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Issue You have created a Smart List and want to filter off of the Lead ID.     Solution Marketo does not have this functionality to filter off of Lead IDs.  This is also true of Salesforce IDs. You can upvote an Idea on the Marketo Community  -  the Marketo Product Team monitors that forum for possible future updates. Filter by ID Filter by SFDC ID    
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Issue You receive a message that the partition cannot be deleted because it is not empty, even though there are 0 leads in the partition.     Solution Marketo will give you this error message when you have a partition with anonymous leads in it. Even if you move all known leads from a partition, there will still be hidden anonymous leads. This will prevent you from deleting the partition. Contact Marketo Support to have the anonymous leads removed from the partition so that you can delete it.  
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Question: Will the munchkin tracking code work on different sites? For example, my company has 2 domains is a separate site for our blog. Will the munchkin code work on the 2nd site? I want to incorporate the 2nd site into my lead scoring measures. Answer: Munchkin CAN pass domains, however what it can not do is bring across information. Thus, if you have a domain of A, when a known lead passes out of domain A and into domain B, its activity will be tracked, however, it will be tracked anonymously. In addition, there will be no way to link the activity of a known lead in Domain A to the anonymous lead in Domain B, even though they're the same lead. The next step to tie the activity to one lead would be to do one or more of the following: Manually merge the separate anonymous leads Nurture the lead under each domain, send emails with tracked links to each domain, the activity will be tied together under that lead and automatically merged.  
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Using URL parameters are an important way to organize your web analytics and tracking.   With Marketo Web Personalization, when a web visitor clicks on a personalized Web Campaign we add a parameter to the URL. This parameter is "?iesrc=ctr". Having this parameter allows you to report on your web analytics to see and compare all the clicks on Web Personalization campaigns and overall performance of your personalization strategy.   The Marketo Predictive Content application also includes a URL parameter every time a visitor clicks on predictive content (from the bar, rich media or email). The URL parameter used here is "?iesrc=rcmd".   You can also add your own UTM parameters to the URL link you have in your Web Personalization Campaign or your Predictive Content piece.   The most common URL parameter tools we see customers using is the Google Analytics tool.   In their words "This tool allows you to easily add campaign parameters to URLs so you can track Custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. See: Campaign URL Builder — Google Analytics Demos & Tools". Make sure to follow the best practices: Best Practices for creating Custom Campaigns - Analytics Help    
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Issue You have sent out an email, and the Link Performance and Email Performance reports are showing clicks on the unsubscribe link in the Clicked Link numbers.     Solution Typically Marketo automatically omits clicks on unsubscribes, but that only happens in certain situations. If the email has a link to the unsubscribe page hard-coded in the email (or template) HTML, Marketo will see it as a simple link, like any other link, and will include it in reporting as a Click Link activity.  Marketo will only automatically omit clicks on unsubscribe links when either the {{system.unsubscribeLink}} token or the default email footer is used in an email.  These links will will show up as Unsubscribes instead of link clicks.    
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Issue After setting up visibility rules on a form, you are not seeing the dynamic values for the field when you are testing the form. Solution The most likely reason that the dynamic values are not displaying is because of a discrepancy between the visibility rules and the field values. The value for the visibility rule must match the field values.   Example: A common example of this is Country/State dynamic visibility. Based on the Country selected, the State field will show with dynamic values. So say that on the form, there are 50 values for the State field and there are also specific values under the visibility rules that are associated with the Country selection. It is likely that the values in the visibility rules do not match up with these 50 field values. If you select US and the dynamic values are the full State names, such as California, but the value in the State field is CA, the visibility rules will be attempting to display a value that does not exist.   The solution is to either change the visibility rules' values, or change the field values, so that the values match.    
