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Overview RTP works very closely with your Marketo Lead Database to pull information about previous visitors, which makes it important for Marketo and RTP to keep accurate and matching information about visitors. There are 3 scenarios that can arise based on how much information is known about the visitor, and each is handled differently. These scenarios are described below.     New Lead with no Email Address and no Marketo Cookie When this kind of lead fills out a Marketo form: Their Marketo cookie is created Lead details will be updated and the Marketo-RTP sync process is initiated The lead will then be known to RTP and potentially eligible for personalized campaigns         Lead with Email Address but no Marketo Cookie When this kind of lead receives a Marketo email campaign and clicks on a link in the email: A new Marketo cookie is created for them This creation initiates the Marketo-RTP sync process     Known Lead with an Email Address and Marketo Cookie Any changes to the lead's data will be synced between Marketo and RTP within 5 minutes
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No, unfortunately we are unable to tell you what the spam trap address is. We don’t even know it ourselves! Spam trap addresses are proprietary to the blacklists that own them. Anti-spam professionals use spam trap addresses to track unsolicited emails. If a spam trap is known by the offending sender, the sender could simply remove the spam trap address from their lists and never actually address the data problem that caused that spam trap address to be included in their lists to begin with. Instead of asking what the spam trap address is, try to identify the source of the trap address and eliminate bad data sources from your mailing lists. You should be able to identify the email campaign that caused the blacklist issue, so you should start with those lists. To narrow it down and identify the problematic data source, you should consider the following: Have you recently added any new leads or new lead sources? What is the source of these leads? Any purchased or appended email addresses should be removed, because these data sources are often the source of newly introduced spamtraps. In addition, using purchased or appended email addresses for mailing is a violation of Marketo’s Email Use and Anti-Spam Policy. Have you added any older leads that have not been mailed to recently? Some email providers will turn an email address into a spam trap after a year of inactivity. If you have a list of addresses that has not been mailed to in a year or more, this list should be removed. Does your system use any custom fields to indicate customer status, event attendance, recent contact with your sales team, or other forms of engagement? If so, take advantage of this and isolate the inactive or non-responsive segments of your database using all of the activity data you have available. Is there anything about this specific mailing that makes it different compared to your previous email campaigns? Did you send any other mail on the same day? If so, you should compare the recipient lists. Think you have narrowed in on the problem? Check out our guide to blacklist remediation to find out what to do with that bad list and complete the remediation program.   Additional Resources: What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? What is a blacklist? How does Marketo respond to blacklisting and spam notifications? Top blacklists - What you need to know Blacklist Remediation Successful Reconfirmation Blacklist Deep Dive Blacklist FAQ    
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Issue When you send an email that was cloned from a previous campaign and updated, the sent email shows the old content rather than the new content. Solution This can be caused by Dynamic Content in the email.  If you clone an email with Dynamic Content but only update the default content, then the old content will be sent to leads who are not part of the default segmentation.  Open the email in the editor and see what email elements are displayed in the Dynamic tab.     Check the different segments in the editor and see which ones have the old content. You can update the dynamic content for each segment or simply make the content static, which will make the email use the default content for all leads.    
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Issue Description How to use a script token to calculate and populate the number of years since a given date Issue Resolution This can be achieved by using a velocity (email script) token: #set( $defaultTimeZone = $date.getTimeZone().getTimeZone("America/New_York") )  #set( $defaultLocale = $date.getLocale() )  #set( $calNow = $date.getCalendar() )  #set( $ret = $calNow.setTimeZone($defaultTimeZone) )  #set( $calConst = $$calNow) )  #set( $ISO8601 = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" )  #set( $ISO8601DateOnly = "yyyy-MM-dd" )  #set( $calJoinDate = $convert.toCalendar(  $convert.parseDate(      $lead.JoinDate,       $ISO8601DateOnly,       $defaultLocale,       $defaultTimeZone     )  ) )  #set( $differenceInYears = $date.difference($calJoinDate,$calNow ).getYears() )  #set( $friendlyLabel = $display.plural($convert.toInteger($differenceInYears),"year") )  You joined us ${differenceInYears} ${friendlyLabel} ago!  Where $lead.JoinDate is the joining date. More at
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Issue: My landing page is showing the wrong title, why is this and how do I fix it?   Solution: When you clone a landing page, the title of the old page carries over to the new one. In order to update the page title please see Edit Landing Page Title and Metadata for detailed instructions.
