an email with no "From:" address, test messages without a valid email address in the "From:" field will not send.   Send as a Lead   If you have verified that the email had a valid From: address and you still aren't getting it, make sure to create yourself as a lead and send using a flow action.   See if the mail was sent   If you sent the email as part of a campaign or Single Flow Action, check the campaign's Results tab or your lead detail page to see if that mail was already sent to you. If it hasn't been sent yet, try waiting a little while longer.   Check your Junk Mail   In your email client, check your Junk Mail or Spam folder to see if the mail landed there. If it did, you should change the content of your email.   Check your corporate spam filter   Your corporate mail server may have blocked emails from Marketo; you should contact your IT department to see if this is the case. Please see our instructions for whitelisting Marketo's email servers: Add Marketo to Your Corporate Email Whitelist   Try sending to a different recipient   If you sent the original mail to your corporate account, try sending to a personal account on Yahoo or Gmail. If you sent it to a personal account, try your corporate mail account.    Use Marketo's Email Deliverability product   The Email Deliverability PowerPack, with Design Informant and Inbox Informant, can warn you when your mail is being rejected because of its content and help you identify junk mail pitfalls. Also, using Domain Keys and SPF improve the chances of your email landing in your leads' inboxes.   Contact Marketo   If you still can't figure out what happened contact Marketo to see if we can help.
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When using Marketo it is not a requirement to set up DNS text records for SPF and DKIM.  However, Marketo recommends setting up SPF and DKIM because it improves the deliverability of your mailings.  Configuring and implementing one or both of these records is a way to verify that the server sending your mail is authorized to do so.   If a recipient domain is configured to check for SPF and/or DKIM and those DNS records are available and your mail passes the SPF/DKIM check, it further reinforces its good reputation.  Not implementing SPF/DKIM records does not add to or subtract from its reputation, it’s just not there.   Please note, not all domains check for SPF/DKIM and if this is the case, again, the presence of these records does not add or subtract from your mail’s deliverability. There is no negative effect to setting up these records, and it can improve your deliverability.  It is for these reasons that Marketo recommends setting up these DNS records and configuring their use in your instance of Marketo.   For more information on how to set up and configure SPF/DKIM, please read our KB article here.
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Issue Issue Description You enabled a field for email CC and it is working for some email CC recipients, but some records on the CC are not receiving the email.   Solution Issue Resolution If any of the CC email addresses are known leads in your Marketo database and marked as unsubscribed they will not receive the email, even if the email is marked as operational.  
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Any emails being sent as part of 'Forward to Friend' will create that user as a new lead (provided that the lead does not already exist in Marketo). When leads are created in Marketo via the 'Forward to Friend' feature, Marketo automatically unsubscribes the lead records in order to protect our global customers from anti-spam laws. This is because a lead being sent a forwarded email doesn't qualify as opting in to a mailing list and also prevents them from getting any other emails by accident.    
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Issue How to re-subscribe records who are already unsubscribed.     Solution Once the person is willing to resubscribe to receive your emails, either of the following can be done: Smart Campaign: Change Data Value of "unsubscribed" to false.You can either use a Smart Campaign to execute this flow or can just go with single flow action ( select the lead, Person actions > Marketing > Change Data value; Attribute: Unsubscribed, New Value: False.) You can manually change unsubscribe from True to False. To do this, go to Lead database, click on the lead ( whom you need to unsubscribe), go to lead Info tab, look for unsubscribe field , remove the tick or check off the unsubscribe field checkbox.        
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Issue You see that a lead has an unusually high amount of Clicked Link activity for a particular email after delivery.     Solution There can be a couple reasons for this.  If you see that all links in the email are being clicked immediately upon delivery, it is likely that the lead's email security software is link-testing to guard against phishing or malicious links.  However, if you see an unusually large number of link clicks over the course of a day or two, it may be that the lead forwarded the email to other people who clicked on the links.  Since the tracking links are specific to the lead who was sent the original email, if the email is forwarded to other people, their clicks will be recorded under the initial lead's activity history. Marketo does not have a way to confirm this is the case, but if you open the Click Link activities in the leads Activity Log and look at the details, you may see the User Agent (which indicates the operating system and client software used to display the email) is different for each click.  If you see a variety of different user agents in the details, it is likely the email is being opened and clicked by different people who were forwarded the email.
