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Issue After running a Smart Campaign to delete some records, you don't see any deletion activities in the Results tab.  It appears the campaign did not run. Solution If you ran a Smart Campaign to delete records and the only flow action is to 'Delete Person', you will not see any activities in the campaign results as these activities would be associated to the deleted records. This would lead to the impression that the campaign did not run, even when it did.   In order to check the status of the campaign or if the records were deleted, you can check the 'Run History' of the campaign to see if it has one of the following statuses: "Completed (number of people qualified)" "Running campaign - executing flow"   If the campaign is still running, you can also check the Campaign Queue to see if the campaign is still in the queue.
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Issue Emails with valid email address get soft bounced with this error:  Local address contains control or whitespace. Solution This error means that the email has a space somewhere in the the From email address or there was a comma or extra character in the From line.  If you do not see a space inside the email address, check the end of the address to see if a space somehow got added at the end. The email send did not occur due to the error with the address. The emails will need to be resent once after the associated address is corrected with white spaces or extra characters. Also, there is the possibility that email address "text" contains Paragraph marks or hidden formatting symbols ( and instance users will required to have it reviewed and changed.        
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Issue Is it possible to add code from a content management system (CMS) into a Web Campaign in RTP? Solution Marketo Web Personalization does not integrate with any content management system's (CMS) content to draw or pull content campaigns into the Web Campaign. Personalized campaigns need to be created within the Web Campaign editor. So what does this mean? When you are using HTML tags within the Web Campaign Editor in RTP, Marketo only supports the use of RTP HTML tags. On your own website you could have HTML tags and codes from other systems but within the Web Campaign Editor in RTP we only support RTP HTML tags. Note: The RTP Javascript tags works on all types of CMS platforms (Drupal, wordpress, sitecore, HTML pages, etc...) to identify visitors, segment them and show them personalized web campaigns. The above relates to the code used to render a personalized Web Campaign.
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Issue Why does the record in Marketo have an Opportunity when its matching synced Contact in Salesforce does not have an Opportunity? Solution The Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with an Opportunity that belongs to other Contacts. Since "Marketo associates Opportunities and contacts using Opportunity Contact Roles.", Marketo syncs down the Opportunity for the record has it has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with it. If the Opportunity is needed to be removed from the record in Marketo, then: The Opportunity will first need to be deleted in SFDC. The visibility of the role value that is not the primary owner of the Opportunities will need to be removed from the Marketo Sync User. Re-create the Opportunity so that it can be associated to the primary owner.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers who has Salesforce integrated to Marketo
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Issue Issue Description Marketo records have opportunity role while they don't have any opportunity   Solution Issue Resolution This can happen because they are separate SFDC objects so it is possible that the opportunity is not visible to the sync user but the OpportunityContactRole is.  To resolve this, log into SFDC as the Marketo sync user and ensure that the opportunity is visible to the sync user.  
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Article Text Using URL parameters are an important way to organize your web analytics and tracking.   With Marketo Web Personalization, when a web visitor clicks on a personalized Web Campaign we add a parameter to the URL. This parameter is "?iesrc=ctr". Having this parameter allows you to report on your web analytics to see and compare all the clicks on Web Personalization campaigns and overall performance of your personalization strategy.   The Marketo Predictive Content application also includes a URL parameter every time a visitor clicks on predictive content (from the bar, rich media or email). The URL parameter used here is "?iesrc=rcmd".   You can also add your own UTM parameters to the URL link you have in your Web Personalization Campaign or your Predictive Content piece.   The most common URL parameter tools we see customers using is the Google Analytics tool.   In their words "This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. See: Campaign URL Builder — Google Analytics Demos & Tools". Make sure to follow the best practices: Best Practices for creating Custom Campaigns - Analytics Help    
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Issue Description Email filtering can prevent the delivery of the invitation email to the Sales Insight Outlook Plug-in, preventing end users from being able to activate the plug-in.   Issue Resolution This can be re-mediated by white-listing the trusted IP range from the following document:   The email invitation return path is determined by the Marketo user who is inviting in the instance. So if there is a restriction on the domain that the email can be sent from you can adjust this by creating a dummy user with a username with the a domain that would qualify for IT restrictions.  Then log in as the dummy user and send the invitation. It will have the dummy address in the From line.   Who This Solution Applies To Outlook Plug-In users Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Issue Description Getting 'Communication Failure' error popup repeatedly when doing normal operations within the application.   Solution Issue Resolution:   - Disable all browser extensions especially any dealing with ad blockers as they seem to be the primary cause of this issue ("Ghostery" is an example of extension known for blocking multiple Marketo operations/ tasks). - Try to repeat same operations after you have cleaned cache and cookies - (If above option does not work) Try to repeat same operations while using a incognito browser window.  
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Issue The SFDC sync error "Unable to process due to no XML response from Salesforce" or "No XML Document Error" appears. Root Cause This error means Marketo received an invalid XML response returned by SFDC. Most often, this is a transient error from SFDC and resolves on its own in the next sync cycles.  If the error persists or is continually blocking your sync, please reach out to Marketo Support.
