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Design Studio incorporates the Custom HTML code into its own code. It is important to evaluate the execution order to place the code in the correct position. The editor assigns unique ID numbers to each element placed on a landing page. That is done sequentially. Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. div id='lpeCDiv_1612' class='lpeCElement'><span class='lpContentsItem formSpan' The screen shot shows the code is effectively before the form Elements to be have their default properties changed must to be placed after forms or the elements they are changing, ideally as a small box in the lower right corner. On the other hand code populating fields from cookies or parameters need to be placed before the form. The following code snippet pre-populates a field. It needs to be placed before the form, retrieving the value before the field is displayed: <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var pEmail = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "Email" }); document.getElementById("Email").setAttribute("value", pEmail); </script> The next code resizes a text area. The Custom HTML box needs to be placed after the form: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); $jQ(document).ready(function() { $jQ('#MyFieldName').parents('li').css('margin-bottom','300px;'); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> form.lpeRegForm textarea { width: 450px; } </style>
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Issue Description We have a field (Field Label: Account Record Type, Field Name: RecordType, Data Type: Record Type) in SFDC that is visible to Marketo Sync User but it is not syncing the field to Marketo. We are unable to find the specific field in Admin -> Field management.   Issue Resolution We do not have the Record Type field synced to Marketo. Instead, we sync the Record Type ID, which gives the alphanumeric string for the record type.   Marketo Sync user does not have access to Salesforce record type.   There is a work around to get the record type names that is discussed here:           Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description You are building a new email template/editing an email, utilizing the system token for the unsubscribe link, and are wondering about the expected behavior of the token. Issue Resolution The system token unsubscribe link, below, will always behave the same way, and it cannot be customized. {{system.unsubscribeLink}} The {{system.unsubscribeLink}} will always bring you to: sub.domain/UnsubscribePage.html. If your Landing Pages are not branded, this system token will still behave the same way and take the lead to your out-of-the-box Marketo Unsubscribe Page (ending in /UnsubscribePage.html).
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Issue Are there are any issues with deleting a user in Marketo and will anything tied that account also be deleted?     Solution Deleting a user will not affect any assets in your Marketo instance. All of the assets they created will remain in your instance and you will still be able to see what edits they have made. If you want to keep the user but cut off access, you can assign them a blank role with no access permissions. That way if they do log in, they won't be able to access anything. Assigning an "Inactive User" Role to all users you want to remove access for can also help you to quickly see who once had access in your instance.
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Included in this article: Overview Preview is a feature that allows you to see your campaign without having the campaign deployed on your website, but not all web pages allow this.  If it is not working with your website, here are some troubleshooting steps to try. Basic Troubleshooting Verify the RTP tag is loading properly on the target page. If there is no RTP tag, there's no way for the preview to work. Clear your browser cache and cookies. Have someone else test the preview.  Copy and paste the link from the preview window to share the campaign example with others. Copy and paste the link from the preview window into another browser and try it there. If it is an In-Zone campaign, verify the div ID specified in the campaign exists on the page you are trying to preview. Go to the original website and look for jQuery / Javascript errors. Create a new campaign containing only the word "Test" and try to preview it on the same page.  Since the maximum length of a URL for most browsers is 2048 characters, a large campaign may fail in the browser Troubleshooting Web Page Restrictions If you get an error such as the ones below, it may be that your website is blocking proxy or cross-domain requests.  This would be a configuration that was made by the IT team in charge of the webpage, perhaps as some sort of connection timeout or DoS attack prevention measures.  You may need to work with your IT team to have the proxy request enabled. Verify that the preview URL is correct - this message might also show up when trying to preview on non-existing pages. If your site has SSL, make sure the certificate is up to date using a tool such as Testing with a Sandbox Segment In cases where the preview option doesn't work due to website proxy or cross-domain restrictions, and you want to see what you campaign looks like live on your website without customers seeing it, we recommend using a Sandbox segment.  Sandboxing allows you to match a segment and see the campaign live by targeting a specific term added into the URL. Since leads won't randomly guess the value and alter the URL, it's safe to test on a live site. Here's how you do it. Create a new 'Sandbox' segment (i.e "sandbox=1" / "sandbox=2"...) Add the Included Pages filter and enter *sandbox=1* as the value for the URL matches. Click 'Save & Define Campaign' Change the campaign's target segment Select the new 'Sandbox' segment from the dropdown list Click 'Launch' Preview on the website Go to your live web page and add the URL parameter at the end of the URL, i.e:         In order to see the campaign again or changes made, you will need to clear browser cookies.
