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Issue Data in  Email Performance Report does not match with data in Email Insights     Solution Email Insights does not update in real time and can take up to 24 hours to reflect data. Check if the email is an Operational email, sent via a batch campaign or Trigger campaign. In Email insights, by default, the email communications only show Batch campaign and not Operational Emails or email sent by Trigger campaign. To show operational email and emails sent by Trigger campaign, Click on the Gear icon on the top right corner Select Personal Check Email communication to include Operational Emails and Trigger. This will display the data as per your Email Performance Report. If there are discrepancies even after changing the settings, create a support ticket as a data back-fill may need to be performed.      
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Issue Issue Description How to Pull Data for Program ID, similarly to Campaign ID. (Example): Pull Individual Program Activity Data, then join Data with Programs via Program ID.   Solution Issue Resolution [Note]: You can not get the Program directly from the Activity Endpoint. - After one has obtained the Smart Campaign ID, they can use a seperate API Call to get the Program ID. - Within the Get Activity API Call, there will be a Campaign ID. - Once this has been obtained, one can make a Get Campaign API Call with that Campaign ID and it will return the Program ID. [Get Activity]: > Use this [Get Activity - URL] to Obtain Campaign ID. [Get Campaign, with the ID]: > Use this [Get Campaign, with the ID - URL] to Obtain Program ID.!/Campaigns/getCampaignsUsingGET The Program ID is not something that is returned in an Activity Call. The above method is the quickest possible way to obtain that information. Who This Solution Applies To API Users Updated Links Activity API Swagger:!/Activities/getLeadActivitiesUsingGET   Get Campaign By ID Swagger:!/Smart_Campaigns/getSmartCampaignByIdUsingGET  
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Issue Description Using a token in the Smart List of a Campaign yields unexpected results, an error, or the campaign to not trigger.  Issue Resolution Tokens cannot be used in the Smart List section of Smart Campaigns. Tokens can be used in the Smart Campaign Flow, in the following steps: Interesting Moments Change Data Value Salesforce Campaign Steps (add, remove, change status) Create Task
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Issue When you go to schedule a Smart Campaign, the Status tab says it is "set to affect about N/A people" instead of showing the actual number of leads that should go through the campaign. Solution There are two probable causes for this There is an error in the Smart List. If the Smart List references another nested Smart List, the error may be in the secondary Smart List, so you may need to drill down when you check this. The Smart Campaign has a Smart List in it with the same name. For example, if the Smart Campaign were named "EMEA Networking" but it also contained a Smart List named "EMEA Networking", it would cause the list processor to give this error. Making one of the names slightly different - "EMEA Networking Smart List" - should resolve this issue. If you have tried both options and are still unable to get the affected leads count to resolve, please contact Marketo Support with the results of the above troubleshooting and we will investigate further.
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Once you have the RTP tag installed onto your website, there are several steps that RTP goes through to actually display a Campaign on the web page. Below we describe the process from the tag being loaded to the Campaign being shown on the page. Beware, the details are somewhat technical, so tread with caution!   When the page with the RTP tag is loaded, the RTP script (rtp.js) is loaded. This script includes all of your individual tag configurations, and it triggers a sequence of actions:   First, information about the visitor is sent to the Marketo servers, including: Referral site Search terms and the visitor's IP address. Using this IP address, several things about the visitor can be deduced relatively accurately: Location (country, state, city, zip code) Organization name (if applicable) Organization group (Enterprise, SMB, Fortune 100, etc.) If the visitor is a known lead in your Marketo lead database, RTP will pull values for all of the default Marketo fields and custom fields.   Next, RTP will check if the visitor qualifies for any of your pre-defined Segments based on this information about the visitor. If the visitor does match a Segment that's attached to a Campaign, that Campaign will be loaded on the page being visited.   Finally, once the Campaign has loaded on the page, the visitor's browser takes note that the visitor has seen the campaign. This allows for Campaigns that are not sticky to be only loaded once per visitor.
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Technically, you cannot move records backwards in a progression status.  The only so called “backward” status that you can change the record to is a progression status of “Not In Program”; however, doing this removes them from the membership of the program.  If you do this procedure, this will allow you to re-add them with a different status.   We mentioned technically this cannot be done but logically, there is another method that allows you to juggle the record’s progression status but in a more lateral movement with what appears to be in a “backward” state.  This is all dependent on how you have your channel steps configured.  To access your channel steps, please do the following:   Choose Admin Choose Tags Click the + next to Channel Locate the channel you wish to configure and highlight it Click the drop-down menu towards the top of Tag Actions, and select Edit   You should now see a pop-up window that allows you to configure the status steps for that channel like the following example:   This is a article attached image     If you configure statuses that have the same step number, this will allow you to move the record in a lateral movement which, in a sense, is somewhat like a backward progression but it really isn't.  With the example screen capture, I can do a change in progression status of “Invited” to “Attended Show” and vice-versa because the step is with an identical number. If I wanted to change in progression status of “Invited” to “Engaged” and back, it will not work because the step value is not identical. You can reference more information about this in the Create a Program Channel article.
