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Issue If your Smart Lists are processing slowly, you may be able to speed them up using Segmentations for exclusion lists.     Solution Many companies maintain email exclusion lists based on a number of criteria. In Marketo, these are often set up using Smart Lists that are then referenced in "Member of Smart List" filters. However, Smart Lists that reference other Smart Lists can be slow to resolve. Using a Segmentation for your exclusion lists instead of Smart Lists can help your campaigns and programs run more efficiently. Instructions for setting up Segmentations can be found here: Create a Segmentatio.  You can then use the Segmentation filters in your Smart List rather than the "Member of Smart List" filters: Use Segment Filters in a Smart List.
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Issue How and where to locate Salesforce ORG ID. Solution Choose one of the following options to find your Org ID: Improved Setup User Interface (Enabled) 1. Select Setup | Company Profile | Company Information. 2. In the "Organization Detail" section, your Organization ID is listed in the " Organization ID" field, starting with 00Dxxx.   Improved Setup User Interface (Disabled)   1. Select <YourName> | Setup | Company Profile | Company Information. 2. In the "Organization Detail" section, your Organization ID is listed in the " Organization ID" field, starting with 00Dxxx.   Lightning Experience   1. Click the Gear icon, then select Setup. 2. Select Settings | Company Settings | Company Information. 3. Your Organization ID is listed in the " Organization ID" field, starting with 00Dxxx      
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Included in this Article: Testing Campaigns by Sandboxing General Tag Checklist Check the Product Documentation: Verify the tag exists in the HTML code on your website Make sure that the right tag has been inserted properly Verify the tag is enabled Website Checklist Verify there are no jQuery or JavaScript errors Verify In Zone campaign Div IDs Segment Checklist Verify that the segment has had matches. Verify the Segment is set for the relevant domains. Verify ISP setting Verify location settings Campaign Checklist Important notes about Widget campaigns Is this article helpful ? YesNo   Testing Campaigns by Sandboxing Sometimes you'll need to see what your campaign looks like live on your website without customers being able to see it. Sandboxing allows you to match a segment and see the campaign live by targeting a specific term added into the URL. Since leads won't randomly guess the value and alter the URL, it's safe to test on a live site. Here's how you do it.   1. Create a new 'Sandbox' segment and call it "Sandbox=1" Add the Included Pages filter and enter *sandbox=1* as the value for the URL matches. Add all other filters you need. When used in combination with the *sandbox=1* URL match, it will match just like your other segment you want to test, but only if you have "sandbox=1" in the URL.   2. Create a campaign called: "Sandbox=1" (or alter the campaign you're working on) to use the "Sandbox=1" segment. Verify that your campaign is set up properly, then launch the campaign. 3. Go to the webpage you're testing with. Let the page load fully. 4. Add ?sandbox=1 at the end of the URL and hit enter. 5. Verify whether the sandbox campaign is being displayed.       General Tag Checklist   Check the Product Documentation: Troubleshooting Web Personalization (RTP) - RTP Tag   Verify the tag exists in the HTML code on your website      All pages, all domains, all sub-domains and landing pages need to have the RTP tag in the code in order for it to work properly. The RTP tag can be loaded through a tag manager like Google Tag Manager, Adobe Tag Manager or Tealium Tag Manager. If the RTP tag is not directly in the HTML of the page, remove it from the tag manager and load it directly into the HTML of the page. RTP tags can be used with tag managers, but removing it and placing the tag into the HTML of the page directly will let you test whether there is a problem being introduced by the tag manager itself.   Make sure that the right tag has been inserted properly Check the Deploy the RTP JavaScript - Marketo Docs - Product Docs documentation for how to locate the RTP script tag. This will show you how to actually locate and deploy the RTP script tag. If your instance has more than one domain configured, you will have access to more than one RTP tag that can be deployed. Each domain that is configured in your instance will have its own unique script tag. If you use the wrong one in the wrong place, your campaigns will not execute as planned.     Verify the tag is enabled 1. Go to 'Account Settings'   2. Make sure the tag is enabled       Website Checklist   Verify there are no jQuery or JavaScript errors Navigate to your site and open the developer's tool Console panel. Check for any errors such as this:   Verify In Zone campaign Div IDs In Zone campaigns utilize a Zone ID to identify where the RTP campaign should be inserted into the body of the page. This is the Div ID in the HTML code of you website.  Verify the Div ID exists in the HTML code on the page where the campaign should be displayed. Even small differences in the Div ID will cause it to not match, resulting in the campaign not displaying.       