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Issue A landing page is taking a significant time to load. Solution The load time of a landing page is generally due to resources that have a large file size or due to third-party scripts. This can be identified by using tools like that breaks down the loading time of individual resources and scripts within a landing page. Another way to inspect the loading time of resources and scripts within a landing page is using the network feature of the developer tools in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any other web browser:    
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Issue Email Link Performance report on the same email shows more clicks compared to clicks in the Email Performance Report. Solution Email Performance Report clicks shows the total number of leads who has clicked any link in that email. This count is independent of any links and how many times a lead has clicked any link on that email. Email Link Performance shows the number of unique people who clicked each link. It shows the number of leads who clicked that particular link. The same lead could’ve clicked another link. So in the total it would be counted as 2 leads in the report but in reality both are same leads. This is the reason why you see Email Link Performance report shows more clicks compared to clicks in the Email Performance Report    
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Issue Issue Description Get the error 'Cannot get email content- Customer does not belong to any POD' when the URL from the 'view as webpage' link is forwarded for review     Solution Issue Resolution This is expected behavior as of the 2019Q1 release. After clicking on the view as webpage link, the mkt_tok value will be removed. Attempts at sharing the URL after this point will fail. The mkt_tok value should not be shared. It uniquely identifies the recipient.  This is a security enhancement.  The preferred method is to use Send Sample to send the email to teammates, or forward the email.
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List imports can fail for a number of different reasons, so finding what that reason was is the first step to fixing what went wrong. When a list import fails to import leads, the Import Status dialog box will give you an error to tell you that some of the leads failed to import. The “Failed: X Leads” showing in the Import Status dialog box is a hyperlink.   This is a article attached image   When you click on the hyperlink, it will download an Excel file that carries the details of what caused the failure. The details for the import failure will change depending on the different types of issues, so watch for the explanations in the far right column for each lead on the list.   Invalid data for the field type: This is a article attached image   Invalid Email Address Warning: This is a article attached image   Lead belongs to a different Lead Partition: This is a article attached image
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Issue Description What is meant by the socially acquired member of a program such as a webinar program? Issue Resolution Leads acquired by the following Social Apps are part of the "Socially Acquired" count - Social Button Youtube video Poll Referrals Sweepstakes If you want to track the number of registrations through social shares, you should consider using the referrals or sweeps app.  These apps allow the users to share and also help you track how many registrations each of your referrers bring in.
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Issue You need to move a Smart Campaign from one Workspace to another but are unable to do so. Solution Make sure the Smart Campaign is not currently active. (If it is a trigger campaign, go to the Schedule tab and click Deactivate.) Create a folder in the Workspace that currently holds the Smart Campaign. Move the Smart Campaign into the folder you created. Drag and drop the folder containing the Smart Campaign into the new Workspace.   Note: When you try to move the folder, the assets in the folder should not be used by other assets.  If you try to do so, you get an error "Not allowed: The "XYZ" assets are in use or used by other assets."  Check the "Used By" tab to see where that asset is in use.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with multiple Workspaces
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Issue You have created a Nurture Engagement Program and are running an Engagement Stream Report, and a stream is not showing on the report.     Solution One likely cause for the stream not showing on the report is that the stream is not sending out content. Once the content in the Engagement Stream is being sent (cast), then the email activity will begin to show on the Report. In order to cast content, the cadence must be set. If the Stream Cadence has been set, and the stream is still not showing on the Report, another likely reason is that there are no leads in the stream. The solution here is to add records to the stream.    
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Issue Description Is it possible to download the most recent report from the smart list subscription email report? Issue Resolution If you click the Download Report button, it will be a static link containing the smart list data at the time the subscription was sent. If you want real-time data, click the smart list URL in the report email and then export the list. Who This Solution Applies To All customers
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Issue Issue Description Universal ID is working on some instances but not others. The user gets the login invite but then when they try to sign in, they end up back in another instance without access to the new instance.     Solution Issue Resolution All Marketo subscriptions have Universal ID enabled, so this issue may be a difference in password restrictions. If an instance has different password security requirements than the other instances and the password doesn't meet those restrictions, you can end up in this situation. Verify if the password settings match the other instances, and if not, then change the settings and send an invite again. For more information on Password Settings: Change your Password Security Settings - Marketo Docs - Product Docs  
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Issue Can Marketo provide SSL pages using Reverse-Proxy, Wild-Card, or Self-Signed Certificates?     Solution Marketo does not support any SSL setup outside of our standard practices. New SSL process outlined here: Setting Up Secured Domains for Landing Pages
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Included in this article   Overview Testing Overview One of the most important steps in setting up new segments in RTP is testing it to make sure that it's working properly. This article will show how you can test known lead targeting in RTP.     Testing 1. Fill out a Marketo form on your webiste using a brand new email address that doesn't exist in this Marketo instance yet. 2. Go to the Lead Database and locate the new lead 3. Create a segment in RTP that targets known leads with the new email address: 4. Wait 5-10 minutes and refresh the webpage 5. Check if you matched the segment. You can check this by finding the lead under "Leads" and then select the lead to see what Segments it matches on the right:      
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