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Issue Description You are trying to unapprove or delete an asset and get the following error: [Asset Name] is in use and cannot be deleted/unapproved Issue Resolution Marketo assets (such as emails, templates, forms, lists, smart lists, and programs) cannot be deleted while they are used or referenced by another asset.  If the error does not specify where the asset is being used or referenced, you can find this information in the Used By tab in the asset's summary page. For programs, you can find the Used By section in the program's View drop-down. The Used By section will show where the asset is in use, and you can click on the links to jump directly to that location. Once the asset is no longer referenced anywhere else in Marketo, it can be deleted.  If you are certain the asset is no longer in use but are still unable to delete it, please contact Marketo Support
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Issue Description: Salesforce refreshed your sandbox and it no longer syncs with Marketo Issue Resolution: As a safety precaution, once an instance of Salesforce is synced up with Marketo, we no longer allow the user to sync this particular instance of Marketo with any other instance of Salesforce. When Salesforce does a “refresh” of your sandbox, they are actually canceling your old sandbox account and creating a new account and pulling fresh data from your production. This means the refreshed sandbox is actually a different account and has a new OrgID. Marketo Support can assist by unlocking your Marketo sandbox to be synced up with a refreshed Salesforce sandbox. If you run into this scenario, please create a support ticket requesting that we enable the reset of the OrgID for your SFDC sandbox.
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  Overview Add Leads to Static Lists Use Custom Fields Overview Lead records have two primary components – lead attributes and activity logs. Lead attributes are the fields and field values within the lead record. For example, Job Title is a lead attribute. Lead Name is a lead attribute. Activity logs record the actions Marketo or the lead themselves have taken. For example, sending an email to a lead is an activity that would show in the activity log. If the lead opens the email or visits a tracked page, those activities would show in the activity log as well.   Activities in the activity log are only retained for 25 months, or 37 if you have purchased the premium data retention option. The main way to store activity data beyond the Data Retention Policy timeframe is to use the Bulk Extract API. There are two other ways you can keep a reference of these activities after the end of the Data Retention period, and they can be referenced within the Marketo UI. This article will show you how that can be done.     Add Leads to Static Lists Static lists will retain lead membership even if the activity of adding the lead to the list has been removed. This will let you have lists dedicated to specific criteria that would otherwise be removed after the data retention time period has been passed.   For example, Smart Campaign membership history is not retained after 25 months. If you are searching for members of a Smart Campaign, but a lead first became a member of the Smart Campaign more than 25 months ago, the search results would not include that lead.   An easy way to work around that is to add your leads to a static list as part of the flow of the campaign. When creating your Smart Campaign, create a new static list with the same corresponding name (makes it easier to identify later). When building the flow of your campaign, add the "Add to List" flow step so that all leads going through the campaign will be logged on the list.         Use Custom Fields Lead attributes and their field values are not affected by the Data Retention Policy. Use Smart Campaigns to populate custom fields with values based on activities your leads take. This will allow you to filter leads by these lead attributes that are not affected by the Data Retention Policy. A side benefit to this is that it is faster to search by lead attributes than by searching through lead activity logs.   Example: This approach can work for many different activities, but let’s use form fill outs as an example.   Let’s say you want to be able to identify leads who have been very active and have filled out more than 5 forms over their lifecycle. You could use the filter “Filled Out Form” with the “Min. Number of Times” constraint set to 5. However, if one of those forms filled out occurred more than 25 months ago, the filter would only be able to access 4 form fill activities in the activity log. Therefore, the lead would not pass the filter.   Instead of using the “Filled Out Form” filter, set up a Smart Campaign to write to custom fields that show you how many forms they’ve filled out, and when the first one was. Here’s how to do it:   1. Create two new custom fields in Marketo, one Score Field, and the second a Date Field.   2. Create a new Smart Campaign   3. Add the trigger “Fills Out Form” set to “is any” to the Campaign Smart List     4. Add these two Flow Steps to the Campaign Flow: Flow Step 1: “Change Score” Score Field Name: your score field name Change: +1   Flow Step 2: “Change Data Value” Add Choice to Flow Step Choice 1: If “your score field name”  “is empty” Attribute “your score field name” New Value: {{}} Default Choice: Do Nothing       This campaign will listen for any time a lead fills out a form, add +1 to your score field, and if it’s the very first form they’ve ever filled out, it will log the date of when it was done. If the lead has ever filled out a form in the past, there will already be a date value in the date field, so the flow choice would just skip over it and do nothing.       Results You’ll See: With the original goal of identifying leads who have filled out more than 5 forms you’ll be able to filter for leads that have filled out at least 5 forms. In addition, this campaign will let you search for leads based on when they had filled out their very first form, regardless of how long ago it was. Since it’s stored in a lead field, it’s a lead attribute that is not affected by the Data Retention Policy at all.      
