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If your company moves to a new location, follow these steps to change the mailing address in your email templates located in the footer. 1. Find the email template that you want to update your company mailing address. We're using the Rounded Corners email template for this example. 2. Click Edit Draft. The email template shows in the preview window. 3. Click HTML Source. 4. Scroll to where your current mailing address is located (usually at the bottom) and update the information. 5 Click Preview to view your changes. Validate your changes. 6. Click Save and Close. 7. Approve your draft. 8. Click Emails from the tree on the left side of your screen. 9. Any emails that use the updated template will need to be re-approved. 10. You can approve the affected emails in this view (shown in the screen shot above) by highlighting the email(s) and choosing Email Actions > Approve Draft.
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Included in this article Overview Your Premier Support entitlement has been enhanced with a Premier Success Team. Now, your Named Support Engineer is part of a 5-member Premier Success Team whose members work in concert to provide a full range of complementary skills. All your Premier support features remain intact (Mentoring Sessions, Accelerated SLAs, etc), but now your Named Support Engineer will be backed by a focused team of Premier Support Engineers to deliver world-class support tailored to meet the needs of your account. Benefits Each team is led by two Lead Support Engineers, and aided by three Premier Support Engineers. With a larger team, your engineers can specialize in specific knowledge areas, and we can connect you with our most senior engineers for your half-yearly instance reviews and mentor sessions. This will help to increase case resolution speed, decrease escalations, and elevate your overall support experience. Your Team Adam Boschma, Senior Technical Support Engineer - Captain Adam has over seven years of customer service and technical support experience, with four years of team management experience. He has been with Marketo for 2 years working as an escalation authority for almost all aspects of the Marketo Platform. Adam enjoys constantly learning, expanding his skills and digging into complex issues. Outside of work, he enjoys everything that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Everything from the hiking, camping and of course the amazing foods and local craft beer. Nathan Hendrickson, Senior Technical Support Engineer - Captain Nathan is a Marketo Certified Expert and excels in Marketing Activities, Deliverability, and Salesforce integrations. Working through complex configurations and sensitive situations excites him, and he enjoys getting elbow deep to root out issues. During his free time Nathan likes to play video games, go star gazing (as much as you can in Portland), and spend time with friends and family. April Parks, Associate Technical Support Engineer - Specialist Robert Combs,  Technical Support Engineer - Specialist Wyatt Hinck,  Technical Support Engineer - Specialist
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My Salesforce activities are not showing up in Marketo and when I go to the Admin section I see the following sync error:   soqlBatchQuery failed - INVALID_FIELD: CreatedDate, Description, Id, IsAllDayEvent, IsDeleted, OwnerId ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:70 No such column 'IsAllDayEvent' on entity 'Event'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. This is due to lack of permissions for the Marketo Sync User on the Salesforce side. Please have your Salesforce Administrator log into your instance of Salesforce and carry out the following steps:   Log into Salesforce with Admin rights Click on your name drop-down and click on Setup In the left hand column, under App Setup, click on Customize Then click on Activities and then Event Fields Click on the All Day Event Field Label then "Set Field-Level Security" Here make sure to check the box under the Visible column for the Profile that the Marketo Sync User is associated to Click Save Once the above changes have been made on next sync we will begin pulling your Salesforce activities and once the next sync is over, the error message in the Marketo Admin section should go away.    
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Issue Description You want to know how long changing a segment takes. Issue Resolution Segment changes are treated like any other activity that is being queued up and processed to be run. Segment changes have an extremely low priority and can sit in the queue waiting for other activities to finish, so you should wait for some time after making the change before you reference the segment elsewhere.
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Issue When an A/B test is in scheduled state and you would want to cancel it. On clicking "Unapprove Program", an error message shows up saying 'Cannot unapprove program -<program name> - is in use'. Solution Within the program, go to the trigger campaign which references these assets in their smart list, for example  1. 'Program_1.Email_Asset_1' used in 'Open Emails' trigger step in smart list 2. 'Program_1.Email_Asset_1' used in 'Clicks Link in Email' trigger step in smart list Remove asset references above within the smart list of the campaign, navigate to program and click "Unapprove Program". Root Cause This is due to the program asset being used in trigger campaigns within the program. Environment Marketing Activities A/B Test
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Issue Is it possible to download the most recent report from the Smart List subscription email report? Solution If you click the Download Report button, it will be a static link containing the Smart List data at the time the subscription was sent. If you want real-time data, click the Smart List URL in the report email and then export the list.  
