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Issue After setting up SSL on a Marketo instance, some landing pages give a mixed content security warning.   Solution This is usually caused by elements on the page that use "http" rather than "https" in the resource URL. To find the element, do the following: Open the landing page in the browser Right click on the page and select View Source from the menu When the source code is displayed, use "Ctrl+F" to find anything using "http" in the resource URL Make a note of the elements you find Open the Landing Page in the Landing Page editor and find the element Edit the HTML for the element by clicking on the "HTML" icon in the toolbar Change the "http" in the HTML to "https"
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Issue You want to add multiple values to a Smart List filter as described here: . However, when you go to do so for a field that has a type of "Text" you are not able to add multiple values. Solution This is expected behavior for Marketo Text fields. As a workaround, you can add the same filter to the Smart List multiple times, one for each value you want included.   
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Issue What is the shortest wait step time duration value that can be used in wait step? Solution Wait times can be set to days, hours, minutes, or seconds. Just type in "30 seconds" or "1 minute" etc.
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Question: My campaign seems to be delayed, what is going on? Answer: You may have multiple campaigns running and some of them are queued. You can use the Campaign Queue to get an overview of all running and queued campaigns in your instance of Marketo. If there is a campaign backlog you can check the priority of the delayed campaigns and the campaigns at the front of the campaign queue. High priority campaigns will always move to the front of the line, followed by medium priority and low priority campaigns. If there are too many high priority or medium priority campaigns running then you may see a longer delay with low priority campaigns since they will always move to the back of the queue. You may want to consider overriding the campaign priority of non urgent campaigns that are set to high priority to reduce the priority and make room for lower priority campaigns to run. It is not recommended to set a large number of campaigns to high priority as this does not improve the processing time of the campaigns, only the order in which they are run.      
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Issue Using a browser with JavaScript disabled causes display and validation problems with Marketo forms.     Solution When JavaScript is disabled in a browser, it can cause a couple of different behaviors. For embedded forms, the form will not load on the page because it is loaded by JavaScript. For non-embedded forms on a Marketo landing page, the form will load but it will be a bare bones version of the form that does not validate field input, because validation is handled by JavaScript. If you want to display a message to users with JavaScript disabled, you can use the “noscript” tag to display a message that prompts users to enable it in order to render the page correctly: Here’s an example using that with an embedded form: <script src="//"></script> <form id="mktoForm_1001"></form> <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "507-ILX-247", 1001);</script> <noscript>You have JavaScript disabled! Please enable JavaScript for the best experience on this site.</noscript>   For a Marketo landing page, I added an HTML Element with just the last line from the example above: <noscript>You have JavaScript disabled! Please enable JavaScript for the best experience on this site.</noscript>   Alternatively, you can use a redirect solution like this, which will send users with JavaScript disabled to another page: <html> <head> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL="> </noscript> </head> <body> <p>Fancy redirect page if JavaScript is not detected.</p> </body> </html>  
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Issue Description When editing a template and you validate the HTML, you receive an error of 'Error: Nested Editable Element: ...' with the id of the element following causing you to not be able to approve the template. Issue Resolution This is due to having an element with a 'mkto...' class nested inside another element with a 'mkto...' class. Below is an example:  <div class="mktEditable">      <div class="mktEditable"></div> </div> You will need to remove the 'mkto...' class reference from one of the elements to be able to pass validation and approve the draft as in the corrected example below:  <div class="mktEditable">      <div class="newClassName"></div> </div>
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  Overview SSO Authentication Updating SSO Credentials Tips SSO Only Login Wait to disable the existing certificate Overview Marketo’s Single Sign On (SSO) feature allows your company to use your own company’s SSO service to authenticate your login into your Marketo instance. Your initial setup of the SSO is covered in the documentation here.   You may need to change your SSO authentication settings after the initial setup. This document will show you the process on how to do so.     SSO Authentication The Identity Provider (IdP) you use will provide you with your SSO authentication credentials and security certificate. Marketo uses this information to validate your login from your IdP, so these credentials come from your IdP.     Updating SSO Credentials Once you have retrieved the new security certificate, you can enter it into Marketo.   1. Under Admin click on Single Sign-On. 2. Select Edit in the SAML Settings 3. Enter your Issuer ID, Entity ID, select the User ID Location and click Browse. 4. Select your Identity Provider Certificate file. 5. Click Save. Tips There are a couple things to watch out for when changing your SSO certificate. Here’s a couple tips to avoid trouble along the way.     SSO Only Login If your company uses SSO for login, you’ll have an optional setting to restrict login access to your Marketo instance to SSO logins only. This prevents users from logging in directly, forcing the use of SSO.   You can check for this setting under Admin > Login Settings   These settings do allow the creation of a special User Role that can bypass the SSO restriction. However, sometimes as people come and go within the company, the users enabled with that User Role could no longer be available.   TIP: Before changing your SSO certificate, create a new user utilizing this User Role that bypasses the SSO requirement. If something goes wrong while setting up the new certificate, you’ll be glad you have a back door into the Marketo instance!   Wait to disable the existing certificate Your IdP will issue a new certificate, but what if something goes wrong while entering the new information into Marketo?   TIP: Get the new certificate and set it up in Marketo before you fully disable the existing certificate within your IdP on their side. If something happens to the new certificate, you’ll be glad you have the do-over available and can switch back to the existing certificate that still works!
