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No, if you have received the blacklist notification, you are not blocked from sending mail.  You can continue to mail while you work through the remediation steps. The only time we will ever block you from sending mail is if you trigger a listing at Spamhaus, the world’s most respected and widely used blacklist. If this happens, you will receive a call or email to let you know what’s going on and we will work with you to resolve the issue. This is a rare occurrence. Additional Resources: Can you give me the spam trap address that triggered the listing? What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? What is a blacklist? How does Marketo respond to blacklisting and spam notifications? Top blacklists - What you need to know Blacklist Remediation Successful Reconfirmation
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Included in this article   Overview Embedding Videos into RTP Campaigns Overview RTP will allow you to embed a form into a campaign, but what about videos? That can be done too!   Embedding Videos into RTP Campaigns To embed videos in your RTP Campaign, you will first need to get the embed code or iFrame code information for the video service you are using.  We have links to instructions for some common video players below.   YouTube Vimeo Wistia Kaltura   Once you have the necessary code, open the RTP Campaign Editor, click on the HTML icon to open the HTML Source Editor, and paste the embed code into the campaign.  
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Issue Advanced Filter for creating web segments is not selectable as an option. Only ALL or ANY filter logic can be selected. Why? Solution In order to select the advanced filter logic for creating a segment, there must be at least three filters in the segment. Otherwise, the option will be 'grayed out' or not selectable. This is similar to smart lists where: "Advanced filter logic is only available if there are three or more filters in your smart list."  
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Issue You see that a lead has an unusually high amount of Clicked Link activity for a particular email after delivery.     Solution There can be a couple reasons for this.  If you see that all links in the email are being clicked immediately upon delivery, it is likely that the lead's email security software is link-testing to guard against phishing or malicious links.  However, if you see an unusually large number of link clicks over the course of a day or two, it may be that the lead forwarded the email to other people who clicked on the links.  Since the tracking links are specific to the lead who was sent the original email, if the email is forwarded to other people, their clicks will be recorded under the initial lead's activity history. Marketo does not have a way to confirm this is the case, but if you open the Click Link activities in the leads Activity Log and look at the details, you may see the User Agent (which indicates the operating system and client software used to display the email) is different for each click.  If you see a variety of different user agents in the details, it is likely the email is being opened and clicked by different people who were forwarded the email.
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Issue Issue Description Outlook plugin gives an install error: "Registration code invalid."     Solution Issue Resolution This is normally caused by a faulty installation or problems with network connection to the Marketo validation servers.   1.    Check to see if you have the correct type. (i.e. if you have a 32-bit office then you have to get the 32-bit download or if you have the 64-bit then you need the 64-bit download.  NOTE: Your Office may not be the same version as your operating system, so be sure to check the Office version specifically.) 2.    The activation code should be used only once. 3.    It should be used with the same email address that the code was sent to. 4.    If the installation does not work, check the mopi.logs for errors. The mopi.logs should be in C:\Program Files\Marketo\Marketo Outlook Add-in. 5.    You may need to uninstall and reinstall the plugin. 6.     If you are behind a firewall or vpn, these can occasionally interfere with the communication between the plugin and the Marketo validation servers.  Retry the process on an alternate network such as a home network or a cellular hotspot.   If you are still unable to resolve the issue, please contact Marketo support.
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Issue Issue Description You have a field (e.g. Most Recent Website Visit) that you want to see previous values for without needing to look through the activity log.     Solution Issue Resolution This can be done using a few custom fields, and one trigger campaign. Make duplicates of the field you want to see most recent values of (e.g. Most Recent Website Visit 1, Most Recent Website Visit 2, etc.) while still keeping the original field. Use the original field as you previously have, but set a trigger campaign to look for data value changes to that field. In the flow of that campaign, set the logic like so:   Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 3 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit 2}} Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 2 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit 1}} Change Data Value: Most Recent Website Visit 1 new value: {{lead.Most Recent Website Visit}} Using the above flow, the most recent values for the field can be checked without looking into an activity log. This can be useful in a number of ways, for example this information could be included in an email or alert. Another example, if the primary field (in the above example it is Most Recent Website Visit) is updated to a value that it should not have, then you can setup another campaign to update Most Recent Website Visit using the value in Most Recent Website visit 2 to restore the previous value.   Warning Please Note: The above process can be somewhat resource intensive (particularly if a large number of records trigger the campaign at close to the same time), this should be done with as few fields as possible to assure good instance health overall.