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Summary Smart campaign utilizing the 'Fills Out Facebook Lead Ads Form' trigger does not generate any results for people created as a result of filling out a Facebook Lead Ads form. Issue Smart campaigns utilizing the 'Fills Out Facebook Lead Ads Form' Trigger does not trigger for people created as a result of filling out a Facebook Lead Ads form. Solution If you have Workspaces and Partitions set up on your instance, it is important to remember that people created in the database as a result of filling out Facebook Lead Ads form, will be automatically created in your Default partition per design.  In a scenario where a trigger campaign is hosted under a workspace that does not have the appropriate visibility to your default partition - the person filling out the Facebook Lead Ad form would not be triggering the campaign.    Solution Make sure your trigger campaign lives under workspace which has visibility over the default person partition. To check the workspace configuration go to Admin > Workspaces & Partitions and make sure your default partition is assigned to the workspace where your trigger campaign lives under.  Root Cause New people which are being created in Marketo as a result of filling out a Facebook Lead Ads Form will be created by default in the Default lead partition. Environment Customers who have Workspaces and Partitions set up in their instance. Customers who have set up the Facebook Lead Ads integration and have utilized the  'Fills Out Facebook Lead Ads Form' Trigger
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Issue Leads were sent the email and clicked on a web page link on the email. However, the web page activities were not associated to these leads.   Solution Issue Resolution Check that the link clicked in the email has tracked link enabled If the web page activities are associated to other records (e.g. duplicates), then: Check who was 'cookied' on the web browser before the visit web page activity was recorded for the other records. This can be checked by looking at the web page activities recorded in the activity log. Check the User Agent details of the Click Link activity of the lead that was sent the email and compare it with the User Agent details of the Web Page Visit activity of the other record. The following tool can be used to help interpret the device details from the User Agent details: In case of a non marketo landing page , check whether the munchkin is enabled correctly over the page without any customization. Reference Doc :- Munchkin Tracking
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  Quick points: *Spamtraps are addresses owned by antispam organizations *Emailing a spamtrap (usually) gets your IP or domain blacklisted *Maintain current, direct opt-in with an active lead database to avoid this     What is a spam trap or spamtrap?   A spam trap, or spamtrap is an email address secretly owned by an antispam organization that is used to detect spam. Antispam organizations do not sign up for mailing lists, so they consider any email sent to these addresses to be spam. Once email is sent to the spamtrap, the antispam organization that owns this address will blacklist the IP that sent the email (or, less often, domains that are linked in the message).   Email administrators purchase subscriptions to various blacklists, and use the lists to block all incoming email from listed IPs or containing listed domains. From the marketer’s perspective, this can mean a high number of bounced emails leading to low lead engagement, and ultimately to weak revenue performance.   There are two types of spamtraps – pristine traps, and repurposed/recycled traps. A pristine trap is an email address that was never used by a person. A repurposed trap is an email address that once belonged to someone but is no longer a valid address; these addresses will bounce as bad addresses for at least six months before an antispam organization will turn them into live traps.<   How can a spamtrap get into my Marketo lead database?   Purchased data   Purchased data is unreliable. The antispam world does not like the use of purchased data so antispam administrators have made a concerted effort to get spamtrap addresses into the databases of data vendors. While data vendors may say they provide opt-in data in reality consent should be direct to your company./p> Sending unsolicited email is prohibited by the Marketo Terms of Use because this practice has a high risk of causing blacklist issues that can destroy deliverability for multiple Marketo customers. To avoid spam traps get direct opt-in before sending email. If you have purchased data in the past we recommend setting any inactive purchased leads to marketing suspended or simply removing them from your database. Old data Repurposed traps are email addresses that were once valid but are now owned by an antispam organization. This can happen when a company goes out of business; expired domains are often purchased by antispam organizations. Sometimes a company that has a direct partnership with an antispam organization will allow email addresses of former employees or users to become spamtraps. Because antispam organizations will generally make sure future spam traps return a bounce as bad addresses for at least six months before they become spam traps you can prevent repurposed traps in your database by emailing remaining engaged with everyone in your database at least once every six months. Avoid “wake the dead” campaigns to addresses you have not contacted in more than six months. Unconfirmed form entries People can unintentionally enter spamtrap addresses into forms either by making a typo or by intentionally using a fake email address that happens to be a spamtrap. If you use single opt-in, you may add spamtraps to your mailing list. This is more likely to happen if you are a B2C company or if someone thinks they can get whitepapers or free trials simply by filling out a form with made-up information.   How can I identify spamtrap addresses?   Spamtrap addresses are considered trade secrets by the antispam organizations. They do not share these addresses because their goal is for senders to change their mailing practices rather than to simply remove spamtraps from their mailing lists.   That said, one thing we do know about spamtraps is that they tend to be automated processes and do not engage. Spamtraps do not click links. You can use smart list filters to identify inactive leads in Marketo.   How can I prevent spamtraps in my database? Maintain active, direct opt-in for all leads. Don’t purchase data. (To grow your list, sponsor events, use list rental services that send the first message for you, or use co-branded content that sends you only good leads) Email everyone you want to email at least once every six months Don’t add old data directly to your mailing list. (If you need to, add in small batches and send a welcome email with a slightly different subject to each batch.) Regularly clean your database of inactive leads Grant access to assets such as free trials and whitepapers as email links to discourage intentional use of fake email addresses on forms Use scripting on your forms to identify potential typos
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In your email link performance reports, you may see a "malformed link."     This occurs when invalid or empty URLs are present in an email asset.   These links are transformed into a branded tracking link and if clicked will appear on this report.    In the email editor, check for empty links or tokens that do not populate a full link. 