Segment Checklist   Verify that the segment has had matches. When viewing you list of segments, make sure that there have actually been matches. If your segment hasn't matched any leads, there's no way the campaign can be called to action     Verify the Segment is set for the relevant domains. Segments can be set to only apply to certain domains configured in your instance. If your segment is only applying to one of multiple domains you need, that would stop the segments from matching very often, and stop the the associated campaign from being called to action.     Verify ISP setting When using the "Exclude ISP" filter, it's important to make sure when testing that you aren't showing up as an ISP. The network you're on plays a very big part in how you appear to the RTP system.     Verify location settings If you have a location filter in use, you could be not matching the segment because the filter thinks you're coming from a different location based on your network's settings. Are you physically in the location your filter is searching for? Is your network representing the correct location?     Campaign Checklist   Check for target URL If the campaign is set for a specific target URL and you aren't viewing that exact page, the campaign will not display.   Are there any JavaScripts in the campaign? JavaScript running inside of an RTP campaign can cause conflicts. Try removing the JavaScript and testing it. If the campaign displays as it should, then you know the JavaScript caused the issues.       Important notes about Widget campaigns Widget campaigns will only show up once per session. A session lasts for 30 minutes since the last click on a tracked web page, so the session times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. To view your campaign again, clear your cookies, use an incognito mode, or use a different browser
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer.  Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. With a change to the Munchkin javascript, you can send web tracking events like page visits or clicked links to multiple instances of Marketo. The code below is for sending Munchkin events to two or more Marketo accounts. If the events need to go to only one Marketo account, you can use the Munchkin tracking code as-is from the Munchkin Setup part of the Admin section. Note: Marketo tracks visitors to your website by domain (ex. ""). If your hosting this Munchkin script on a domain that's different than your primary domain (ex. ""), those visitors will appear as anonymous leads until they fill out a form on that other domain. Add a parameter to the mktoMunchkin call -- altIds -- and include an array of the additional Munchkin IDs where these web events should go, as in the example below. You can include any number of altIds in the array, each separated by commas. In the example below, replace the highlighted Munchkin IDs ("XXX-XXX-XXX", "YYY-YYY-YYY") with the Munchkin IDs from each Marketo account where the tracking information should be sent. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script>mktoMunchkin("XXX-XXX-XXX", { altIds: ['YYY-YYY-YYY', 'ZZZ-ZZZ-ZZZ'] });</script> Related Articles Adding Javascript Tracking Code to your Website (Munchkin)
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Issue Description Why does some emails do not appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance Report?   Issue Resolution The reason why some emails do not appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance report is because the emails were used in an A/B test. Similar to the product behaviour illustrated below, when adding an A/B test, the selected email will not be directly selectable or appear as an Email Filter option in an Email/Email Link Performance report.   "When adding an A/B test, the selected email will no longer be available for use in any other program."   In order to report on the A/B test emails that do not appear in the Email Filter option, the parent program can be selected. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You have Visibility Rules enabled for a field on your form, but the field is not shown or hidden as expected based on the values in the other fields.     Solution If you have enabled visibility rules for Field B but the field is not showing/hiding as expected when the correct value is chosen in Field A, one possibility could be the with the setup with the selected operator in the rule.  When using visibility rules for Field B, the "is" operator will use and reference the displayed values of Field A, but "contains" will use the stored values.   For example, let's say you have a visibility rule that should display the a particular field when 'Marketo Lead Management' is selected for the "Product Interest" field. The displayed value for the field (the one shown to the customer) may be "Marketo Leads Management" but the stored value for the field (the value written to the lead record) is "MLM". If you set up the visibility rule as "Product Interest is Marketo Leads Management", the rule will look at the Display Value and see a match.  However, "Product Interest contains Marketo Leads Management" will look at the Stored Value, which is "MLM." It will not see the match, and the field will not be displayed. 
