Congratulations on being the Support Admin for your company. It's a very important role for your organization and with the new Marketing Nation, the support admin role is expanding even more. Let's go over some of key things you can do as the Support Admin.
This is one of your key abilities. Submit cases on behalf of your company to our Marketo Support Team for assistance.
You have the ability to add and remove contacts from your list of authorized support contacts. This becomes important if people leave your company or if teams switch out your main Marketo users. If someone needs the ability to contact Marketo Support, you're the one to make that happen for them.
That's right,. You own the guest list to your Account space. You get to invite people from your company to this space. You can remove them from this space and you can also ban them from ever entering this space if you wanted to. This is a newly added feature within the Marketing Nation.
You're not just the Support Admin, you are the admin of this space. Adjust this space as you need it, If there are different types of content widgets or text boxes you want to add to this space, you can do it. This is a space for your company's use and benefit, so do with it as you need it.
Our team is on hand to assist you with any questions you have to manage this space. You can contact us by sending an email to
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