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Issue Description You get an error message saying that an email or landing page is in use when you try to delete or even unapprove it. Issue Resolution If assets are being being used or referenced somewhere else in Marketo you cannot delete or unapprove them. Before you can, there cannot be anything listed under "Used By" section. Navigate to the place where it is in use and remove it from there. Once all asset dependencies have been removed you will be able to delete or unapprove the asset.
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Issue Description You have the Munchkin tracking code on your non-Marketo web page but visits to the page are not being tracked.   Issue Resolution If you have customized the Munchkin tracking code, it may not work.  Marketo only supports the Munchkin code as it is provided in your instance.  If you need to alter the code, you would need to work with your web developer to determine why the customized code is not working.   To find the supported Munchkin tracking code: Go to Admin > Munchkin. Select the version of Munchkin you intend to use. Place the Munchkin code on your page as outlined in our document on adding Munchkin tracking to your site. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You are utilizing Forms on Marketo Landing Pages, and want to run reporting on these forms.     Solution Currently Marketo has reporting for Email assets and Landing Pages. We do not have the ability to report on Forms specifically. One option would be to use Web Page reporting  -  this reported information would be limited to Marketo Pages with numbers of records who filled out the form, listed under "conversions." You could then create a Smart List to identify leads who have filled out these forms.        
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Issue No data appears in the Email Performance Report (configured for a specific time frame) even though emails have been sent to the leads. Solution The reason why the leads who were sent the email do not appear in the email performance report configured for a specific time frame is because the Sent Date filter is based on the first date that the email was sent to a given lead. Email Performance Peports only show data for the first time an email was sent. If you send the same email multiple times to the same leads, reports intended for later sends will not include leads who first received the email outside of the report's time frame. Apart from that, it is also worth to check if the email performance report has any additional smart list filters that the leads may not qualify for.    
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Issue You receive the error "Failed: cannot retrieve values for sfdc id" when trying to sync a record between Salesforce and Marketo.     Solution You can get this error message if the lead owner associated to the lead is not visible to the Marketo sync user. To troubleshoot this issue, do the following" Log into Salesforce using the Marketo sync user listed in Admin > Salesforce Confirm the record is visible to the Marketo sync user. Confirm the lead owner associated with the record is visible to the Marketo sync user. If the lead owner is not visible to the Marketo sync user, work with your SFDC Admin to allow the sync user to see it, or change the lead owner to something that is visible to Marketo. Once this is done, try the sync again.        
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Issue Issue Description You have sent an email and do not see the List-Unsubscribe headers.   Solution Issue Resolution Marketo automatically adds the appropriate List-Unsubscribe headers to emails, EXCEPT in three scenarios:   1) The email is marked as operational 2) You are sending a test email via the "Send Sample" action 3) The email is an alert email   In these cases, the List-Unsubscribe header will not be added to the email.
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Issue Description In Notifications, you may encounter a Web Services Error message that contains details as below along with the Error Code and Count (i.e. number of times the error occurred). For example: The Web Services encountered the following error. Error Code     Count 609    1 Issue Resolution More information about the Web Services Error Codes are documented here: It is recommended to consult with the owner of any custom Admin -> Launchpoint services configured (typically IT, your API developer, or a third party service provider) to review the API calls being made to Marketo.     The owner of the custom integration should already be logging any error codes requiring review, or ignoring those errors that are temporary and can be automatically retried.   If further assistance is needed, create a support ticket and provide details of the Request and Response of the API call containing the error code. Similar to how the example API Requests and Responses are documented here:   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using API integrations.   Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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Issue Issue Description You may see this warning message on your website, "The SSL certificate used to load resources from will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See for more information.     Solution Issue Resolution Marketo's security and operations team are aware of the plans for Chrome to distrust Symantec issued certificates and we are working on the replacement project before this happens.