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Issue Issue Description How to add a seed list in a batch Smart Campaign or Email Program.     Solution Issue Resolution Import the seed list addresses into an appropriately-named static list Add a filter in the Program/Campaign Smart List to include the static list. The trick will be to make sure the filter logic is correct. Advanced Logic may need to be used in the Smart List of the Program/Campaign. For example, if there's a sending campaign with 5 filters to send to an audience 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND  (4 OR 5) then you will want to use Advanced Logic and put parentheses around the original filter set (1 AND 2 AND 3 AND  (4 OR 5)) and add the seed list outside the parentheses with OR logic (1 AND 2 AND 3 AND  (4 OR 5)) OR 6 In that advanced logic, the original intended membership (1 through 5) exist within its own set of parentheses and the Seed List is included in addition (OR 6).
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Have two form fields you want to merge into one? Try this jQuery script. In short, any time someone changes focus off one of the selected fields, the destination field will be updated. Build the form For example, say you want to populate a field called Full Name with the first and last name provided in the form. First, go to the Form Editor and add Full Name as a hidden field in the form. Next, open the landing page for editing, or create a new one and add the form to the page. Get the form IDs You'll need to get the IDs of the form fields. Go back to the Design Studio, preview the page, then view the source in your browser. You'll need to find the entries for the fields you want to retrieve the values from and set the concatenated value into. For example, if you're looking for the First Name field's id, it's FirstName: <label>First Name:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormText mktFormString mktFReq' name="FirstName" id="First Name" type='text' value="" maxlength='255' tabIndex='1' /><span class='mktFormMsg'></span> Note: Marketo Technical Support is not equipped to troubleshoot custom javascript. It is recommend to work with an experienced developer when implementing custom javascript. Add custom Javascript In the Javascript below, replace the following: destinationField: id of the field where the appended value will go ("#FullName") joinFields: a list of the field ids it should read from ("#FirstName,#LastName") joinString: text that goes between each item (" ") Add the Javascript to your landing page as a Custom HTML element.  Test it to make sure it works correctly, then approve the page. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // set no conflict mode for jquery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();     // jQuery selector of the field that receives the joined value   var destinationField = "#FullName";     // jQuery selectors of the fields to be joined together.     // Use "#ID option:selected" if it's a dropdown   var joinFields = "#FirstName,#LastName;     // the text that will be added between each item   var joinString = " "; $jQ(document).ready(function(){    // You may need to change the field types that trigger the concatenation    // depending on the input types you're using in the form   $jQ("input,select,option").blur( function () {     concatFields()   }); }); function concatFields() {   $jQ(destinationField).attr("value",      $jQ(joinFields).map(function(){        return $jQ(this).val();      }).get().join(joinString)   ); } </script>
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This article covers advanced concepts when designing your campaign flows.  You need to be familiar with Smart Campaigns before reading this article: Building smart campaigns Auto-responder Priority If you have a campaign that sends an email following a form fillout, you should make sure that theSend Email flow step comes first.  You can put other flow steps after that. People who complete a form expect a quick email response.  If you put the Send Email first, Marketo will assume this is an auto-responder campaign and thus needs to be prioritized higher. If you put the Send Email step later in the flow, your campaign may be prioritized lower causing the email response to be delayed. Add Choice The Add Choice option in a flow step lets you execute flow steps based on a specific condition. Say you're building a scoring campaign based on the lead's job title -- 10 points for a CEO, 8 for a VP, 6 for Director, and so on.  Instead of building a separate campaign for each title, you can use Add Choice to put this in one flow step. Create a new campaign called "Job Title Scoring."  In the Smart List, trigger the campaing to launch when the Job Title changes: Open the Flow tab and drag in the Change Score step.  Then click the Add Choice button.  This adds a "Choice 1" and "Default Choice" to the flow step. In the "If:" part of the choice, you can pick which field should be checked for what value(s).  In the example below, the lead's Job Title field will be checked to see if it matches CEO.  If so, the lead will get +10 points.  Otherwise, the default choice will run -- no score change. Click Add Choice again to add a second choice and set it up to add 8 points if the lead has "VP" in the title.  When there are multiple choices in a flow step, only the first matching choice is executed.  If no choices match, the default choice will be executed. Add the remaining flow steps.  Below, you can see how it might look like.  If you ever want to get rid of a choice, click the red X to the right of that choice.