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Issue Description After syncing a Dynamics Custom Entity to create it in Marketo, not all constraints appear as options when setting up filters for the custom entity in a Smart list. Issue Resolution When a custom entity is added after the initial sync, it may not end up with a direct relationship in the database. To resolve this, fully refresh everything to see if that helps re-establish the relationship using the following steps: Remove all the references from this entity (which you can see under Object Properties: Object Used By") Disable the custom entity Refresh schema and re-sync the custom entity     Who This Solution Applies To Customers using MS Dynamics Custom Entities Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue The format of the landing page is distorted in comparison to the version displayed in the landing page preview.  Environment SSL Certificates Landing Page Domain Landing Page format is different from preview Landing Page contain unsecure content Landing page template has http instead of https   Solution Ensure all the links used in HTML code used in the landing page template is referencing "HTTPS" and not "HTTP". You can follow the steps outlined in the document below on how to edit landing page template.  Link: **NOTE: If the landing pages is approved, a draft version of the landing page is created for any landing pages which is using the landing page template. You can mass approve those landing pages via following steps outlined in the document below. Link: Root Cause Once you secure your Marketo landing pages to be served over "HTTPS", you should have not links referencing "HTTP" (unsecured) assets or pages. 
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The Marketo system hosting your subscription is currently experiencing an unplanned service interruption affecting Trigger processing.   When: Monday April 24 th, 2017 - Current   Services affected: During the time of this incident, Trigger Processing is intermittently affected. Customers may experience periodic delays in Triggering events based on an activity. Login to the Marketo application, landing pages, and rest of the platform are not affected.   Cause: This service interruption is due to stability issues in our infrastructure, which is utilized for Triggering events. We are actively engaged with our Vendor to stabilize the infrastructure and deliver a permanent resolution.   We will provide the next update within 24 hours. A root Cause and/or remediation plan will be shared as soon as we have it from our Vendor.   We want to assure you that we take these incidents very seriously, and we are taking steps to prevent similar situations going forward. If you have any questions about service interruption, please contact Marketo Support. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Issue Description One (or several) of the emails in your Engagement Program stream with Recipient Time Zone enabled failed to send but there was no failure or error message. You edited the email(s) within 25 hours of the next scheduled cast.   Solution Issue Resolution Our Engagement Program documentations states that "We require you to schedule the first cast at least 25 hours in the future because there may be people who qualify for the cast in every time zone across the globe." ( This also applies to making edits to emails. If you edit an email in an Engagement Program stream with Recipient Time Zone enabled within 25 hours of the next scheduled cast. The pre-processing is disrupted and the email will fail to send. To avoid the issue please either  1) disable Recipient Time Zone 2) refrain from making edits to the Engagement Program streams or assets 25 hours before the next scheduled cast. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Engagement Program with Recipient Time Zone enabled
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Issue Webinar attendance still has not updated 24 hours after webinar was completed. Solution Sometimes Webinar providers can fail to update attendance to Marketo. To refresh the attendance information do the following:   Open the Webinar Program Go to Event Actions -> Refresh from webinar provider If this does not resolve the issue, please contact Support.
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Issue Description Whenever a lead enters Marketo, it is being deleted automatically.   Issue Resolution Marketo will never delete any lead records on its own unless you have setup a trigger or batch campaign to do so. We suggest you to review your campaigns in Campaign Inspector and check for the campaign that is using "Delete Person," or "Delete Person from SFDC" with the value true for "Delete in Marketo."   If you have figured out the campaign and you would like to restore the deleted leads, contact support ( and they may be able to restore the deleted leads with a buffer period 30 days from the date of lead deletion.  Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You have exported the fields under the Field Management section as mentioned in this document to view the API name of the Marketo fields  You see there are few fields missing and would like to know their API names. Solution Here's a list of the Marketo Standard fields that are available via API. If there are fields which are not available in the list export, it means they likely do not have an API name or not accessible through API calls.    