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Issue You want to know the expected behavior if an email is sent to a lead from a Smart Campaign and then you add that exact same email (with the same email asset ID) to an Engagement Program nurture stream the lead is in. Solution The email will not be sent through the nurture stream, because an Engagement Program will not send the same exact same email to a lead twice, regardless of how it was originally sent. However, Marketo will send a cloned version of that email, since the email asset IDs are different.  
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Issue A lead/person completes an action that should trigger a Smart Campaign located in a Workspace, but the campaign does not trigger.   Solution If you have Workspaces and Partitions set up on your instance, some leads may not be available to some campaigns, due to workspace and partition restrictions. When a workspace only has access to certain lead partitions, leads in other partitions are unable to trigger campaigns in that workspace. So if Workspace 1 has access to Partitions A and B, leads in Partition C cannot be included in any campaigns for Workspace 1.   To resolve this issue, you would need to change the restrictions that are preventing the leads from being able to trigger campaigns in a particular workspace. These can be changed by going to Admin > Workspaces & Partitions > Edit Workspace (with the appropriate workspace selected). Whether it makes sense to make this change should be reviewed first.   Often workspaces are setup to be specific to regions, so check whether it makes sense from a business point of view for leads in a partition to qualify for campaigns in a certain workspace.   It may not be desired, and instead it should be checked whether the lead should be in fact in a different partition. Who This Solution Applies To Customers who have Workspaces & Partitions set up in their instance.  
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Issue Issue Description You try to merge two records in Marketo and a System Error appears ‘Failed to merge leads [Lead ID]'       Solution Issue Resolution One of the reasons why the merge fails is the leads are part of a different account in SFDC. Even though it looks like they belong to the same account, you need to verify their account ID in SalesForce to see if they match. Another possible reason is due to lack of permissions on SFDC.    
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Issue Do webhook calls contribute to the daily API limit/quota visible in [Admin > Integration > Web Services > API Call Information] ?   Solution No, webhook calls are not counted as part of the daily API limit. Webhooks do not have any execution limits.  
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Using the Marketo SOAP API, you can check whether or not your website visitors have filled out a form and present them content accordingly. The following code below is unsupported and is intended to help you develop your own solution. In the resources section of the Marketo website, we use this method for our premium content. For leads who have already registered, their links go directly to the resource. Leads who haven't registered are given links to a landing page. In both cases, the link appears the same. Behind the scenes, a cookie is used to store whether or not this lead has registered: If the user has the premium registration cookie, the premium links are shown. If the user does not have that cookie, the lead's record is retrieved via the SOAP API. Based on the lead's record: If the lead has a valid email address, the premium content links are shown and the premium registration cookie is set. If not, the premium content links are not shown. Instead, they take leads to a landing page to fill out a form. First, you'll need to develop a SOAP API connection to Marketo. The attached ZIP file has a sample connection PHP file. You'll need to make the following changes in this file: ... $this->access_key = 'Your API Access Key Goes Here'; $this->secret_key = 'Your Secret API Key Goes Here'; // // The endpoint is in the "SOAP API Setup" page in the Marketo Admin section // ex. $soap_end_point = ''; // $soap_end_point = 'Your SOAP API End Point URL Goes Here'; // // Errors are sent to this email address. Your web server // must be configured to send email for this to work correctly. // // ex. $this->error_email_address = ''; // $this->error_email_address = 'Put your debug email address here'; ... After creating your SOAP API connection, the next step is to implement the logic that determines which content to show if the user is logged in or not. The get_premium_url_status() function returns true if the lead has the premium cookie or if they've filled out a form. Otherwise, it returns false. You can use that result to determine what content the lead should see. The attached ZIP file has a PHP file that contains an example of this check.
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Issue In the activity log, you see that a lead has been added to a Marketo Custom Object, but in the Custom Object tab there is no data. Solution The reason why that it appears as the custom object data is missing for a lead is because the custom object data becomes disassociated to the lead and associated to another lead when the custom object data is pushed into Marketo. When the custom object data is pushed to Marketo intended for lead A with the same dedupe field value of an existing custom object record associated to lead B, it disassociates it from the lead B and associates it with lead A. Therefore, when looking at lead B that has had an 'Add to Custom Object' activity, but does not have the Custom Object data visible in the Custom Objects tab, it is because the custom object data was associated to another lead.   For example: On Lead A, custom object data is added on x time with the dedupe field value 'test' --> custom object data is associated to this lead and is visible in the Custom Object tab On Lead B, custom object data is added on y time with the same dedupe field value 'test' --> existing custom object data that was created in previous step is now associated to this lead, becomes visible in the Custom Object tab Since the custom object data is moved to this lead, it is no longer visible in the custom object tab for Lead A.