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  Your Salesforce sync is not working because the password for your Salesforce sync user expired. You may see an error in Marketo saying: "describeSObject failed - The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations." Similar to this:   To resolve this error, you will have to change both your password and security token in Salesforce and then update these credentials in Marketo under Admin -> Salesforce -> Edit Credentials -> update both your password and security token in the 2 boxes illustrated below then press the Save button:     To permanently fix this issue, you will need to change the password policies in Salesforce so that your password never expires in Salesforce. To do this, in Salesforce, go to Setup -> Administration Setup -> Security Controls -> Password Policies -> User passwords expire in -> Never expires -> Save for your "" user in Salesforce:   Please note this is a Salesforce setting and you should consult your Salesforce Admin before implementing this change Whenever the Salesforce user password expires (it periodically expires for security reason), Marketo stops syncing with the Salesforce account. As a result, any of the leads created in Marketo during this down-time won't be synced to Salesforce. Marketo will not automatically re-sync. Once you have reset your password and the API calls work once more, you can create a batch campaign that will sync the new leads that have been created in Marketo to Saleforce.    
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Issue: You've changed the color of the label for your form to white, but because of the background of the form matches the input color you can no longer see information as the form is filled out. Solution: Change the font color of just the input values. Add the following style to a custom HTML block in the landing editor. Depending on what types of fields you have in your form all or some of the lines will apply. This changes the font on the input fields black , for the case of the labels being set to white(for example) <style> form.lpeRegForm ul select {     color: black; } form.lpeRegForm ul textarea {     color: black; } form.lpeRegForm ul input[type="text"] {     color: black; } </style>
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Complete these Marketo Quick Wins from the User Manual (Help Articles) to learn the core features of Marketo! 1. Get Set Up and Add a Lead 2. Send an Email 3. Landing Page with a Form 4. Simple Scoring 5. Email Auto Response 6. Import a List of Leads 7. Drip Drip Nurture 8. Personalize an Email 9. Alert the Sales Rep 10. Update Lead Data To run through some more activity and exercises that are guaranteed to show you more of how to use core functions in Marketo, check out the Learning Exercises from the User Manual for details
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Issue Description You are receiving this error from your GoToWebinar Launchpoint Service: API Error: Authentication succeeded, but access to the requested resource is denied. This error can occur either in Launchpoint Tab's Service details in Admin or when trying to Refresh an Event Program and selecting the service in the drop down menu. Issue Resolution This error "API Error: Authentication succeeded, but access to the requested resource is denied." is a response from GoToWebinar when Marketo sends an API Call to retrieve the Webinar Meeting details. What is the main cause of this? This is mainly a licensing issue with the Account Credentials specified in the Launchpoint service. The GoToWebinar account does not have a GoToWebinar License and therefore, the account has successfully "Authenticated" and the Requested resource (GoToWebinar Meeting Details) were denied as it does not have access to GoToWebinar features. How to check if you have a license? Login into the home page of GoToWebinar with the account credentials used in the Launchpoint Service and check if GoToWebinar Product is selectable. (if GTW is not selectable then the account does not have a product license) Speak to your GoToWebinar Account Admin if you are using a corporate account and ensure that it has a GoToWebinar License. Contact the GoToWebinar's Support Team Other Causes Other reasons this may have occurred is that a Trial account for GoToWebinar was used and the trial has expired. You may be using a login under a corporate account that does not have the license or was removed. - Check with your GoToWebinar Admin for more details Who This Solution Applies To GoToWebinar Launchpoint Users Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Changing your primary domain can be a bit of a daunting task if you don't know where to start, this guide will walk you through the steps you will need to take to use a new domain with your Marketo instance.   Solution Create your new CNAME and point that to your Marketo instance. If this new CNAME is going to be used as your primary domain, then the Domain Name in Admin > Landing Pages will need to be changed to reflect your new domain and your old domain should be added as a domain alias so any old links will be redirected to your new domain Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs Adding a new branding domain is recommended when changing your domain. This will allow tracked links in emails add a tracking cookie when being directed to your new domain. A new CNAME will also need to be created for this and will need to point to the original tracking link for your instance. Add an Additional Branding Domain with Workspaces   If you plan on signing your emails with your new domain, setting up a new SPF/DKIM record is recommended to help keep your deliverability rates as high as possible. Set up SPF and DKIM for your Email Deliverability Set up a Custom DKIM Signature