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Included in this Article: Overview The Content Recommendation Engine (CRE) is a powerful tool that can recommend selected content based on a visitor's information in the Marketo database. While you may want the CRE to appear on any page in your website, you may only have certain pages which you do or don't want the CRE to appear. In this article, we will demonstrate two ways of achieving this inclusion or exclusion of the CRE. Edit the CRE Settings First, go to Account Settings In the Domain tab of Account Settings, you will find the options for customizing the appearance of the CRE Enter the URL you wish to include or exclude in the URL Path field You can use wildcards tokens (*), which will match any character or sequence of characters, to match other pages on your website. Edit the HTML If you know how to edit your website's HTML code, you can edit the code to exclude pages. Between the <head> </head> tags on the page you wish to include, insert this CSS code: <style> .insightera-tab-container-bottom{      visibility: hidden !important; } .insightera-bar{        visibility: hidden !important; } </style> If you don't know how to edit your website's HTML, let the developer of your website know you want to have this done.
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Included in this article   Overview The Issue The Explanation   Overview Sometimes you'll see an organization show up as "ISP - Anonymous - Proxy" in your visitors list in RTP.   The Issue RTP is a powerful product with an immense database, but not every ISP can be found.  When we receive a visit from an ISP we can't identify, instead of omitting them from our results, we use the name "ISP - Anonymous - Proxy" and set the location to "United States.     The Explanation Pretty much any free Wifi signal you find like at a library or coffee shop will be listed as an Internet Service Provider (ISP). The admins for that ISP service can configure their network in any way they would like, including whether they allow for identification of their network. If there is no data provided, there's nothing for RTP or any other service to gather. In that case, that's when you'd see the "ISP - Anonymous - Proxy" listing for a visitor in RTP.
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This document provides an overview of the recent lead Change Score issue that impacted a subset of customers across our data centers beginning on June 11, 2019. All customers that were impacted were emailed details of the incident on June 20, 2019. If you are unsure if your instance was impacted, please reach out to Marketo support at   Impacted Timeframe by Data Center: London data center, June 11, 2019, 4:00 PM PDT - 5:00 PM PDT Sydney data center, June 14, 2019, 3:30 PM PDT - 4:00 PM PDT San Jose & Ashburn data centers, June 14, 2019, 6:30 PM PDT - 7:00 PM PDT   How to identify what data center your instance is located in: You can deduce the server locations by looking at the URL of your instance. The CNAME=the pod or server your instance is on. The example above indicates that this instance is in our Ashburn data center.   The abbreviations for all our data centers are as follows. lon = London sn = Sydney sj = San Jose ab = Ashburn   Service affected: A subset of Marketo customers may have experienced lead score changes that were not being updated. Impacted customers would have received campaign failure notifications in their Marketo subscription. Change Score flow steps that were set to update lead scores would not have been triggered during the impacted time-frame, however, no other flow steps were affected and the remainder of the campaign would have executed as expected.   What happened: This issue originated from an internal logic error during a recent release. This error caused a delay between the database schema update and the code release, resulting in lead score change triggers to be missed.   Remediation: Once the cause was identified, our team immediately began to identify the root cause and potential fixes. Our team created this documentation to educate customers on how to replay the impacted flow steps to update the lead score as needed.    Campaigns that were not triggered during the impacted timeframe will not be automatically replayed. However, customers can create their own smart campaign to update the lead scores as shown below.   Replay Impacted Smart Campaign: 1. Navigate to the Notification center in your instance. 2. Once in the Notification center, look for any campaign failures during the timeframe that the data center your instance is in was impacted as listed above. 3. If the failed campaign contains score changes, then only the Change Score flow steps failed. Every other flow step in that campaign would have worked correctly. You will need to re-run the Change Score flow steps for the leads listed in the campaign failure notification. If you experience any issues with replaying the impacted smart campaigns, please contact Marketo support at, or through any of the methods listed here.
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On September 30th, 2021 we sunset our Sales Navigator integration with Adobe Marketo Engage Sales Connect. When we first built this integration, we aimed to deliver key insights to sellers that allowed them to identify the right customers to engage with. This continues to be our goal as we invest in Marketo Engage Sales Connect and deliver future innovations to drive value to both our marketing and sales users. The sunset is in part due to the planned deprecation of LinkedIn’s Company and Profile API’s which we currently use to support the integration. LinkedIn has decided to no longer support these API’s and has not provided any replacement. There will be no action required on your part and you can expect to see the tab removed in September 2021. Kind regards,   Adobe 
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