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Issue Description How to disable the Marketo tracking token without disabling link tracking.   Issue Resolution Within the <a> tag, you can add a specific class: class="mktNoTok" and this will disable the tracking token, and yet still allow the clicks to be tracked within the email.  If you are proficient with HTML, you may be able to enter this unique class within the header, or other areas of the HTML doc.   You can also disable this through the UI on a per-link basis. Instructions:  here Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Marketo has so many ways to help your business grow, but it can be hard to know where to start. We want to help your team grow with you.   Marketo offers a variety of ways to learn more about the uses for Marketo, starting from the very beginning. Check out what we recommend for those just starting out.   Marketo University Online A fun, self-paced series of lessons in Marketo basics. Written material, videos, and check in quizzes make this a great way to learn everything you need to know to have a successful Marketo instance. Completing Marketo University Online will also help prepare you to successfully pass the Marketo Certified Associate exam, which helps to ensure mastery of Marketo basics.   Core Concepts I One of our most popular instructor-led trainings, Core Concepts I is designed for those looking for a more interactive, hands-on approach to learning the basics. It covers email send programs, A/B testing, email personalization, basic forms and landing pages, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with a demo Marketo instance and get live answers to their questions from our experienced instructors.   Free Training Videos Our online free training videos are another easy way to learn at your own pace. Videos are available for skills ranging from beginner to advanced and include brief check in quizzes to test understanding of the material. Our Marketing Fundamentals videos are recommended for those who are new to Marketo.
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Follow these steps to add a graphical date picker to your form date fields.  When you're done, it will look something like this: First, you need a form with at least one date field.  In the Form Editor, date fields appear with a date icon in the Template Form Fields list.  Drag one into your form if you haven't already. Next, edit a landing page that uses the form (or create a new one and add the form).  Click the form and make sure the box around it has some padding, shown below.  If the padding is too small, the calendar icon next to your date field will wrap onto the next line. Now add this custom Javascript to your webpage as a Custom HTML element:   <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" >   google.load("jquery", "1");   google.load("jqueryui", "1"); </script> <script type="text/javascript">   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();     $jQ(document).ready(function() {      $jQ(".mktFormDate").datepicker({showOn: 'both',          buttonImage: '/images/icons16/calendar_31.png',          changeMonth: true,          changeYear: true,          buttonImageOnly: true      });   });   </script>   Finally, preview your page and click the calendar icon next to the date field.  The graphical calendar will appear below the field. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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You or your users may be having problems with images not showing up in the body of an email. If images are that are embedded in the body of the email are not showing up in recent versions of Microsoft Outlook, then follow these steps: Outlook 2007 1.       Open Outlook. 2.       Click Tools -> Trust Center (Outlook 2007). 3.       Uncheck the box, ‘Don’t download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail messages or RSS items’. 4.       Click OK; restart Outlook and check that images appear. Outlook 2010 1.       Open Outlook. 2.       Click File -> Options -> Trust Center (Outlook 2010). 3.       Click ‘Trust Center Settings’. 4.       Uncheck the box, ‘Don’t download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail messages or RSS items’. 5.       Click OK; restart Outlook and check.
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You may want to allow the user to select multiple values for a single field when filling out a form. Here is how: 1. Find the form you want to add the multi-select field to, select it and click Edit Form. 2. Under Template Form Fields, find the field and drag it into the canvas. 3. Select the field you just dragged in. 4. Under Form Properties, change the Input Type to select and click into the canvas to apply changes. 5. Select the field again. 6. Add the list of options in the following format to Value List: Lead Management, Sales Insight, Revenue Explorer, Financial Management 7. Check Allow Multiple Sections. 8. Click in the canvas to apply changes. There you go! Now approve the page this form is on and leads can hold CTRL/Command and click to select multiple values before submitting.
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Your ticket to ongoing learning!   Get the training you need, when you need it.  With a Marketo Learning Passport you’ll get unlimited admission to our entire catalog of classroom and instructor-led virtual training courses as well as exclusive access to our growing library of premium learning content. When it comes to advancing your digital marketing knowledge and Marketo skill-set, the Marketo Learning Passport is you all-access pass to ongoing learning.   LEARNING PASSPORT GIVES YOU UNLIMITED ACCESS TO:   • Live instructor-led virtual training courses • Live classroom courses delivered at Marketo Training sites • On-demand recorded training • Marketo’s entire eLearning library • Marketo Expert Series webinars • Skills assessment tools • Exclusive discussion groups     Is this article helpful ? YesNo PASSPORT BENEFITS   Convenient Learn from anywhere in the world, at any time   Cost Effective Pay a fixed price no matter how many courses you take   Complete Access Marketo’s entire University curriculum from beginner to advanced techniques   Want to add a Learning Passport to your subscription? REQUEST CONTACT.   Download the attached Learning Passport Datasheet for more information.