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My export is going to take a long time, do I have to stay logged in until it completes? Thankfully no, once you get your Import or Export started, you can log out, go grab some coffee or go home and the process will continue. Export: When you start the export process, you can close out of Marketo, later in the day or the following day you can log back into Marketo, find the same SmartList or StaticList you ran the export from, select it, click on List Actions and choose "Show Export Status". The Export dropdown will show up and assuming it is finished, the download link will be available. 1. Find and Click on the SmartLists or StaticList: 2. Click on List Actions then "Show Export Status": 3. The dropdown will pop open in the top right hand corner with the export status or the download link:   Import: Similarly, you can get an Import started, when you choose the CSV and begin the process the first step is for the file to get uploaded to our server where it will be further processed and imported into the database. Once the file is uploaded and the import process begins, you can close out of Marketo and come back to check on the status in the future instead of staying logged in the entire time. In a similar manner to checking export status, you can click the StaticList you are importing into as follows: 1. Find and Click the SmartList or StaticList you are Importing into: 2. Click on List Actions then "Show Import Status": 3. The dropdown will pop open in the top right hand corner.
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Issue Multiple alerts are sent from the same campaign.   Solution Recognize that Send Alert functions at the person level, triggering an alert for each individual in a campaign. Utilize Marketo's reporting to send a consolidated notification: Create an Email or Campaign Performance report. Tailor the report settings for the specific campaign. Schedule the report to be sent after campaign completion. This method provides a summarized notification, avoiding the repetition of alerts per campaign member.   Alternatively, use Send Alert for individual notifications where needed, such as: Alerting a lead owner of a form submission. Triggering personalized alerts for specific lead activities.  
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Issue Description How to edit the page title (shown on a web browser tab) of an email when viewed as a web page. Issue Resolution The web page title of an email can be modified by editing the HTML of the email. For instance, entering the title tag in the header will make this change: <title>Email title</title> As this requires editing the HTML or customizing the code of an email, if you are unfamiliar with coding, contact a web developer for further assistance.
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Issue Tracked links in emails resolve to "Your connection is not private", or other security warnings in the browser, when clicked.     Solution The browser is expecting the branded link domain to be secured with a SSL certificate. Subscriptions without Secured Domains for Tracking Links: Please contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss purchasing a subscription to Secured Domains for Tracking Links. Subscriptions with Secured Domains for Tracking Links: Please contact Marketo Support to provision a SSL certificate onto your tracking link domain. More information can be found here Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Tracking Links
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Issue You see that a program imported from another instance is missing email or landing page assets. Solution Emails and landing pages with dynamic content and snippets are skipped during the import, because the snippets and dynamic content are not imported with the program.
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A business wouldn’t be able to run successfully without great data. As a data analyst, we understand that you rely on Marketo to make accurate reports for your company. To make sure you’re using Marketo to the best of its ability, here are some trainings we recommend to help get the most out of Marketo’s data and analytics.   Instructor-Led Trainings Check out the Using Marketo Analytics and Reporting instructor-led training to get in depth guidance on how to map and measure your customer journey, tie revenue to your marketing campaigns, share progress through reports and easy-to-read dashboards, and focus your investment where it will have the most impact.   Core Concepts II Core Concepts II is a great overview of some of Marketo’s more advanced functions, which can be used to enhance your reports.   Free Training Videos Our free training videos on reporting and analytics cover performance insights, standard reports, and analytics. These videos are followed by a brief quiz to check your understanding of the material.
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Issue Interesting moments not appearing for a user in Dynamics. The interesting moments section on a Contact displays: “No Interesting Moments for [Contact Name]” Solution Checked that the user is a contact record synced with a Marketo record that has interesting moments Created a new record with interesting moments and synced to Dynamics, but the user still cannot see the interesting moments Sync is validated  No errors found for example records MSI Sync status is ‘Configured’ in [Admin > Sales Insight] Checked on a system admin users access and were able to see the interesting moments for the example records Found that the Marketo Sales Insight security role was not assigned to the affected user, but after assigning the role, clearing browser cookies and cache, logging out and logging back in, the Interesting Moments for the example records was still not appearing Perform the following update: Go to > Settings > In Marketo API configuration > Form Editor > API secret Key > Details tab > Edit > Disable the field level security Root Cause Marketo Sales Insight role was not assigned to the user and Marketo API Configuration had field-level security enabled Environment Microsoft Dynamics CRM Marketo Sales Insight Interesting Moments
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Issue Issue Description When a lead is created through an API call, the Reason and Source attributes say "Web Service API" with no further detail.       Solution Issue Resolution As described in the doc here,, "Source" and "Reason" fields are managed by Marketo: Web Service API for Original Source Type means Person was discovered by a web service API. For Registration Source Type, it states that Person was created via SOAP/REST API When a lead is created via API, no additional "Source" or "Reason" is provided to Marketo. A possible workaround is to create a custom field and populate it as needed through the API.    