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Issue In Salesforce on the Account level for Marketo Sales Insight, it does not show all the activities of the associated contacts. Solution Marketo Sales Insight only shows certain activities depending on how recently they occurred on the account level. Interesting moments: last 60 days Web Visit: last 3 days Score Change: last 30 days Email: Everything If you wanted to check activities past these dates you would need to go to the contact level and check the history there. The reason behind this is because at scale if there were 100s of contacts under one account and all contacts are active and creating activities it would be difficult to sift through the activities and may cause performance issues due to the sheer amount of data being displayed which is why this limitation is in place.  
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Issue How "And/Or" logic is applied to constraints in Smart List filters and triggers.       Solution In Smart List filters, additional constraints act as "and" logic.   Example: Was Sent: [this email asset] between this date range min number of times: 2   will function as Was Sent: [this email asset] -and- between this date range -and- min number of times: 2   When you have multiple values inside a single constraint, that is "or" logic. Was Sent: [this email asset OR that email asset] There is not a way to change the logic of constraints, so if you wish to have some sort of 'Or' between constraints then you would have to use multiple filters with 'OR logic between them.    
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Issue Marketo program Members are taking a long time to get updated in SFDC Campaigns.   Solution The Marketo Program to Campaign sync is not real time and will take time to update. The feature is dependent on the Marketo to SFDC background bi-directional sync. Marketo will generally sync SFDC and Marketo objects in the following order: Lead Account Contact User Task Opportunity Opportunity Contact Role Campaign Campaign Member Campaign Member Status As per the order, Campaign related objects are towards the bottom of the list. This means that all objects above it are synced first, and if there are any backlogs on those objects, the Campaign objects can queue up and cause delays.      
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If you didn't "Grant access to all users” for “Choose security level” during the install of Marketo Sales Insight please follow the steps below.   1.  Grant access to all visualforce pages in the package to all required user profiles. 2.  Login to Salesforce 3.  Navigate to setup->develop->pages. 4. Click on security next to the required visualforce page that have mkto_si   Your users should now be able to access Marketo Sales Insight.
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Issue Links placed into emails by a token are not being tracked and do not show successful click activity in the lead/person record.     Solution When Marketo sends emails, you can think of building the email in 2 steps: Marketo searches the email code for "http" or "https" and wraps the tracking code around the URL Marketo inserts the values of {{tokens}} into the email.   If the {{token}} value is, that would be expected to not track because of the above 2 steps. After the {{token}} value is inserted, Marketo does not go back to wrap tracking code around http/https. The {{token}} doesn't look like a URL when the system applies the tracking code because the tokens don't pull the values in until the next step after. The solution to tracking tokens is to place http:// or https:// on the outside of the token, like such: http://{{token}} That way, when Marketo builds the email, in step #1, the system recognizes the http and knows it's a URL. Then the tracking is wrapped around the http and the {{token}} as well. Then in step #2, the {{token}} value is inserted into an already-wrapped link. Keep in mind is that if the {{token}} value contains http, but http is on the outside of the {{token}}, the link will break. Let's say the URL you want to insert is You have to move the http:// out in front of the {{token}}, but you don't want to also have it inside the {{token}} as well or your link ends up being http:// To get around this, you'll need to remember to take the http:// out of the {{token}} value. {{}} would instead be http://{{}}
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Issue None of the default Interesting Moment Types (Web, Milestone, Email) fit the description you would like. Here's how to create you own interesting moment type. Solution Issue Resolution You can simply type in what you would like the type of the Interesting Moment to be instead of choosing one of the options in the drop down.    