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Included in this article Overview Sometimes the data you see in your CRM system doesn't match what you see inside of Marketo. This document will show you the common reasons to help troubleshoot where the problem could be coming from. What Causes Data Mismatch The vast majority of data mismatches result from sync backlogs, so much of this doc will go over sync backlogs. However, since there are a number of other ways this can happen, here are the most common ones to watch out for: Sync delays from backlog Incorrect set up of campaigns to add leads to SFDC Campaigns Sync user permissions Field Value Validation Field Type Validation Sync Delays from Backlog Whenever an update is made to a record, it generates a System Modification Time Stamp, referred to as a SysModStamp. The creation of a SysModStamp on a field that is visible to the sync user will queue the record to be resynced. Whether the update is made on the Marketo side or on the CRM side, it will trigger the record to be resynced to update the information on the other end through the regular Marketo to CRM sync cycle. When large numbers of updates are made like from a field value changing, then large numbers of records are altered, causing new SysModStamps on those records. This in turn results in large numbers of lead record updates that need to be resynced between Marketo and your CRM. The sync of leads flows at the rate of approximately 10,000 records per hour. If you've updated 10,000 records at once, you can expect the sync of that data to take roughly an hour to complete. If you've updated 20,000 records at once, you can expect the sync of that data to take roughly two hours to complete, and so on. Thousands of updates are synced over in just one API call as opposed to making a single API call for each individual update. Updates synced between Marketo and your CRM through the sync cycle occur in batches—large groups of updates made all at once to allow the data to be transferred more efficiently. That means 10,000 updates to the Lead Object, 10,000 updates to the Contact Object, then 10,000 updates to the Account Object, all within one sync cycle. The sync cycle won’t let one Object dominate an entire sync cycle with large numbers of updates. Any updates over 10,000 will wait until the next sync cycle. Checking for the backlog Long sync cycles are an indication that there are a lot of updates being made. To check when did the last sync happened 1. Go to Admin 2. Go to integration for your CRM (e.g. Salesforce) in the tree on left 3. Go to the top right corner to see the information of Last Synced. Compare the time shown there to the current time. If it's a long time difference, you've probably got a significant backlog of updates waiting to sync. How do you fix it? Stop making more updates. Once the records are queued up to sync between Marketo and your CRM, there's no way to cut it off and stop it from going through the sync. The data will sync through, but essentially you'll have to just wait for it. If you can stop making continued updates until after the backlog has cleared, you'll be helping it to clear faster. Campaign to add leads to SFDC  Campaign set up incorrectly There can also be cases when you are pushing leads to SFDC Campaigns via Marketo Programs or Smart Campaigns. If you have a flow action where you enter an incorrect campaign name or the corresponding status, the leads flowing through this campaign will have issues while syncing. If you've synced the lead from Marketo to the SFDC Campaign but accidentally synced it to the wrong one, you'll have a data mismatch there. Ensure that you have the campaigns with correct names and statuses Sync user permissions Sometimes a lead won’t sync to CRM because the SFDC sync user doesn’t has permissions enabled to allow the Marketo sync user access to it. Ask your CRM Admin to update the permissions so as to allow Marketo sync user access to the record. Field Value Validation If there’s a validation in your CRM on certain fields, and the field value in Marketo doesn’t qualify for the validation, the lead would not sync.You'll see "FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION" error messages, which are your indication that this is where the problems are coming from. For example: Let’s say there’s a validation in Salesforce to accept on “CA” as a value for the field “Country”, and Marketo field has it’s value as “Canada”. The lead would not sync to SFDC. To resolve this, ensure that field value aligns with the validation in SFDC. Field Type Validation Field types must be compatible between Marketo and Salesforce. If the field types are different in Marketo vs CRM, it won't be able to sync properly. For example: If the field in SFDC has the type of “Float” and field in Marketo is “Score”, then they aren't compatible and won’t sync. To resolve, ensure that the fields have similar or compatible types in Marketo and CRM