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Issue Attempting to push a custom audience to Facebook results in a Facebook Authorization Error visible in Notifications. Some custom audiences can be pushed and it appears to be only affecting a certain Ad account.     Solution Issue Resolution 1.) Check if the Custom Audience Terms ( have been accepted 2.) Log in as the user used in the Facebook Custom Audience service in Marketo and check in Audience Manager to see if there are any custom audiences that have the "Accept Terms" button pop-up similar to this screenshot.   3.) As per our recent release notes at "Facebook now requires a Business Manager account in order to leverage your Custom Audience integration. Your Facebook LaunchPoint service must be associated with a Business Manager account or your integration will no longer work after January 14, 2019. To set up a Business Manager account, please refer to Facebook Help." 4.) Check if the user used in the Facebook Custom Audience service in Marketo is a Business Manager account 5.) After completing the checks above, try to push a custom audience again to the affected ad account. If unsuccessful, recreate the Facebook service and test to push a custom audience from there.
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Issue You have a field on the Contact, or Account object that is visible to the Marketo Sync user, but updates to that field are not being passed to the record in Marketo. The field is not a lookup or formula field, and the matching field on the Lead object does sync.     Solution Issue Resolution Certain fields in Salesforce are ignored by the Marketo/SFDC sync. Ignored fields are listed by object below. ALL: CreatedById LastActivityDate LastModifiedDate LastModifiedById MasterRecordId SystemModstamp   ACCOUNT: Fax Ownership Rating ShippingCity ShippingCountry ShippingPostalCode ShippingState ShippingStreet TickerSymbol     CONTACT: Name AssistantName AssistantPhone HomePhone LastCURequestDate LastCUUpdateDate MailingCity MailingCountry MailingPostalCode MailingState MailingStreet OtherCity OtherCountry OtherPhone OtherPostalCode OtherState OtherStreet ReportsToId   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Salesforce integrations    
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Issue Description Clicking on a link in a Marketo e-mail that re-directs to a non-Marketo webpage destination does not open the page. Issue Resolution Complete the troubleshooting step below. If they do not resolve the issue, include the results in a Marketo Support Ticket. Check the CNAME is correctly setup for the email tracking link [Related DOC] Check that the Default Branding Name matches the CNAME in Step 1 (check for typos). [Related DOC] If you are unsure you can visit CNAME lookup on mxtoolbox and enter the default branding name to check. Under the Domain field enter your default branding name. Do you have SSL for tracking links enabled? If Yes, tracking links in emails should start with HTTPS:// If No, tracking links in emails should start with HTTP:// If you do not have SSL enabled, but when you click the link it resolves to HTTPS://,try a different network and see if it still occurs. Your network may be configured to automatically use HTTPS automatically even if the link is specified as HTTP. (Check with your network admin) If you are re-directed to the non-Marketo landing page but the page does not load: Check with the website admin if there are any redirect rules setup on the website. Try cutting out parts of the additional URL Parameter to see if that fixes the issue to identify which part of the URL parameter is causing it. Sometimes lead tokens or the mkt_tok may affect a redirect rule, since mkt_tok generates random characters and sometimes the token contains percentage '%' characters. It very common for websites to interpret a % followed by a character as an encoding. Seen in this website here If you are unable to resolve the issue in the steps above, provide the test results and information in a Marketo Support Case.
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Issue If a lead in an import file has a blank value for a column (e.g. first name), will Marketo overwrite the existing data in Marketo when the file is imported? Solution Marketo does not overwrite the existing data if a field for a lead in an import file is blank. Per this article: "Leaving the new value blank or simply entering a SPACE will not truly empty the field. You have to type in NULL. Also, remember, flow steps can't be undone after running." While the example shown in the article is with a smart campaign flow step, the NULL value is also applicable to list import.