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Congratulations on being the Support Admin for your company.  It's a very important role for your organization and with the new Marketing Nation, the support admin role is expanding even more.  Let's go over some of key things you can do as the Support Admin.   You can submit support cases to Marketo Support This is one of your key abilities.  Submit cases on behalf of your company to our Marketo Support Team for assistance.   Manage your list of authorized contacts You have the ability to add and remove contacts from your list of authorized support contacts.  This becomes important if people leave your company or if teams switch out your main Marketo users.  If someone needs the ability to contact Marketo Support, you're the one to make that happen for them.   Invite people to your account space (NEW) That's right,. You own the guest list to your Account space.  You get to invite people from your company to this space.  You can remove them from this space and you can also ban them from ever entering this space if you wanted to.  This is a newly added feature within the Marketing Nation.   Manage your Company Space (NEW) You're not just the Support Admin, you are the admin of this space.  Adjust this space as you need it,  If there are different types of content widgets or text boxes you want to add to this space, you can do it.  This is a space for your company's use and benefit, so do with it as you need it.   Our team is on hand to assist you with any questions you have to manage this space.  You can contact us by sending an email to Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue: You or your sales reps are getting an error when editing your leads or contact records in Salesforce saying "The record you were editing was modified by Account Marketo during your edit session". Similar to this: This error will usually occur in Salesforce when you are in the Edit page in while at the same time the Marketo sync is updating that same record by our periodic API sync. While this error occurs very rarely, and usually by performing mass updates from Marketo (usually by batch campaigns). Resolution: Here are some steps you can take from a Marketo perspective to resolve or significantly reduce the chances of this error occuring:      1. Change the process that you use to update records in Salesforce - You can successfully reduce this error by using Inline editting (by double clicking on the individual field on the record) as opposed to doing a mass update of multiple fields on 1 record (by using the Edit button). Inline Editing - As the screenshot below shows, this done by double clicking on the individual field on your record then updating the field and then pressing the "Save" button or double pressing on the Enter key on your keyboard: Mass Editing - this is done by first pressing the "Edit" button on the record's detail page, which will then take you the the Edit page where you can mass update multiple records then press the "Save" button:      2. Increase the Salesforce sync interval time - Another option to reduce the the possibility or receiving this error is to reduce the number of times that Marketo syncs with Salesforce. This option in effect increases the time between Marketo and salesforce syncs.  (The default is 5 minutes.)  The downside to this option is that updates made in Marketo will take a longer to sync to Salesforce and vice versa. If you want to proceed with this option, you will need to contact Marketo support to get your sync wait time increased.  
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Issue Unsubscribes are no longer or only sometimes attributing to email assets after switching to a custom unsubscribe page, form, one click unsubscribe or not using the Marketo system default Unsubscribe field.   Solution There are a series of steps that must take place for Marketo to attribute unsubscribes to the email asset for reporting purposes.   The record must click a link in the email asset which contains the following querystring parameter on the link. This link may be to a Marketo landing page or a non Marketo landing page, either will work fine. Required parameter: ?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=##MKT_TOK## The record must submit a Marketo form. The system default Unsubscribed field must change from false to true via this form submission. (this can be changed back to false after the submission if you do not use this field for unsubscribes) If these actions do not occur as above, we may not attribute the unsubscribe to the email asset. Why are some being tracked? Those that are being tracked are almost always because of the record unsubscribing via the email host provided link (ex. GMail hosted emails) Are records unsubscribed even if it does not attribute to the email? Yes, as long as the field Unsubscribed is true on the record, we will not send the record a non-Operational email. If you would like a one click unsubscribe solution for your records, this is still possible through the use of the Forms 2.0 API and submitting the form in the background.    
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Issue Description Consider a scenario where you wanted to setup a campaign flow in such a way that their program status needs to be changed as “Influenced” if they are currently not a member of that program and the default choice is “do nothing” as seen in the below screenshot. However, you will be able to see that for records who isn’t member of program is getting assigned with default choice and not with the choice 1. Issue Resolution The flow step will change the program status to influenced only if they are member of program and have the status anything apart from "No show", if not default choice will be selected. The flow-step will not add the lead to the program and then change the program status when "Add choice" is used in the "Change program status" flow step. If there inst a choice added as shown in the below image, then the person will also be made a member of the program if they weren't already. Who This Solution Applies To
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Issue Is to possible to set up a distribution list (for internal employees) in Marketo? Solution There is no such feature called "Distribution list" in Marketo. An email can be sent to people only of they are part of your lead database. Alternate Workaround: You can create a excel sheet for your internal employees with their email addresses and import them into a Marketo static list.  You can refer this list in your smart campaign whenever you would need to send a communication email. Note: Mark the email you send as "Operational" to ensure that it reaches all the people in the imported list.    
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