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Issue By design, there are several fields that are ignored by the sync during the integration with SFDC. These fields cannot be mapped to a Marketo field.    Solution If you want one of these fields synced to Marketo, you will want to create a custom SFDC field to map to Marketo, then put a process in place for SFDC to populate the standard field data into the custom field.   System fields ignored for all objects: 'CreatedById' 'LastActivityDate' 'LastModifiedDate' 'LastModifiedById' 'MasterRecordId' 'SystemModstamp'   Account: 'Fax' 'Ownership' 'Rating' 'ShippingCity' 'ShippingCountry' 'ShippingPostalCode' 'ShippingState', 'ShippingStreet' 'TickerSymbol'   Contact: 'Name' 'AssistantName' 'AssistantPhone' 'HomePhone' 'LastCURequestDate' 'LastCUUpdateDate' 'MailingCity' 'MailingCountry' 'MailingPostalCode' 'MailingState' 'MailingStreet' 'OtherCity' 'OtherCountry' 'OtherPhone' 'OtherPostalCode' 'OtherState' 'OtherStreet' 'ReportsTo'   User: 'Name' 'Department' 'Alias' 'CallCenterId' 'City' 'CompanyName' 'ContactId' 'Country' 'Division' 'EmailEncodingKey' 'EmployeeNumber' 'Extension' 'ForecastEnabled' 'LanguageLocaleKey' 'LastLoginDate' 'LocaleSidKey' 'OfflineTrialExpirationDate' 'OfflinePdaTrialExpirationDate' 'PostalCode' 'ProfileId' 'ReceivesAdminInfoEmails' 'ReceivesInfoEmails' 'State' 'Street' 'TimeZoneSidKey' 'UserPermissionsAvantgoUser' 'UserPermissionsMarketingUser' 'UserPermissionsOfflineUser' 'UserPermissionsCallCenterAutoLogin' 'UserRoleId' 'Username'   Lead: 'Name' 'IsUnreadByOwner'   Campaign - None   Opportunity - None      
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FAQs Included in this Article:     Overview How clicks on Web Personalization assets and campaigns are recorded in the activity log How often does Web Personalization sync with Marketo Is it possible to sync multiple Marketo instances with one Web Personalization account What custom field types are supported What is a unique visitor in Web Personalization What is the time zone setting on the Marketo Web Personalization server that is used to count impressions   Overview Your Marketo instance and your Web Personalization instance end up interacting and transferring data in many different ways. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Web Personalization's integration with the Marketo instance.   How clicks on Web Personalization assets and campaigns are recorded in the activity log These activities are recorded as the 'Data Value Change’ Activity Type. The fields 'Web Personalization Assets’ and  'Web Personalization Campaigns’ are changing all the time to include all the assets and campaigns the lead clicked on.   How often does Web Personalization sync with Marketo Lead data gets synced every 5 minutes Data regarding programs and smart campaigns is synced every 15 minutes   Is it possible to sync multiple Marketo instances with one Web Personalization account Currently, there is no way to do this. Each Web Personalization account will be tied to one account in Marketo and vice versa.   What custom field types are supported All field types are supported except for Formula fields. For more information on custom field types, visit Custom Field Type Glossary - Marketo Docs - Product Docs   What is a unique visitor in Web Personalization A unique visitor refers to an individual that has visited your web page, regardless of how often they visit. For example, when an individual goes to your web page on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday, this is recorded as two visits from one unique visitor.   What is the time zone setting on the Marketo Web Personalization server that is used to count impressions The server is set to record data in U.S. Central Time (CT), but the time stamps you will see in the UI are based on your local time zone. Very rarely, a visitor might show up twice if they visited on separate days according to CT but not your time zone.