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FAQs included in this article Overview RTP has many options for integration with other systems. Some of these integrations are built in native integrations and some can be made using custom API development. This doc will answer frequently asked questions relating to these integration options. Note: For custom API development information, please check out the Marketo developers page: Home » Marketo Developers Does RTP have an integration with AT Internet? RTP doesn't have an out-of-the-box integration with AT Internet yet, but since both RTP and AT Internet have API capabilities, you can develop some custom integration options. AT Internet info: Easily share analytics data in dashboards | AT Internet Does RTP have an integration with Nielsen? RTP doesn't have an out-of-the-box integration with Nielson, but since both RTP and Nielsen have API capabilities, custom integrations can be developed. Nielson info: Nielsen API Portal | home How do you identify customers that use retargeting? To identify these customers, you can create a free user in BuiltWith to get a full list. Google Remarketing: Websites using Google Remarketing Facebook Retargeting: Websites using Facebook Page Promoter Does RTP have an integration with WebTrends? RTP doesn't have an out-of-the-box integration yet with WebTrends yet,but custom integrations can be built utilizing the API options in RTP and WebTrends. WebTrends is a Marketo LaunchPoint partner, so the main Marketo platform does have an integration available. Information about that integration can be found here: Webtrends – Webtrends Multi-Channel Measurement and Retargeting – Marketo LaunchPoint. Is there a way to integrate RTP with Demandbase? Demandbase is a competitor for RTP, so there isn't any integration offered between RTP and Demandbase. When comparing the data accuracy between RTP and Demandbase, RTP was found to be on the same level with Demandbase, and in some cases even had stronger matches to identify anonymous visitors. Demandbase is a Marketo LaunchPoint partner though, so the main Marketo platform does have an integration available. Information about that integration can be found here: Demandbase – Demandbase Analytics, Forms & Content Targeting – Marketo LaunchPoint How can RTP integrate with custom data sources? RTP has the option to push custom data using the API and then segment audiences based on it with the User Context API filter. RTP accounts can have up to 5 “Custom Variables” sent to RTP. Using the segment editor, you can create targeted segments based on these variables and then build campaigns that will be displayed just to visitors if their information matches this custom variable data. Helpful Links: Information about RTP Segments can be found here: RTP Segments - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Information about the RTP User Context API can be found here: RTP User Context API » Marketo Developers What are the differences between the terms "Lead" and "Visitor"? Don't worry, these terms are easily interchangeable! Marketo refers to potential customers as "Leads" because you are actively marketing to them and they're 'leading' towards a sale. RTP refers to them as "Visitors" because they're 'visiting' your website. Of course, these visitors could also be leading towards a sale, and you can even target RTP Segments towards Marketo Leads when using known lead data, but typically in RTP they're still called "visitors". In RTP we talk about anonymous website visitors and traffic. Every day companies get thousands of visitors to their websites, but most are anonymous (average of 98%) and leave the website without giving their contact details. RTP identifies the visitor's organization name, industry, location and digital behavior based on their IP address and other sources in real time. You can see a list of organizations visiting your website in RTP. Most of the visitors you see there are anonymous and you don't have their contact details so they usually aren't "leads" like in Marketo. Are Lead Data Fields returned in the RTP Visitor API? No, Lead Database fields are not returned in the Visitor API. This is expected behavior. See RTP Get Visitor Data API » Marketo Developers This API returns the following data: Organization name Industries Location Country State City ISP ABM Lists code name Matched Segments Alternate Options: In some cases, you can leverage the Associate Lead API call for what you're trying to do. Another option will be to create segments in RTP the use known lead data conditions. Once matched, these segments will be returned in the API (under "matched segments”). For example, create an RTP segment that targets known leads with lead score > 50. Then whenever a visitor matches this segment, this data will be available in the Visitor API.   What fields are synced from Marketo to RTP Out Of The Box? How many custom lead fields can I add into RTP? RTP allows up to 30 fields to be synced from Marketo (including the standard fields). The fields that are being synced can be changed using the directions here: Manage Lead Data in RTP - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
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What changes with a string/prefix change? Does Marketo support having both oldcustomerstring and newcustomerstring URLs functional after the move? Will my email links pointing to Marketo content continue to work after the string change? Will my images and files stored content continue to work for oldcustomerstring URL paths after the move? Will my email unsubscribe links continue to work? Will my images and files content links work if embedded on my own web page? I'm not using a custom landing page domain, will landing page URLs continue to work after the string change? I am using a custom landing page domain, will landing page URLs continue to work after the string change? Can I use the same hostname (i.e., for both my custom landing page domain and for email link tracking? I currently have a custom branded landing page domain. We are buying a new domain to replace the old domain. How do I set this up? I need to have both my old and new domains serve content for a period of time, is this possible? I'm seeing my account string in the SOAP API User ID field in the Admin area. Will this be updated as part of the string change? I'm seeing my old string in the Community portal when reading help articles. Will this be changed? Are there any other problems I could run into? Is this article helpful ? YesNo The example URLs contained in this article are intentionally non-functioning URLs used strictly for example purposes.