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Issue The subject line for an email sent out to leads did not match what was set for an approved email.   Solution The email may have Dynamic Subject Lines enabled. Dynamic Subject Lines allow you to set dynamic content for the subject line based on the Segmentation of your leads. Visit our Documentation for further information about segments and dynamic content. Segments: Create a segmentation Dynamic Content: Using Dynamic Content in an email The issue can be resolved by converting the subject line to a Static Subject Line. A Static Subject Line is a single line of content that will send out to any recipient of your email, regardless of their segmentation. You can do so by doing the following:   Click on the Subject Line to bring up the Subject Line edit buttons. Click the Make Static button
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Issue In an instance where there are multiple workspaces, when creating a new email and right-clicking on a Marketo Starter Template to send a sample email, an error is displayed: Access Denied This error occurs even though the user has all permissions to Access Design Studio and all permissions to Access Marketing Activities. This includes the 'Run Single Flow Action' permission which is required for sending sample emails: "You must have the Access Database - Run Single Flow Actions permission to send sample emails."   Solution This error can occur if the user does not have access to the Default workspace. To solve this, the user must be provided with access to the Default workspace in [Admin > Users & Roles]  
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Issue You need to know the version of the munchkin script which is used by a particular web-page. Solution Munchkin version can be found by following the below steps: Open up your web browser Open developer console on your browser. Most other browsers use F12 to open developer tools. Visit the page on which the munchkin script is embedded Navigate to the network tab of the Developer console and search for munchkin You should find two attributes named “munchkin.js” and one of them will show a similar request URL as seen below The numerical value 154 is the munchkin version. NOTE: If you are not able to finds anything over the network tab, we would suggest that you refresh the webpage which has the munchkin script is embedded on it  
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Issue Issue Description A smart list in the Marketo database generates an amount of records for a specific Created Date and a report in Revenue Explorer reports a different number of records for the same Created Date.   Solution Issue Resolution Revenue Explorer (RCE) will report counts of records by Create Date by which ever is earlier: the Marketo Create Date or the CRM create Date.  If the record was created in Marketo on May 1st, and then synced and created in CRM on May 5th, RCE will report that record's Create Date as May 1st. If the record was created in CRM on February 13th, and then synced and created in Marketo on March 20th, RCE will report that record's Create Date as Feb 13th.  Additional example: If a person was cookied for the first time via a web page visit on April 3rd creating an anonymous record in Marketo, and then filled out a form on April 5th converting the anonymous record to a known person and synced to CRM on April 7, RCE will report that record's Create Date as April 3rd because that's when the anonymous record was created in the database. If a smart list is generated to compare with Revenue Explorer to identify records by Create Date, there can be differences in count due to the following possibilities: 1) RCE Sync - the sync to RCE delays data by about 24 hours. If a net new record was just imported into Marketo, RCE would be able to report on it approximately 24 hours later.  2) Differences in defining measures/filters - as stated above, RCE will report based on the record's Create Date (visible on the Marketo Record's Info tab), and the Smart List could be based on different filters. See this related document about smart list filters (LINK TBD). The Smart List could be looking at a date when records became known, or could be looking at when the record was created in Marketo; RCE and the Smart List could be looking at different dates. 3) Time zone difference - RCE will always report on Central Time, and Smart Lists will report on the instance's local time.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer
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Issue There are 50 programs in Marketo that have the name starting with "Nurture Send". However, not all of them appear in Email Insights when selecting [Filter > Content > Program > "Nurture Send"] Solution Email Insights UI is currently designed to list down only 20 suggestions for the search string as of now. Check for the missing programs in Email Insights by specifying the search term or entering their full name.
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Included in this Article   Overview Troubleshooting Workflow Possible Outcomes Overview Sometimes your RTP Campaigns have problems and stop working suddenly. This can obviously cause trouble for your marketing efforts, so this doc will show you steps on how to troubleshoot those issues.     Troubleshooting Workflow 1. Check the campaign's last impression time stamp           a. Go to Campaigns page           b. Locate the relevant campaign and click the Impressions link to see people that viewed the RTP campaign (make sure the time scope corresponds to the right dates when the campaign was active)               c. When you see the lists of visitors that viewed the campaign, order by Latest and check for the Last / most recent visit impression time stamp        2. Check the segment's last visit time stamp      a. Go back to the Campaigns page and click the campaign's target segment link listed     b. Navigate to the Segments page and identify the corresponding segment there.   3. Click the Matches link to see the visitors who have matched the segment and check the last match time stamp. You're looking to compare the most recent date/time stamps between the Segment matches and the Campaign impressions.       Possible Outcomes   CASE A: Both time stamps are similar -- something changed in the segment level Is the segment status pending? Has someone manually changed the segment settings? CASE B: The two time stamps don't match -- something changed in the campaign level Is the campaign status pending? Has someone manually paused the campaign / changed settings? CASE C: The segment kept matching visitors (until the end of that day) while visitors did not see the campaign Does the campaign display properly on the website now? Check JavaScript tag. Is the campaign part of an A/B testing group? Is Auto-Tune enabled? If so, please refer to this KB article on: AB Test Your RTP Campaign - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
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