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Your CSV exports with special characters (like foreign languages) may look funny when you open them in Excel.  This is due to a known problem in Excel; it does not correctly handle those characters if you open the CSV directly. First, try these instructions to export your CSV file in Excel 2007 format: Export a list If that export is formatted incorrectly, try the following: Create a new Excel spreadsheet Open the Import External Data feature: in Excel 2003 or earlier. open the Data menu, pick Import External Data, then pick Import Data in Excel 2007, open the Data tab and pick From Text Pick the file you want to import.  The data import wizard will open In the dialog, select Delimited, then under File Origin pick "Unicode (UTF-8)" then click Next Select Comma and uncheck the other options. Click Next. Click Finish Follow the remaining steps and place the imported data in your spreadsheet Your data should now look correct.
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You can now build reports that show you A/B test data. Here we go! 1.   Launch Revenue Explorer. 2.   Click New Report. 3.   Select the Email Analysis area and click OK. 4.   Find and right click Program Channel, then click Filter. 5.   Find and add Email Send or Email Blast, then click OK. 6.   Double click the Program Channel yellow dot to add it as a column. 7.   Double click the Program Name (yellow dot) 8.   Double Click Email Name (yellow dot) 9.   Double click Opened (blue dot) And that's all she wrote! Check out your awesome report. See how you can see which subject line worked best? Depending on what type of A/B test was done, you can see Subject Line, From Address, Send Time and Whole Email data appended in the Email Name. Deep Dive: Reporting / Revenue Cycle Analytics
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Included in this article:   Overview Limitations Error Handling and Troubleshooting Overview No-Draft for Snippets allows you to distribute snippet changes without drafting approved assets using it. All assets using the edited snippet get the updates and maintain their respective status: Approved assets get the snippet updates and stay approved Drafts get the snippet updates and stay in draft mode No-Draft is automatically enabled for all Administrator roles. An admin can then enable this feature for any additional role. While No-Draft Snippets are very useful, they do have some limitations and issues that tend to arise. This article will show you what those limitations are and how to troubleshoot issues that can come up.   Limitations This feature is designed to save time with the snippet approval workflow. There are a few limitations to be aware of: No-Draft will not work if you replace one segmentation with another one in the same snippet. However, No-Draft will work if you change, add, or delete a segment within a segmentation that is referenced in the snippet No-Draft will not work if you add/remove a segmentation to a previously approved snippet By design, No-Draft will fail if you make a dynamic snippet static, or a static snippet dynamic. If your use case requires this scenario, then we recommend you create a new snippet to be used across your assets. If you must update the existing snippet, then you will need to approve it using the Create Draft option, then re-approve the assets using the snippet (in other words, the old behavior) No-Draft does not auto-approve drafts Users without the No-Draft permission can still approve a snippet, however it will generate drafts of approved assets No-Draft works only when approving one snippet at a time Assets using the snippet are locked for approval until No-Draft is done processing Snippet updates made to approved assets cannot be rolled back No-Draft applies only to snippets   Error Handling and Troubleshooting If something goes wrong, an error message is delivered to the Notification section of Marketo. You can subscribe to this notification and receive email alerts in their inbox. Users must subscribe to No-Draft in each workspace with the permission enabled.   If an error does occur, chances are that the update process was not completed. Some assets may have the updated snippet content and others may not.   To resolve, redraft the snippet and re-approve. 1. Select the snippet and click Edit Draft. 2. Make a small edit in the snippet editor to create a draft (such as pressing the keyboard’s spacebar). 3. Click Approve Snippet. 4. In the dialog box, select Update all to start over.   This should fix the issue. Contact Marketo Support if the problem persists.
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Issue When approving emails, the system shows the following error: "Note: detected the following lines in text version that are longer than 1000 characters: Line 6 and they are not fixed. The email is now approved".     Solution This error is an indicator that there is a large line of text in the text-only version of the email that is over 1000 characters. This occurs when there are long links in the email which will not publish correctly in the text version of it. But still the email will be approved and can be sent. Check for excessively long links in the text version of the email and simplify them if possible. You can test it by sending a text version of the email to yourself, or by checking the Text Only version in the Email Editor.    
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Issue Description Admin > Sales Insight > Licensed Seats displays the number of seats used in the last 30 days.  How is this calculated?   Issue Resolution The number of seats used is calculated by the number of unique SFDC users that have loaded either the Sales Insight panel on a Lead/Contact/Account/Opportunity page layout or accessed the Marketo tab in the past 30 days.       Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Sales Insight for Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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