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Issue When adding a checkbox field to the form, usually it appears after the field label. Here is how to swap the check box to the left and label to the right. Solution Checkbox position can be changed by following the below steps: Insert the checkbox field into the form Delete the text in the field label Set the label width to zero, set field width to 10 Add rich text to the form (enter in the rich text editor what you want to appear to the right of the checkbox) Move the rich text block to the right of the field.        
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Issue You have a lead that is marked as Email Suspended and you are not sure whether they can receive Marketo emails or not. Solution When emails bounce as spam, the lead that bounced is set to "Email Suspended." "Email Suspended" is a historical field.  A more accurate name for this field would probably be "This email was suspended at some point in its history."  The actual suspension only lasts 24 hours. To see if the lead is currently suspended, check the timestamp on the 'Email Suspended' field.  If it is more than 24 hours ago, the lead is not currently suspended and can receive email from your Marketo instance.  However, the "Email Suspended" flag will remain on the lead record for the purposes of future troubleshooting.  It is not possible to set "Email Suspended" to "false" once it has been set to "true."  The "Email Suspended Cause" field will provide the bounce message associated with the most recent spam bounce.    
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Issue Unable to change the email address used for a Marketo user's login. Solution All of a user's activity is based on that specific login email address. If somehow there was a way to change the login, all that history would be gone or mixed up with multiple login names and hence Marketo doesn’t allow to change the login email address. You can however, create a new user by inviting new user in the Admin area under Users & Roles with that new email address and a new login will be created that can now be used with that email address. So you can now use that new login and delete the old if you want. This login email address is different from the communication address. It is just like a user name for login purposes. All the communication/notification emails will be sent to the email address mentioned in the email column of your account and this should be a valid email address. You can check this under Admin > My Account > Email. If your instance does not have the feature allowing the login email address to be different than the email address used for communication, please contact Marketo Support to have it enabled.
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Issue You want to use Slack with webhooks to be able to customize the integration a bit more than using it as a Launchpoint service. Solution We will assume you have already created your App within the Slack API page  we will cover everything after that here. 1) Make sure you are logged in so you can access your App through the Slack API page. 2) Select your App: 3) From here you will want to select the "Incoming Webhooks" from underneath "Features": 4) Use the on/off toggle to the right of the title "Activate Incoming Webhooks"   5) Select the "Add New Webhook to Workspace" button to create a new URL that we will use for our webhook within Marketo: 6) Select where you want to post, either at a specific user or channel:   7) Now we are directed back to the page we were one, hit the copy button next to the Webhook URL to copy the URL as we will need it for a later step. 😎 Login to your Marketo instance and navigate to the Admin section. 9) Select Webhooks 10) Select Create Webhook. For the following fields assign the appropriate values: Webhook Name*        =        What ever you want to name Description                 =        A description of what the webhook is used for URL*                           =        Here is where we paste the URL we copied before Request Type*            =        POST Template                     =       This is the information you want to send to your slack channel/user It should in the following format:                                              payload={"text": "DEVELOPER SITE ALERT: {{lead.First Name:default=edit me}} {{lead.Company:default=edit me}},                                                            {{lead.Email Address:default=no email address}}" } Request Encoding Token     =  None (You can change this if you want) Response Type                    =  None 11) Click create and now we are ready to call our webhook and send necessary data to our users in Slack!  
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Issue   You are trying to add a hyperlink for your calendar event token to text in an email, but when you click on the link in a sent email, you are not getting an ICS file. Solution   When you add the calendar token to an email, it displays as a "My token." Once the email is generated, that token will then appear as a link in your email. However, if you try to hyperlink the token, the token cannot resolve.   To get the calendar file token to work properly, you need to add the token to the email by following the steps in this document: Include a Calendar Event in an Email. Note that you should add the token using the Insert Token button, rather than the Insert/Edit link button.
