Changing Landing Page and Tracking Link Domain


Changing your primary domain can be a bit of a daunting task if you don't know where to start, this guide will walk you through the steps you will need to take to use a new domain with your Marketo instance.


  • Create your new CNAME and point that to your Marketo instance. If this new CNAME is going to be used as your primary domain, then the Domain Name in Admin > Landing Pages will need to be changed to reflect your new domain and your old domain should be added as a domain alias so any old links will be redirected to your new domain
  • Adding a new branding domain is recommended when changing your domain. This will allow tracked links in emails add a tracking cookie when being directed to your new domain. A new CNAME will also need to be created for this and will need to point to the original tracking link for your instance.


  • If you plan on signing your emails with your new domain, setting up a new SPF/DKIM record is recommended to help keep your deliverability rates as high as possible.

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