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Issue The URL for the landing page shows as "https" even though you do not have SSL set up on your Marketo instance, causing the browser to display a "Not Secure" warning.   Solution This can happen if the primary domain and DNS are SSL secure, but Marketo is not.  For instance, if your primary domain is "" (SSL secure) then the DNS, which is also SSL secure, will push down the "https" transfer protocol down to all the CNAMEs on that DNS.  This will force the Marketo landing page using the CNAME to use "https" in the URL, even though it is not secure. There are two ways to resolve this: Work with your IT department to see if there is a non-SSL option for your DNS Purchase SSL for your Marketo instance so that both your primary domain and your Marketo pages are SSL secure. If you would like to add SSL to your Marketo instance, please contact your Account Manager to see about adding that to your subscription.     
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What is HSTS? The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.  This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks by telling the browser it should never interact with their domain without first establishing a secure HTTPS connection.   What does this mean for Marketo assets? A domain can assert the HSTS policy for all of it's subdomains.  This means both the subdomains used for Marketo landing pages and the subdomains for Marketo tracking links must also be secured with SSL certificates.  If HSTS is asserted and the Marketo subdomains are not secured, people that visit landing pages or click on tracked links in emails will receive security errors and browsers will not load the pages.   This is resolved by purchasing both Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Secured Domains for Tracking Links.  There are very few exceptions where a domain utilizing HSTS will not need to secure both landing page domains and tracking link domains.   How do I know if my domain is using HSTS? Reach out to your IT and/or web development team to confirm whether or not your domain utilizes HSTS and if both Secured Domains and Tracking Links are necessary for your business.  If your website utilizes HSTS and has the "include subdomains" flag set to true, you will need to secure both your landing page domains and tracking link domains in almost all circumstances.   Google Chrome has a built in HSTS checker that you can use to verify your HSTS settings.   1.  Visit the root domain of your website with the Chrome browser.  For example, if your Marketo landing pages use, navigate to  This will load the domain's HSTS policy into Chrome.   2.  Navigate to chrome://net-internals/#hsts in Chrome.  This will load Chrome's HSTS checker.   3.  In the "Query HSTS/PKP domain" section, type in your domain you wish to check.  Click "Query".   This is a article attached image   4.  If the query returns "Found" with a list of configuration settings, you will need to check two settings: If either "status_upgrade_mode" or "dynamic_upgrade_mode" have the value "FORCE_HTTPS" or "STRICT", then the domain is enforcing HSTS and all connections are made over HTTPS. If either "static_pkb_include_subdomains" or "dynamic_pkp_include_subdomains" are equal to "true", then all subdomains are subject to the HSTS policy.   If both of the above are true then both Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Tracking Links may be required.   If the query returns "Not Found", or is not using a "FORCE_HTTPS" or "STRICT" policy then the landing page and tracking link subdomains may not have strict HTTPS requirements.     Always verify with your IT and/or web development team as to what your domain's security policies and requirements are.  Failure to properly secure your landing page or tracking domains according to your domain's security policy may result in landing pages or tracking links not resolving in browsers.  A lack of a strict HSTS policy does not necessarily mean you do not need to secure your Marketo domains.       My domain asserts HSTS on my subdomains but I do not have HTTPS encryption with my Marketo subscription.  What do I do? Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss purchasing Secured Domains for Landing Pages and Secured Domains for Tracking Links.  Configuration instructions can be found below: Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Landing Pages Overview & FAQ: Secured Domains for Tracking Links
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Issue You would like to pull a report of all the non-marketable records that you have in Marketo. Solution You can do this via a Smart List: Use the Any filter in the Smart List. Filters: Block Listed = true Unsubscribed = true Marketing Suspended = true Email Invalid = true Email Address is empty This Smart List will pull all the people that fall into the blocked leads list. You can also add a view in which you can add above mentioned columns to the smart list which will give a view if a record is block listed /unsubscribed etc.  Reference Doc :- Create and Change Views for Lists and Smart List    
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Issue Values in a form field are not showing in the preview or live form even though the value is in the picklist for the field. Visibibility rules for the field are enabled. Solution The value is not in the picklist in the field visibility rules. To fix this do the following:   1.Select the field in question in the form editor 2.Click "enabled" In the right pane, where it says Visibility Rules, 3. Add the missing value to the picklist 4.Hit Save        
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Issue Description URLs generated by a Velocity script token are not tracking when a person clicks on the link in an email Issue Resolution Velocity scripting enforces strict formatting of links in order for them to be tracked: http:// or https:// must be included in the URL.  If using a variable, the http:// or https:// must be output outside of the variable. The URL must be part of a fully formed <a> tag.  No other type of link tag will work Links must not be outputted from within a for or foreach loop To ensure links are tracked properly, set the entire path inside a variable and then print the variable. Correct: #set($url = "${}") <a href="http://${url}">Link Text</a> Correct: <a href="${}">Link Text</a> Incorrect: <a href="${url}">Link Text</a> (missing http/https) <a href="{{}}">Link Text</a> (missing http/htpps, cannot reference an outside my.token) <page xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">Click me</page> (must use an <a> tag)
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Issue Reporting options available for Text-Only emails. Solution There is no available reporting to determine the performance of Text-Only emails. When an email is sent from Marketo, both the HTML and Text-Only versions are sent, and the receiving server chooses the one to hand off. Marketo uses a single pixel image to track Open activity emails. Since there are no images in Text-Only emails, Open activities cannot be tracked.  However, Clicked Link activities can be tracked as long as URLs in the Text-Only emails are formatted according to this document - Add Tracked Links to a Text Email.