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Issue Description The lead's activity log shows that the 'Sync Person to SFDC' flow step failed because of the following message:   "Failed: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY: Record Type ID: this ID value isn't valid for the user:"   Issue Resolution The issue is the SFDC ID value populated in the "Record Type ID" field is not considered a valid value in Salesforce for the Lead/Contact.  You'll want to work with your SFDC Admin to identify a valid value or try deleting the value in Marketo and then updating this value from the Salesforce side.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Person/Lead Source is empty. Why isn't it populating?   Issue Resolution Marketo does not automatically assign Person Source. We do populate Original Source Type.   Assigning credit for a Lead can only be determined by someone with intimate knowledge of a company's marketing strategies.  If someone fills out a form, Marketo doesn't know if they were brought to that form by an email blast, TV commercial, talked to a salesperson, or any number of other reasons. If they came in through a List Import, they could have attended a Tradeshow and signed up there, they could have been exported by a CRM and are being imported, or any number of other ways.  There are many discussions on best practices for handling Lead Source attribution in the Community.  If you need assistance setting up Smart Campaign to update the Lead Source based on your specific business criteria, please contact Marketo Support. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You receive the following error: "Ouch! 500 Error Something went wrong. We monitor this sort of thing, but if you are an authorized support contact, you should create a support ticket."       Solution This can happen because of temporary network issues. Try out the following troubleshooting steps. 1. Clear Browser Cache 2. Try a different browser 3. Try a different device 4. Try a different internet connect (Hotspot/Tether from mobile) If you still have any issue after trying all these steps, please contact Marketo Support for further assistance.
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Issue You are unable to log into Marketo because you need to be authorized on your device. Solution Marketo tracks authorized devices by IP. If you are logging in from a different network, such as a home or hotel network, your IP will be different and you may need to authorize or re-authorize your device. Also, some networks assign IPs dynamically, so even if you are logging in from a location and device you have used before, the IP address may have changed and you would need to re-authorize the device. You should receive an email with a code that allows you to authorize and log in. If for some reason you are not able to do so, please contact support and we can authorize your device for you. Another option would be to disable the IP restrictions in the Admin panel: Admin > Login Settings > Edit IP Restrictions.    
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Issue You would like to enable SSO for your CRM, including the sync user used by the Marketo integration. Solution Marketo does not support SSO logins for integration users. So, you need to make sure that the sync user does not have SSO enabled.  
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Issue What to do if you've exceeded your daily limit of API calls.     Solution If you go Admin > Web Services in Marketo, you will see a section called API Call Information. The number next to "Enforced Daily Request Limit" lets you know how many API calls you can make daily. If you need this number to be increased, the best option is to contact your Custom Success Manager; they can help you start the process of increasing your limit.    
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Summary A service issue has been identified that can potentially cause duplicate leads to be generated in Marketo for customers using Microsoft Dynamics (MSD) CRM. This issue only applies to customers using MSD 2016, and only when upgrading to MSD version 9. Who is Impacted All customers using the native CRM Sync between Marketo and MSD 2016  Already Impacted: Customers using MSD  2016 Version 9 with Marketo Lead Management (MLM) solution version or lower Potentially Impacted: Customers using MSD 2016 version 8 or lower who plan to upgrade to version 9 The issue of duplicate leads being created occurs when the MSD instance is upgraded to version 9 All customers who have already upgraded to MSD v9 are already impacted If you have MSD but have not yet upgraded to v9, you are not yet impacted, but could be by upgrading to MSD v9 Who is Not Impacted Customers using MSD On Premises CRM instances Customers using Dynamics 2011, Dynamics 2013, or Dynamics 2015 Customers with Salesforce CRM When the Service Issue Occurs Qualifying a Lead to a Contact in MSD may not be reflected properly in your Marketo subscription. Expected Behavior: The existing Lead record in Marketo is converted to a Contact record (i.e. the Microsoft Type for the person record should change from Lead to Contact). The existing record in Marketo remains synced to this record in MSD Current Behavior: A new Contact record is created in Marketo to sync with the Contact record in MSD. The existing Lead record in Marketo becomes orphaned (no longer synced with any record in MSD). Additionally, the orphaned Lead record in Marketo contains the activity history while the new Contact record in Marketo contains the contact information Resolution There are two parts to the solution, depending on whether you have already upgraded your MSD 2016 instance to version 9. If you have not yet upgraded your MSD 2016  instance to v9, you will only need the first step. If v9 has already been installed, you will need to perform both. Part One - Install the latest Marketo Lead Management solution A new version of the Marketo Lead Management solution has been released for Dynamics 2016 that prevents duplicate records from being created when upgrading to MSD 2016  v9. This solution must be installed before upgrading to MSD 2016 v9. Installation Process      1. Within your Marketo subscription, you will need to download the latest version of the Marketo Lead Management solution.  