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Double opt-in is the gold standard of email permission. Also known as confirmed opt-in or COI, this practice is where a person fills out an opt-in form and is then sent an email and must click a confirmation message before they are added to the mailing list. Here are some great reasons to use double opt-in: Protects against typos and bots Protects against spamtraps Reduces bounce rates, improves deliverability Required in some regions Increases engagement rates   If you'd like to set up double opt-in with Marketo you can do this with the use of the Marketing Suspended function. Marketing Suspended is a status that is functionally equivalent to Unsubscribe - Marketo will not send these leads marketing emails, but will send them operational emails. You'll need an opt-in form and a pair of trigger campaigns. First, set up a trigger campaign such that, when the form is filled out, the flow has a Change Data Value to mark the lead as Marketing Suspended, and then a Send Email step to send an operational email that you will use to confirm their request to join your mailing list. Your confirmation email should be short and to the point, and make sure to set it as an operational email. We recommend that it is clearly branded, use a simple subject line such as "Confirm Your Request to Join Our Mailing List" or similar, and include a link within to a simple confirmation landing page. Set a second trigger campaign such that whenever someone clicks the confirmation link to the confirmation landing page, the flow will change data value Marketing Suspended new value is false. A follow up flow should be set up that if the recipient doesn't activate the link in the confirmation email the address is either deleted or set to Blacklist within the database after a reasonable timeframe, usually 2 weeks.  The Blacklist status will ensure that no email is set to that lead until they have completed the subscription process. This prevents future operational emails from being sent to this email address unintentionally. That's it!  Now, when someone fills out your opt-in form, they will be set to Marketing Suspended until they click the confirmation link in your operational confirmation email. You'll be well on your way to increasing the quality of leads on your mailing list by implementing this simple process.
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Issue You receive a DMARC report from an ISP saying that your email failed to pass the SPF alignment check, but when you check your SPF listing in Admin > Email > SPF/DKIM, SPF is verified. Solution The SPF record in Admin > Email > SPF/DKIM  is tied to your FROM domain.  DMARC alignment (using SPF) aligns the domain in the FROM address with the domain in the “return-path” address.  This “return-path” address, usually using a '*' domain, is generally unseen by recipients and directs email bounces and errors back to Marketo for processing.    Failed DMARC alignment, between these two domains, is what is triggering the failure your DMARC reporting.   DMARC compliance requires EITHER DKIM or SPF compliance, not both in most cases.  This article reviews the two methods available for DMARC alignment - Having DKIM DMARC alignment may be enough and you may not need to rely on full SPF DMARC alignment.   In order to set up SPF DMARC alignment, Branded Return-Path will allow you to align the “return-path” domain with your sending FROM address domain.  If you have a dedicated IP on the current pricing plan or are on the Trusted IP range, Marketo can brand your return path at no additional charge.  If you have a legacy Silver Dedicated IP package, or are on the Shared IP range, you can purchase the Branded Return Path as an add-on.   More technical info can be found here: What is DMARC? -
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Issue You want to recall emails sent from your Marketo instance. Solution Once an email has been sent from Marketo Servers it cannot be recalled or pulled back. You can cancel a program before it sends at its scheduled time using the steps here: The above cancellation only works on Email Programs. If you are wanting to cancel a smart campaign follow these instructions: Note: A smart campaign will only stop what hasn't been run yet. If you already had 100 emails sent by the time you cancel it, those 100 emails cannot be unsent. You may see in your Outlook an option for "Recall Email." This function within Outlook only works with internal sends/private systems where the client can request the server revoke access to other client mailboxes before they're viewed, such as your office email to other users in the same company.    
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Issue You want to set up a DKIM key on one of your domains or subdomains, but another service has a DKIM key already set up on the selector/domain combo.   Solution Beginning October 2023, Marketo has upgraded it's DKIM feature to allow for a Custom Selector for DKIM Keys.  Most Users will be able to utilize the prior default selector, m1, as their DKIM Key.  However, if another integration is already utilizing the m1 selector, a custom value can be used. Common ones seen are "m2", "a1", "mkto", etc. It can be longer, but shorter is generally better   Afterwards, you'll be able to validate DKIM  as detailed in documentation:  
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Note: Once you have migrated to Admin Console, you can manage your support cases through the feature provided in the Admin Console Platform. To learn more, visit: Once you have submitted a case to Marketo support, we provide a simple way of staying connected to your case and the cases submitted from your company through the Marketo Support Portal. You can access the support portal through your Marketo instance by selecting Community in the top right corner: This is a article attached image You can also access the support portal directly at and login with your Marketo credentials (login and password). This will not work for users with SSO.   Once you are in the support portal you can Create a Case for Marketo Support or you can also review any cases that are open and being worked on by support or review your case history. Navigate to My Case management: This is a article attached image From the My Cases navigation you can access the following case views: This is a article attached image My Recent Cases* - Cases that you have opened in the past 30 days All Company Recent Cases* - Cases that any authorized support contact has opened in the past 30 days My Open Cases – Cases created by you that are being triaged by Support and pending Support’s response and are more than 30 days old My Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you and are now closed My Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date All Company Closed Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues that are now closed All Company Open Cases - All open cases submitted for the account Company Awaiting Fix Cases – Cases that were created by you or your colleagues where Marketo is developing a fix which will be implemented at a later date Management Escalations - Escalations opened by you or your colleagues  Survey Cases - Surveys that are available for you to fill out after a case is closed *Cases that have been opened for more than 30 days will move from Recent cases to Open cases   To view specific case details, click a case number. This is a article attached image From the Case Details, you can perform the following: Close your Case - Select the "My Case is Resolved" button to close your case Add Comments - Provide additional comments to support or respond to a Support question Add Attachment - Provide any screenshots or documents that will help illustrate the issue you are reporting   If your case has been closed there are two options available to you.   Reopen - You can reopen your case if you are not satisfied with the case resolution by adding a comment in the case. Case Survey - Once your case has closed, please consider offering feedback on the level of Support you received.
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