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Issue Clicking "Automatically copy over from HTML" or "Copy from HTML" in the Email Editor fails to copy the contents over to the Text Only version of the email. Solution This can occur if there are no editable sections in the email asset. By default, Marketo automatically copies the text content of any Rich Text element that’s in your email over to the Text version. Marketo defines a Rich Text element inside of an email template as a section using either mktEditable or mktoText classes. If the email's HTML does not contain either class, then no content would automatically be copied over. Here is additional documentation related to Email Text Versions: A quick workaround would be to manually copy and paste the content you wish in the Text Version, and in the future build/use templates to make emails with editable sections.    
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Issue Issue Description You have found the phrase 'lead unsubscribed from list unsubscribe.' as the listed reason for a person being marked as Unsubscribed, or you are seeing it in the details of a 'Unsubscribe Email' action.  Solution Issue Resolution This message appears when someone has unsubscribed using a special 'list-unsubscribe' option automatically contained in Marketo emails, as well as most other reputable marketing emails. This 'list-unsubscribe' feature is an email address contained in the background header information of the email. Any time someone sends an email to this address, their email address is unsubscribed from your database. This is almost always done by that person's email client, using their inbuilt 'unsubscribe' features, such as the ones in Outlook, Gmail, or other common email clients.
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Issue You may notice that the files under "Images and Files" folder are being crawled and indexed by search engines. Is there a way to ensure that they cannot be indexed?     Solution To disable indexing for all assets in Design Studio > Images and Files, please contact Marketo Support. Support can disable indexing for all files in this folder.  Please note, this is a global block.  Support is not able to selectively block indexing for specific files.
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Issue Issue Description How to enable multiple selections in a picklist/select field in a Marketo form.     Solution Issue Resolution In the Field Properties, choose Field Type "Select" Edit Values to include your desired picklist options in the field Check the box for "Multiple Selections" This is a article attached image
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Issue You are re-branding your domain and would like to know if it is possible to transfer cookies from one domain to another.     Solution While there are general approaches to sharing cookies across domains, this is outside the scope of Marketo Support. Included below are some non-Marketo resources on approaches for sharing cookies The best point of contact will be your web developer and they will be able to help you out on this regard.        
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Issue Why does the record in Marketo do not have an Opportunity when its matching synced Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity? Solution The Opportunity of the Contact in Salesforce does not have an Opportunity Contact role. "Marketo associates Opportunities and contacts using Opportunity Contact Roles. Opportunities without any Contact Roles assigned will sync to Marketo, but won't belong to anyone. For example, the person won't qualify the Has Opportunity filter." SFDC Sync - Opportunity Sync If the Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity Contact Role, reach out to Marketo Support to check if there is a sync backlog.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers who has Salesforce integrated to Marketo
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Issue Authorized support admin unable to find a contact to add as authorized support contact.   Solution The contact will need to have logged in to the community ( at least once for their profile to be created and recognized in the system. "In order to appear on the list of available contacts, the user must have clicked Community (while logged into Marketo) at least once." Once the contact has logged in to the community, the authorized support admin should be able to see the contact to be added as an authorized support contact.  
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