Once you have the RTP tag installed onto your website, there are several steps that RTP goes through to actually display a Campaign on the web page. Below we describe the process from the tag being loaded to the Campaign being shown on the page. Beware, the details are somewhat technical, so tread with caution!


When the page with the RTP tag is loaded, the RTP script (rtp.js) is loaded. This script includes all of your individual tag configurations, and it triggers a sequence of actions:


First, information about the visitor is sent to the Marketo servers, including:

    • Referral site
    • Search terms
    • and the visitor's IP address. Using this IP address, several things about the visitor can be deduced relatively accurately:
      • Location (country, state, city, zip code)
      • Organization name (if applicable)
      • Organization group (Enterprise, SMB, Fortune 100, etc.)

If the visitor is a known lead in your Marketo lead database, RTP will pull values for all of the default Marketo fields and custom fields.


Next, RTP will check if the visitor qualifies for any of your pre-defined Segments based on this information about the visitor. If the visitor does match a Segment that's attached to a Campaign, that Campaign will be loaded on the page being visited.


Finally, once the Campaign has loaded on the page, the visitor's browser takes note that the visitor has seen the campaign. This allows for Campaigns that are not sticky to be only loaded once per visitor.