Documentation on how to download the Marketo Lead Management solution for MSD can be found here:  Download the Marketo Lead Management Solution Documentation on how to upgrade the Marketo Lead Management solution for MSD can be found here: Upgrade the Marketo Solution for Microsoft Dynamics NOTE: Microsoft Dynamics has 4 product versions that Marketo supports; Dynamics 2011, Dynamics 2013, Dynamics 2015 and Dynamics 2016. The only product version this applies to is Dynamics 2016. No other product versions are impacted in any way. 2. Install the new Marketo Lead Management solution in your MSD 2016 instance as a normal update. Be sure to install the new solution on top of your existing solution in Microsoft Dynamics as a normal update.  Part Two – Correcting Duplicate Records in Marketo This step only applies to customers who have already upgraded to MSD 2016  v9 prior to the new Marketo Lead Management solution being released. This part applies to customers who have had duplicate records created in Marketo. In order to eliminate the duplicate records that were created in error, we must first identify those records. The next step is to merge the two duplicates together. In this scenario, due to both records being synced to MSD, it is a little complicated. Build a Smart List to Identify Duplicates Use the following filters to identify the impacted records: Duplicate Fields > Email Address Microsoft is Deleted > True Microsoft Type > Lead When finished, your Smart List will look like this: This Smart List will identify the duplicate records created by this service issue. When this issue occurs, both of the duplicate records are synced to MSD. It is not possible to merge two records if they are both synced to MSD. However, Marketo Support is able to disconnect the sync of one record on the back end and perform the merge of the two records. Submit a Case with Marketo Support Merging these duplicate records is only possible when done by Marketo’s Engineering team. Contact Marketo Support to open a Support case. Be sure to include all related details, including the link to your Smart List. Marketo Support will evaluate the duplicates and escalate the ticket to our Engineering team. The Engineering team will perform the merge for the records.
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To enhance the stability of Marketo’s email assembly infrastructure, we are disabling some Velocity Script functionality on June 14, 2019. What change is being made? The following Velocity Tools will permanently be disabled for use in email script, on June 14, 2019. My Tokens: classTool contextTool resourceTool Some common use examples of these tools include: $class. getClass() $context. When are these changes taking effect? These changes will take effect in the June 2019 Release on June 14, 2019. How did it work before? The way Velocity Tools are used in your email scripts is highly dependent on the structure of your code and varies on a case-by-case basis. To identify how you are currently utilizing Velocity Tools in your email design, please consult directly with your developer. Documentation on each tool can be found on Apache’s website at the links below: classTool : contextTool: resourceTool: Why is this changing? We regularly review our infrastructure to ensure it meets the highest standards for stability and security. During a recent review, we identified that a small subset of Velocity Tools could potentially impact the health of our message assembly servers, and as a result, we made the decision to disable these permanently. What do I need to do? If you are currently using Velocity Tools in your email scripting, you will need to review and update your script to use alternate methods before June 14, 2019. Documentation on supported Velocity Scripting can be found on our Developers’ site at Any email script tokens still referencing Velocity Tools after the June 14, 2019 deadline could fail to compile, resulting in emails not rendering as expected or complete send failure. We have identified impacted customers using these Velocity Tools and will alert them individually via Marketo Notifications. Considering the customized nature of Velocity Scripting, Marketo Support is not able to assist with the authoring or troubleshooting of custom code. Please reach out to your developer for assistance. If you no longer have access to a technical resource, you may also contact your CSM to coordinate a scoping call with our Professional Services team.
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Issue Your SFDC team wants to enable the SFDC feature associating contacts to multiple accounts.       Solution If a contact is associated with multiple accounts in SFDC, the Company Name field will contain that primary account name – and Marketo will have no visibility into the fact that the contact is also associated with other accounts. One way to do this in Marketo is actually to create a purposeful duplicate of the contact- one associated with the first account, the other associated with the second account and so on. At this time, there are not any plans to enable people in Marketo to be associated with multiple accounts.
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