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Question   For those who do not want forms to pre-populate and/or track web behavior on a specific page (ie. referral sign-up pages), follow the instructions below to disable the Munchkin tracking JavaScript. Note, forms filled out on a page without Munchkin will not get Fill Out Form activity written to the lead Activity Log.   Solution   Edit a landing page template Go to the HTML Source tab Find the line: <?php echo $mContext['endElements']; ?> Add the highlighted portions: <!-- <?php echo $mContext['endElements']; ?> --> Re-approve the landing page template and any associated landing pages This change only applies to customers with Marketo Versions Released in 2013. Is this article helpful ? YesNo   Please make clear notes for other users that will use this template - this will eliminate confusion on the page tracking behavior.
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Issue When using Email Script Tokens to generate URLs in an email, the URLs fail to resolve and show the email script in the browser's address bar rather than the URL.   Solution Email Script Tokens are written using Velocity Script, this means the Email Script Token must compile on the sending server before the email is delivered. This issue typically happens when you are trying to include a Email Script Token in a tracked link. Tracked links will always appear in your email as either your branded domain and a randomized series of characters, or begin with 'mkto' followed by a randomized series of characters. Marketo uses tracked links to help gather link clicks and cookie leads who are visiting your website. This is awesome, but this stops Email Script Tokens from compiling. You have two options for resolution:   Remove the Email Script Token from the link, and consider creating a person attribute to use instead. Custom person attributes can be referenced as Person Tokens in a Email, and Person Tokens work great with tracked links. Disable the tracking on this link. This can be done by adding the following class to the HTML of your link: class="mktNoTrack" More can be read on disabling link tracking here.
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Issue Marketo forms that are embedded on external web pages see loading errors. Examples of this could be that the fields load with delay, or once submitted the form lags before moving to a follow up page.     Solution Two things to check: Is there custom CSS in your form? Is the embed code on your form customized?   Isolate the cause You can isolate the root of the lag by testing your form on a Marketo Landing Page   1. Locate the embedded form with in your instance 2. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 3. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 4. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If the form loads with no delay, the issue lies with the embed code used to push the form onto the external page. Please work with your custom developer to find a resolution.   If the form is loading with a delay (and there is custom CSS):   1. Clone your form 2. Remove any custom CSS from with in the form 3. Build a landing page to test the form: Landing Page with a Form 4. Place your form on the new testing landing page, approve the page and close it. 5. Load the Landing Page using the URL   If you are not seeing any loading errors, the issue lies with in the custom CSS of your form. Please work with your custom coder to improve the loading speed of your form. Note: Occasionally, incorporating the form embed script into containers (custom coding) and utilizing custom JavaScript may lead to delays in form functionality. In such instances, it is recommended to collaborate with your developer to identify a solution, as Marketo Support does not troubleshoot issues specifically related to custom coding. If you are still seeing lag errors on your form loading on the Marketo Page, please submit a ticket with    
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Issue How to export a list of all the field mappings between Marketo and SFDC.     Solution Issue Resolution You can do export field mappings by following these steps: Go to Admin > Field Management. Click over a tab to Field Mapping. Click the export button, next to the search bar at the bottom.  