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Marketo has developed email templates that have been tested in over 40 email clients.  It is important to ensure that your emails will look good no matter where you send them.  Additionally, these emails have been crafted to reduce spam scores and increase deliverability. Feel free to use these templates.  They have all the markup you need to get started right away. Curved Paper Curved Paper with Sidebar Round Corners Round Corners with Sidebar To customize the style: Copy the email template to any text editor. Replace #312B7B with your corporate color.  Download TrayColor if you need a tool to get the color from your website. Replace the Logo with your own logo (search for "logo" in the source).  If you upload an image to Marketo for this purpose, make sure to use the full URL. Replace the Title at the top Replace the Contact Info in the footer at the bottom Optional -- change the sidebar width (search for "250px")* Paste back into the Marketo Email Template and Preview.  Everything should be ready to go. *The Curved Paper with Sidebar will not render correctly if you change the sidebar width.
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Issue You're receiving an error that states 'Not Allowed - Error approving <asset-name> - {{token-name}} : Token key not found' when trying to approve an email asset. Solution Check that token syntax is correctly inserted with no missing left or right 'curly' brackets '{{' '}}' Check that the field name of the token does not have any incorrect spelling (e.g. Email Address) If the token syntax is correct and the field name of the token is spelled correctly, it is possible that the field name of the token contains a Unicode non-breaking space (e.g. between 'Email' and 'Address'). This would have been inserted if it was copied across from a platform that was encoded with Unicode (e.g. Microsoft Word) - To rectify this, delete the space in the token and re-insert it with a normal space using the spacebar on the keyboard. Once this is corrected, the email approval should work.
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Issue Description Do webhook calls contribute to the daily API limit/quota visible in [Admin > Integration > Web Services > API Call Information] ? Issue Resolution No, webhook calls are not counted as part of the daily API limit. Webhooks do not have any execution limits.
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Issue Issue Description After several failed login attempts you are locked out of your Account. You get the message "Account locked due to too many failed login attempts. Reset password and login again."   This is a article attached image     Solution Issue Resolution Marketo Locks a user automatically after 5 failed login attempts. You can either reset the password or have Marketo Support unlock your user from the backend if you know your password.    
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Issue Initial MS Dynamics sync gives the error 'is missing prvReadSdkMessageProcessingStep privilege'   Environment MS Dynamics CRM integration Solution Issue Resolution These permissions, found within Security Role, require a Microsoft Dynamics Admin to set and change., Navigate to Settings > System > Security and select Security Roles icon. Click on the Marketo Sync User to bring up the individual access level for each individual entity. For the sync to work the individual privileges are as follows: Under 'Core Records':   Under 'Customisation':   Under 'Custom Entities': Any role with Marketo needs to have all permissions.     More information on Managing Users and Security Roles can be found on the Microsoft Dynamics Site:       Root Cause The error indicates the Marketo Sync User in Dynamics lacks some of the required permissions for the sync.
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Issue You have an Email Program or Smart Campaign with an expected audience size, but when it is run, only a small number of leads are sent the email.  For example, in an Email Program with 250 people in the audience, only 15 people were sent the email.   Solution There are several things we need to check to determine why this happened. The easiest way to start is to create a separate Smart List with the exact filters as the program or campaign. Check the number of leads in this recreated Smart List. Does it have the same number of leads as the original Email Program or Smart Campaign audience? Email Program audiences do not automatically refresh and update when the Smart List is changed, so if you did not refresh the Audience before sending the email, it may be displaying an out-of-date number. This is a particular risk if your program or campaign Smart List references another Smart List. If that secondary Smart List is changed, it will affect your program or campaign audience without you being aware of it. This is one reason why we recommend avoiding nested Smart Lists. Use your testing Smart List to determine how many leads you have that may have been excluded from the send: Leads that are unsubscribed, marketing suspended, blacklisted, or flagged as invalid Leads that with no email address (sometimes due to a mistake in a list upload) Leads that have a duplicate email address in the program or campaign audience. If there are duplicate leads in the Smart List for an email send, Marketo will send to the first one and skip the rest Look in the View Results/Campaign Results for your program/campaign to see if any leads were skipped due to Communication Limits. Add up the number of leads that may have been skipped for these various reasons and see if that accounts for the missing audience members. If it doesn't, Check the Audit Trail to see if the Smart List has been changed between now and the time the emails were sent.  If you still can't figure out why your email went out to fewer people than expected, open a support case and include the results of the above troubleshooting, and Marketo Support will investigate further.
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Issue After adding an IFrame to an email in the Marketo email editor, the IFrame seems to disappear when you view the email in an email client (such as Outlook, Apple Mail, or Gmail).     Solution The reason why you can see the IFrame in Marketo but not in your email client is because not all email clients support IFrames. If yours does not support them, the IFrame will be blocked and will not appear in the email. You can try viewing the email in another email client to see the IFrame.
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