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Issue Description When you invite a New User into a Marketo Instance, you are given the option to assign User Roles. What happens when you assign 2 or more Roles? How many Roles should be assigned? Issue Resolution When a user has 2 conflicting Roles assigned, Marketo will, more often than not, be more restrictive in its willingness to let the user perform the action if the other User Role does not have the permissions to do the action. Marketo Support often sees users assigned the Admin Role, as well as a Marketing User Role. The Admin Role has permission to do everything. Adding an additional Role can cause restrictive permission errors when that user is attempting to do something that the Marketing User Role does not have the ability to do. Example: A new User is assigned 2 User Roles each with different permissions. One User Role has the ability to approve email assets, and the other User Role does not have that permission. In that case, Marketo may restrict the User from being able to approve the email asset. There is not necessarily a limit to how many Roles can be assigned to a User. There is nothing prohibiting you from assigning multiple Roles to a new User. It is recommended that Users are invited with only one role assigned. The resolution could be to tailor User Roles for the specific person, or job position in mind.
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Issue Issue Description After following the set up directions for a domain alias for a new landing page domain, the new domain redirects to a Marketo 404 page. The instance has SSL for Landing Pages.   Solution Issue Resolution Contact Marketo Support and request that the new domain be added to your SSL certificate. If this has been done, they will be able to help you troubleshoot further. Who This Solution Applies To SSL for Landing Pages
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Issue Issue Description Unable to create a subscription for static list.     Solution Issue Resolution While Subscriptions are not directly available for static lists and are only for Smart Lists and reports, you can create a Smart List that uses the filter 'Member of List' and then create the subscription on the Smart List instead.
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New Lead with no email address and no Marketo cookie: If a new lead fills out a Marketo form. Their Marketo cookie is created, lead details (including the cookie) will be updated and the Lead-Database and RTP sync process will be initiated. They will then be known to RTP and eligible for 1:1 personalized RTP campaigns. This sync process may take a few minutes so personalization based on lead data will be available from the lead’s next visit. Lead with email address but no Marketo cookie: When a known lead with no cookie (e.g. a lead from a tradeshow or a list) receives a Marketo email campaign and clicks on a link in the email and arrives to the website, the RTP script runs and a new Marketo cookie is created for them. The creation of the cookie is also sent to the Lead-Database and initiates the RTP sync process for this lead. This sync process may take a few minutes so personalization based on lead data will be available from the lead’s next visit. Known Lead with email address and Marketo cookie: Any changes to the lead’s data will be synced between the Lead-Database and RTP within 5 minutes interval.
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Issue When adding new IP Address to the IP Restrictions list on Admin > Login Settings > IP Restrictions, you receive this error message: "Your current IP address (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) cannot be blocked."   Environment Admin IP Restrictions Login Solution Ensure that you have Admin Access to the Marketo instance and that you have logged into the Marketo instance via one of the IP Addresses listed on the IP Restrictions list.  Root Cause User logging into the instance with an IP Address not on the IP Restrictions list. 
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Issue There are multiple forms on a Marketo landing page. No custom code on any of the assets. Form Pre-fill is enabled on all fields, but only the first form on the landing page is being pre-filled. Solution Marketo does not support using multiple Marketo forms on a Marketo landing page. Pre-fill gets messy with multiple forms is because we only pull pre-fill for the first form that we load.
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Issue You are utilizing Snippets within emails and want to run link/usage reporting on these Snippets. Solution We do not have this ability to report on Snippets. One option would be to use an Email Link Performance Report  -  however this would require that you know which links are in which Snippets.    
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Issue Issue Description Occasionally, one leads information may be shown when the form has pre-fill enabled. There are specific circumstances where this is possible, and it is most common during testing. These articles outline the scenarios: Why am I seeing someone else's information pre-filled in my form? Troubleshooting Pre-Fill Forms   However, what if the information in the form is submitting to the original lead whose information was shown on the form?     Solution Issue Resolution Since the information originally shown in the form was from a cookie, Marketo assumes this is a known record. If no email address is included on the form (this is a bad idea), the data entered into the form will be submitted to the original record shown because there is not an email address to deduplicate against. The solution is to ensure there is an email address on the form. This also prevents leads who are unknown from filling out the form and creating a record in your database with no email address.        
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