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As part of the September 2012 release, Marketo exposed the ability to create a Webhook.  Webhooks are essentially HTTP callbacks that allow you to send a "payload" (i.e. xml, json) to a URL and include parameters. Here is a walk-through on how to create a Webhook that sends an SMS Message to a Marketo Lead using the Twilio messaging platform. Step 1 Sign up for a Twilio Account (  Be sure to follow the instructions on validating any numbers that will be used to send an SMS message. Step 2 Navigate to Admin in your Marketo Account Step 3 Select Treasure Chest from the left tree and click Edit in the Webhooks section Step 4 Check the box to Enable Webhooks Step 5 In the Admin menu, select  Webhook and click New Webhook Step 6 Enter the Webhook details as defined in the below screenshot.  A powerful feature of Webhooks is that you can include Tokens as part of the URL and/or Message for further customization. Note:  You will replace the [ACCOUNT_SID] & [AUTH_TOKEN] values with what is specified in your Twilio account. Step 7 Create a Program/Campaign in Marketo.  In the example below, a Program/Campaign was created with associated LandingPage/Form to send out an SMS text message when the lead fills out form. Step 8 See the activity appear in the Activity Tab for that lead in Marketo Step 9 Check SMS activity in your Twilio Account Log
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Image: Step Flow for Predictive Content for Web and Email What is Auto Content Discovery? This post explains the first part of the flow image above: discovering, mapping, and tracking your content assets. Content Discovery is used in the Predictive Content app to auto-discover all the content assets (videos, pdfs, blog posts, press releases, white papers, etc.) on a website/domain. Once discovered, you can see how your content is performing and decide which pieces of content should be prepared, approved, and enabled for the Predictive Content outcomes on web (either in the recommendation bar or rich media) and email.   Setting up Predictive Content and Content Discovery See Set Up Docs: Steps RTP Javascript tag is installed on all your web pages (Note: RTP is now called Web Personalization) Set Asset Discovery to On Asset Discovery auto-discovers extensions (PDFs, PPT, MP4, OFF, WEBM) and a click/view on embedded videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia) Create URL Patterns Setting URL patterns auto-discovers content when a web visitor clicks on the HTML web page relevant to the content pattern. The URL syntax pattern determines your ability to use this feature optimally (e.g., to create a pattern for press releases, your press releases should all be stored on a page identified as*). How is content auto-discovered? The content discovery technology uses an event listener that runs on every web page (where the RTP Javascript tag is installed) and waits for a web visitor to click on a URL link or arrive directly on that web page in a browser. If that link includes an extension (PDF, ppt, embedded video) or matches the URL pattern defined, then it will be discovered and added to the All Content page in the Predictive Content app.   Only content pieces that a web visitor interacted with (clicked on or viewed) once the RTP Javascript tag has been installed are discovered via Content Discovery. If the content is already discovered, it will add to the tracking and views of those discovered pieces. You can also manually add new content to be listed and tracked in the All Content page.   Image: All Content Page in the Predictive Content app displaying and tracking all discovered content What data is discovered? Visitor Data (Used for Analytics + Predictive Algorithm) Pages Viewed  - number of page views by the user in the session Visit Count for Web Visitor Last Content URL Seen Last 5 Content Assets clicked via Predictive Content that this visitor has seen in the last 90 days Last Web Campaigns Seen - 10 last campaigns per session (within the last 5 sessions) Inferred Organization Inferred, Industry, Size, Revenue Inferred Country, State, City Search Term   Content Data  Extensions Video (Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia) Video Name Video URL Video Image URL PDF PDF Name PDF URL   URL Patterns (HTML pages) Found via metadata of the HTML page Content Name Content URL Content Image URL Content Description What data is auto-populated during the auto-discovery phase? Based on the content data we discover, the aim is to populate as much of the Predictive Content as possible, making it quicker, easier and involves less prep work for you. However, you still need to review the discovered content and then approve and enable it for the Predictive Source (Email, Rich Media, Recommendation Bar). Assuming we discover an HTML page defined in URL patterns, this HTML content piece will be populated in the following fields in Predictive Content:   Predictive Content Fields Auto-Populated Value Notes Content Name (Content Name) Unique Value Content URL (Content URL) The URL is consistent for all sources (email, bar, rich media) Categories Video OR Category Name from URL Pattern If Video is discovered, the category is populated as Video. Category populated from defined URL Pattern. e.g., = Blog all discovered content based on this URL would receive Blog as a category Category is consistent for all sources (email, bar, rich media) Content Title (Content Name)   Email Title (Content Name)   Email URL (Content URL)   Email Image URL (Content Image URL)   Email Button Label Read More Not Auto-populated. Default is "Read More." Rich Media Title (Content Name)   Rich Media URL (Content URL)   Rich Media Image URL (Content Image URL)   Rich Media Description (Content Description)   Bar Title (Content Name)   Bar URL (Content URL)       Image: Example of Populating Metadata for HTML content into Predictive Content
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